There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3326 Bitten by Insects

Chapter 3326 Bitten by Insects

Zhan Xiaosong explained, "I don't think it's dangerous. Don't they all have to pass the inspection and acceptance?"Besides, it's none of Aunt Li's business that I want to come up. You just said that he was wrong. At this moment, Zhan Gangang knew that he was not as good as a child. What father can do nothing when his child is in danger?This is also understandable. Zhan Gang’s classmates saw that they were embarrassed by each other, so they said something very cleverly. It just so happens that we have dinner in the mountains. Let’s go back to eat now. I just received a message saying that it’s ours. The meal is ready.

Now that the children are all down, there is no danger. Let's go back now. Zhan Gang also knew that he had lost his composure just now, so he took the initiative to hold Li Xiaoxia's hand. Let's go back and eat wild vegetables, which are your favorite food The four or five of them are the best.

All men need a step up. At this moment, Li Xiaoxia gave him a step down. They both have face in this way. Li Xiaoxia also took the initiative to take her hand, thinking of you in her heart, waiting to see what I do at night If you want you to be here with us now, you can just search and see if I show you face at night.

Now that Zhan Gang felt that his wife was not angry anymore, he relaxed his vigilance, took the children and went back, and the banquet will begin immediately.

But Zhan Xiaosong suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, there was an itchy place on his body, and he kept scratching his stomach.

Zhan saw the child playing on it just now, and he was very angry at first, but now when he was about to eat, he felt that he was not eating honestly, making small movements there, so he became even more angry, and said to Zhan Xiaosong, why don't you eat, just now You are so dangerous, what are you doing here now?Hurry up and eat well, educating the child on the table will definitely have a big blow to the child. Li Xiaoxia said that she does not blame the child for what happened just now. I am timid and dare not go up to accompany her. If I dare to go up to accompany her Wouldn't it be better?There is no danger, besides, the children are all down, what are you doing?Our family is happy when we go out to play, what happened to you today?Did you take some gunpowder?
Why are you on fire right now?What's the matter with you?Zhan Gang said you look at the child not eating well like that, can I not be angry?What kind of stomach picking are there, how impolite it is.

Li Xiaoxia lived in the mountains since she was a child, and she knew that if the child was uncomfortable, she must have been bitten by mosquitoes. Li Xiaoxia went over carefully and said, let auntie see your belly, okay?What's wrong with your stomach?Zhan Xiaosong said that my stomach felt so prickly. I was itching all the time, and I felt like there was something inside. Li Xiaoxia carefully opened it, and the child's clothes exposed the belly, and found a grass crawler crawling inside. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, so Li Xiaoxia said, look at the child covered by a bug, you said the child indiscriminately over there several times and you even said me, what the hell are you trying to do?Zhan Gang's classmates saw their family quarreling over these trivial matters, so they could only pretend to be weak and not see.

This Zhangang classmate took this opportunity to go out to the bathroom, let their family deal with these problems here, and wait for them to deal with themselves before returning. This timing is very good. Li Xiaoxia saw that there is still a belly There was a grass rake drilling in, and he knew what to do, so he asked Zhan Gang, do you know how to deal with this?Zhan Gang said that if we can’t do it, we should go to the hospital. I don’t know now. Li Xiaoxia said that it’s so far away from the outdoor forest hospital here, and it’s too late to go to the hospital.

What did Zhang Gang say?Now you don't know what to do?I don't know, should I just wait like this?Li Xiaoxia said that you can just look at me now, just light a cigarette and burn it out. Did Zhan Gang say you burn the child's belly with a cigarette butt?Wouldn't that burn you?Li Xiaoxia thinks that he is really a layman who doesn't understand anything. Li Xiaoxia said that you live in the city and you don't know what to do here. Now I just burn his bug with a cigarette butt, and the bug will come out as soon as it is heated Yes, it’s not very deep when I just climbed in, and it will be fine soon, so Zhan Gang took a deep breath, lit a cigarette, and handed it to Li Xiaoxia. When he handed it over, his hand was still shaking and he kept telling him, you Be careful, don't burn your child, Li Xiaoxia said, you are a big man, don't babble anymore, what are you babbling about, just look at me, if you don't understand anything, just wait.

Li Xiaoxia's operation stunned everyone present, and soon the insect came out again, but after the insect was beaten out, it bit and bit, and the belly was a little red and swollen. Li Xiaoxia said to take some medicine for mosquito bites Just ask for it, and it will be fine soon. The child's recovery ability is very fast, and the body's self-healing ability is also strong. The swelling will disappear within 24 hours.

So Zhan Gang went to the infirmary of his classmate and brought a medicine box. The farm has some commonly used medicines for the emergency infirmary, and they are all very well prepared. I took some painkillers and some mosquito bites in it. After putting it on, the child felt much more comfortable, and his expression became more natural. He picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. Zhan Gang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart and said that Dad was really sorry just now. Now you can have a good meal. Li Xiaoxia glanced at him and said nothing, you should quickly call your classmate over, he saw us arguing here just now, and he has already gone out.

Only then did Zhan realize that the classmates around him had already gone out and avoided Zhan perfectly. After going out, he opened the door and said that we should continue to drink at the bar and leave them alone. The child experienced a little accident, and he will be fine soon. , don't let them dampen our interest.

Zhan Gang’s classmates know Zhan Gang’s temper. He is just a little anxious and irritable sometimes. He is still very nice. Zhan Gang’s classmates said that we drink a piece of bulk liquor today. Yes, as soon as you smell this wine, you will know that it is very fragrant wine, so when you have two glasses of white wine, each of you has a glass of wine. When you first open the wine tank, the aroma of this wine hits your face and fills the whole room. , Na Zhan just said involuntarily, this is really good wine, I haven't had such a good wine for many years, even the sauce-flavored type I don't think it tastes as good.

(End of this chapter)

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