There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3325 I am too timid to go up

Chapter 3325 I am too timid to go up
They had a great time,.Zhan Xiaosong soon discovered a small glass plank road. When Zhan Xiaosong was about to go up, he was suddenly stopped by Li Xiaoxia. I just explained, after all, I brought the child out by myself, and I must be responsible for the safety of the child, but before Li Xiaoxia stopped, Zhan Xiaosong said, Aunt Li, don’t worry, this is very safe, you can see that there are reinforcements below As for the measures, since they have already repaired it, it has been proved that there is no problem with this thing, and it meets the acceptance criteria, so we can go up to play safely.

Li Xiaoxia was thinking in her heart, this child is really a big kid who knows everything.Seeing the child so happy, Li Xiaoxia didn't say anything else, so Li Xiaoxia said that you should go up by yourself and be careful. Zhan Xiaosong said to the younger brother next to him, little brother, do you want to come and play with me?This Li Xiaoxia is absolutely worried, because she dare not go up, and she doesn't want her son to take the risk, so she told Zhan Xiaosong that you go up by yourself, and the younger brother will not go up, and the aunt will take her to play below. All right.

Zhan Xiaosong sneered and said, Auntie, you are too timid. I can protect my brother. You have to believe me. We have learned how to take care of my little brother and some safety measures when I was in school. , you really don't worry about this.

But no matter what the child says, Zhan Xiaosong is a child after all, Li Xiaoxia is not at ease, Li Xiaoxia said euphemistically, auntie is too timid, or take her younger brother to accompany you up, go up by yourself, go up When walking, you must pay attention to your feet and don’t slip. There is a lot of dew next to the stream. If you slip and you fall, it will be bad, so you still have to pay attention.

Zhan Xiaosong went up by himself and had a great time, looking at the flowers and the grass for a while, it was really good, I think this is the life I want, I grew up in the city since I was a child, and I am used to seeing the city High-rise buildings, looking at these green mountains, green waters and glass Xiaoqiao are really very happy, and the mood is different immediately, as if changing a person is really reborn, I can't help but sigh, it's really good here, I It seems to live here.

Li Xiaoxia said that I have discussed this with your father. We will spend the night in the mountains tonight, and we have already arranged it. Your father has already arranged the best room for us.

Zhan Xiaosong said that since we live in the mountains, there will be a lot of mosquitoes and bugs in the mountains. Will we ask for it? This is really a very sensitive topic. Li Xiaoxia is allergic. Once a mosquito bites, the body will immediately It will swell up. I didn’t notice it before. It’s summer now. Since the child mentioned it, we must take anti-mosquito measures.

Li Xiaoxia said to him, don't worry about this, Dad's car has already brought a lot of mosquito coils and mosquito nets, we are safe to sleep in, and there is a little brother, each of us will be very good, tonight you Dad will fix this tent for us.Zhan Xiaosong said that if this is the case, that's great, we don't have to be bitten today.

It’s been a long time since the battle, and I haven’t seen them for several minutes. I don’t know what they are doing, and I am worried about their safety. After all, this is a farm in the mountains. There is still a chance to encounter this wild animal in the wild. First, if you encounter wild animals, it will be a very bad thing, so Zhan Gang asked his classmates where they went, are there any wild animals in your mountain?When the classmate heard Zhan Gang’s question, he hurriedly said this, don’t worry, now this wild animal is rarely seen. In the early years, it was true that some wild animals, such as wild rabbits, could be seen here, but now This kind of thing is basically um, no more.

If you really can meet a pheasant, you will be very lucky. Basically, there is nothing wrong now. How about it, are you worried about their safety?I'll take you to look for it, so the two of their classmates took Zhan Gang to find them. Zhan Gang was still a little uneasy, the signal in the mountain was not very good, and the mobile phone couldn't make calls, so Zhan Gang asked his classmates , where do you think they can go?
This classmate has been on the farm for more than ten years, and he is still very experienced. He thinks that they are likely to go to that stream, so the classmate said to Zhan Gang, I think they should go to that stream, There is a small stream near Li Na that absorbs water and you might meet fish in it. You are very lucky, but there are all kinds of frogs and tadpoles. We can play there for a while. This is also a good place to enjoy the cool and summer heat. ,ideas.

They walked in the direction pointed by their classmates, and soon saw three figures, one big and two young, playing by the stream. Aren't they their wives and children?But Chang Gang soon noticed that Zhan Xiaosong went to the glass plank road, which was still a bit dangerous. He just told his classmates whether the glass plank road was dangerous?Asking the students like this is really a little confusing. In the past few years, some people did fall, but it's better not to say this.

Zhan Gang's classmate answered this question cleverly, and Zhan Gang immediately understood. Although he didn't say it directly, Zhan Gang still knew that there was a certain danger in it, so Zhan Gang walked over and passed quickly. Sanqi 21 accused Li Xiaoxia, how could you let the child go up alone, you know, you know?This is very dangerous. If something goes wrong, how should I explain to my wife?

It can be said that Li Xiaoxia is also very wronged now. She scolded herself indiscriminately, and of course she will not feel better. There must be some grievances. In front of so many people, and Zhan Gang On the other hand, it is still necessary to give Zhan Gang a face. When a man is outside, a woman wants to give face. Li Xiaoxia understands this very well. When she is outside, it can be said that she is quite a face to Zhan Gang.

Li Xiaoxia lowered her head and did not speak. Zhan Gang knew from his behavior that he seemed to have some difficulties, so he said that he would not go any further and did not continue to ask. How can you go up by yourself if you are at the same height as your child?Do you know that the top is very dangerous, if there is any danger in the wild, it is not easy for us to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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