Chapter 3369
The safety manager knows this is a kindness of knowledge, not only did this matter very beautifully, but also general manager Liu promoted himself. It can be said that he handled this matter very clearly, because he There was no panic, which is why the company saved such a big loss.

At the same time, the safety manager also noticed that at this time, it is also when the company needs people to promote themselves. It may be because of other things. No matter what, if this opportunity is given to him, he must do a good job of him. It is also an explanation to Manager An Liu.

From the handling of this matter, the safety manager also judged that Manager Liu must have given this matter to the public relations and carried it all for him in the name of the company. To be honest, if this is really the case Come down, it's really a bit to blame.

Everything about this matter was mediated by Zhan Gang and Zhan Gang. After it was done, Liu Zhengdong called him and said, Gangzi, what have you been up to lately?Shall we go to the Green Island Cafe and talk about something?When Zhan Gang heard that he was going to the Green Island Café, he must have other things to do, there must be a story there, no matter what, Zhan Gang must go.

Zhan Gang said to him, I will go to our leader first, you can go to the Green Island Cafe and wait for me, it will probably be finished in an hour or two, after speaking, Liu Zhengdong will go to the Green Island Cafe first, and when he arrives From now on, the proprietress of the Green Island Café was still the one who came out to receive the reception. This time, the proprietress who came first was Liu Zhengdong.You can still think of me.

Why are you alone today?Do you have a lot of time?Liu Zhengdong saw that there is indeed enough time now, at least half an hour is left, so there is still some time to do, Liu Zhengdong said to him, you don't want to do this, okay?Let's talk after we go in if we have something to do, okay?I can give you half an hour at most, and my friend will be here in a while, and you know it too.

When he met the proprietress of the coffee shop, he immediately dragged Zhan Gang to the back, and after the five senses came to the door, Liu Zhengdong was a little confused at that time, thinking in his heart, this is too anxious, if he is too anxious, he will not miss it for a while Ah, Liu Zhengdong said, what are you in such a hurry for?
Thinking about it, he misunderstood a bit. The proprietress said that you gave me 10 yuan last time. I invested in a fund, and now it has doubled. I have already earned 20 yuan. Take it and get it back The principal, I still have 20 now, this is your principal, I will pay you back now and wait for all the dividends, I will give it to you later.

Speaking of which, the proprietress took out a bank card and handed it to Liu Zhengdong, saying that this is your principal.You also know the password, or did you just give him the bank card with that password? Liu Zhengdong, think about it, what is this for?At that time, I didn’t give you the money to make money, but to give you the money. You must have other ideas when you give it to me now. Liu Zhendong doesn’t accept the money. Liu Zhendong said, you earn now It’s not easy to make some money. After finally having your own original accumulated funds, you still keep him, even if I continue to invest, isn’t it good?

When the proprietress heard that Liu Zhengdong didn't want to take the money, she felt sour at the time, wondering if she had nothing to do with her. When she felt sour at that time, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, but men couldn't see women falling in front of them. Tears, especially for a tough and tender person like Liu Zhengdong, couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly pulled him over and said, what are you doing?I didn't say no at all, just yourself.

You make me feel so embarrassed, is it true that I am not short of money, so I can just leave it to you for business?Even if you don’t need to keep it now, you can use it sooner or later. You can expand your business scale. In fact, expanding your business scale is just a cover for him. The proprietress said that I am alone. I can see it Is that much?No matter the size of our country, one person is enough to feed me for a lifetime. I am very grateful to you. If you hadn’t invested the money in me at that time, I would not be able to do such a big business now.

When Liu Zhengdong heard these words of thanks, his heart was a little turbulent and he said, alas, I didn't think about anything else at the time, I just thought that you and I would give you some money, Liu Zhengdong was at his peak at that time At that time, when the money is the least bad, it is as difficult as 20 to [-] yuan, because it is really too easy to get money from the construction site, and you don’t know that there are too many ways in this business if you don’t touch the construction site. and said.

At that time, Liu Zhengdong saw how arrogant he was, so he didn't say anything.

The proprietress said, no matter what, you must accept the money and show it to me. You have another choice, that is, I will not give you the dividend. Isn’t there 20 left?I will continue to take this 10 yuan today as a dividend. You will continue to operate in the capital, and I will continue to do it, okay?Do you think this will work?Liu Zhendong saw that he had said so much now, his attitude was too strong, he was already very determined, and there was no room for him to hold back.

Liu Zhendong was embarrassed to accept the money directly. Liu Zhengdong said yes, then I will listen to you this time, but you can’t do this next time. After 10 minutes, two people came out from inside. The woman was very satisfied. The woman said, I just prepared some sauced beef for you. How about you come and try it?Would you like to have a taste? How could Liu Zhengdong refuse such a delicious meal?Just 6 minutes later, I was a little hungry. Liu Chenglong said yes, you can prepare me another bottle of the beer you brewed yourself. I drank it last time and it felt good. Soon the proprietress got up and made a wink and said, You wait for me there, okay, soon, I gave it to Feier, and this Feier made Liu Zhengdong very whim.

Liu Zhengdong waited there patiently. At this time, a phone call came from the family to comfort Yushi. An Guanyu called An Guanyu and said to him, where are you now?What happened to Liu Zhengdong?What's the matter?I'm in the Green Island Cafe now, waiting for Gangzi to come back, An Guanyu thought about it, and there was nothing to worry about when I met the coffee shop, then come back quickly after talking with Gangzi, the doctor said I can Out of the hospital, I want to be out today.

(End of this chapter)

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