There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3382 New Progress

Chapter 3382 New Progress
As soon as the boss and Zhan Xiaoxuan mentioned invoicing, they immediately understood that there are many tricks in the invoice, not only Zhang Yu on this face, but Fan Xiaoxuan took the initiative to say that Mr. Ah Jing is like this, you give me 2000 Yuanqian, how about I issue you an invoice for 4000 yuan?good or not?
We are all smart people today, and the boss thinks that the novel is a bit too direct. Although it seems to be like this on the surface, don’t you want to say so much?There is a saying that means to see through it but not to tell it through. This is the most reasonable explanation. Zhan Xiaoxuan immediately understood after being pointed out by the boss. Zhan Xiaoxuan said, well, let the boss handle this matter. , I just inserted a sentence casually in the middle, but I didn't expect that the impression of this sentence would be not very good.

The agent could see that Zhan Xiaoxuan was a little embarrassed, and it was until he said something wrong just now that Yushi's agent said to Zhan Xiaoxuan, don't you feel pressured?After all, you are still young, and you still have a lot of time to exercise. In the future, when you have an agent, don’t take the initiative to speak. Everything will be taken care of by the agent. If you have any satisfaction or needs When communicating, you must communicate with the agent in advance or afterwards. When you are in person, you must not directly have these interests with your clients. You should understand this.

I also understand these things very well, and I didn't realize Zhan Xiaoxuan's performance just now, but after being reminded by the agent, I really realized the seriousness of this matter, so the boss took the initiative to take the blame Yes, the boss said, did I not understand what I said just now?This classmate of mine also had good intentions. Of course, the agent didn’t care. What the two students said, they are just a student. When the students first entered the society, they were like a blank sheet of paper. What you write on the Internet is what you say , The first impression given to him on the Internet is the first impression.

Silently took out a cigarette from his pocket, and told the boss that it’s okay, you take your friends, you can do this by yourself, and I will tell you when the communication is done. I'll be fine, I'll be here waiting for you anytime, I've been here for half a month, it doesn't matter if I stay a few more days.

After the three of them broke up, the boss secretly said to Zhan Xiaoxuan, there were several words you shouldn't say just now, these are not what you should say, this is what I should communicate with them, from this construction , I guess you can also see that if I am in the company in the future, I will be your agent, and I will be responsible for everything. You only need to do your own job well, and other communication matters I did it.

It’s okay to say these words, as long as Zhan Xiaoxuan said these words, he would know that since he didn’t let himself interfere, he must have secrets that no one knew about. Man, nothing can stop him, he was thinking at the time, would it be better if I didn’t take this road, but this road can bring me a lot of money, in the face of money and worry , I am still a little hesitant. If I say that I enter the system, I don’t need to be so intriguing and live so tiringly. Everything can just go with the flow. After all, my father is also a person who works in the system.

There is a saying, after entering the entertainment circle, there must be a lot of money, not just a little bit.

The intrigue and exhaustion in it, whether I can bear it is also a question. Zhan Xiaoxuan's brows have been locked now, and the boss can see that Zhan Xiaoxuan is not in a good mood, and he is afraid that he will Affecting tomorrow's competition, no matter whether it is the agency or the leader of the main party organizer, all the conditions for themselves are based on the results of Zhan Xiaoxuan tomorrow. If Zhan Xiaoxuan's results are good, Then anything is easy to discuss and any conditions can be negotiated, but if Zhan Xiaoxuan really fails to perform properly tomorrow, then it can be said that the bamboo basket is empty.

The agent was still thinking about what to do about this matter. He really wanted to meet the leader of the organizer. How should he say this matter? At this moment, a manager of the company called him. The manager was Manager Sun, Manager Sun told him, how are you doing now?Are you done?Have you completed the mission I entrusted to you?Originally, the company entrusted him with the task of discovering three possible development goals, but now there is only one goal of Zhan Xiaoxuan, so it is hard to say.

The task assigned to me by my company has not been completed. This depends on the company's attitude towards me. It is very likely that I will not be able to get the bonus for this award month. So the agent thought of a way to tell his manager, Manager Sun I have such a thing. I found a very good talent. This talent can bring benefits to our company for at least 15 years. This talent has a very good foundation and a very good foundation. I have been following these days They talk about the contract.

Hearing that it was he who discovered the new continent, this is also possible, and he can do business with the higher-ups, so Manager Sun said to the agent, what conditions did you offer them?How good are they? This manager thought about it before he said it. The manager told his leader that this manager was very talented and had a very wide vocal range. He could go up to a high octave and down to a low octave. It is the kind that is easy to control. Manager Sun is really refreshed when he hears this sentence. Such a talent does not come out once in many years. I am lucky enough to meet him this year. I really met him.

You said to him, are you sure this person is such an outstanding person?What Manager Sun Sun said was a little choked up, and I still feel that this matter is still a bit unbelievable and unreliable. How can such a good talent be easily met by myself?So the agent explained it again, saying that I am sure that among those talents that I have discovered based on my usual contribution to the company's development and contribution to the company, which one is not a very good Manager Sun? In the past, the talents that this agent discovered for the company could not be said to be very good, but they could be said to be very good.

Every talent in the company has created tens of millions of value for the company. What price was given?

(End of this chapter)

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