There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3501 Actually dreamed of him

Chapter 3501 Actually dreamed of him
In fact, Uncle Zhang's nephew didn't want to do this anymore. Before that, when he didn't have any competitors, his family's business was still very good.

What I never expected was this. A profitable business was quickly targeted by others. In fact, this is a very common situation here. No one’s voice can dominate a family. As long as your business is hot enough Explosive enough, it will definitely be targeted by others.

Within two months, there will definitely be a second house around your house. In fact, I was very puzzled before, why this happened, but later I slowly discovered that there is still a reason for this, because in this situation The following explains that this market has great potential. Once it is developed, it cannot be consumed by one person at all. It will definitely require a market economy to compete. Everyone thinks that their own business is the most profitable.

Uncle Zhang's nephew, he doesn't want to use some conspiracies or tricks, but he also knows that if this continues, his business will definitely be squeezed out. Before at least half of the business, his monthly turnover was It was around 10,000+. In fact, this sincerity is quite good for him, but later he slowly discovered that once he has a second and a third, his business will soon plummet. Fortunately, he kept an eye on it. In the past few months when the business was good, he had already reported his own turnover, which can be said to be a little underreported budget, and waited to make up for it in the next few months. This decline in turnover, a precipitous decline, was avoided, but he also knew very well what property management was like, even after get off work, he thought he was too slow.

It can be said that he has thoroughly studied human nature. For example, in the first two months of this month, you sold 2 yuan a month, and in the third month you suddenly sold [-] yuan. There is something wrong here, only what The boss doesn't care about the matter, if you didn't make me any money, it must be your problem, so he has a mind, these turnovers are very even.

In fact, after Zhan Gang handed over the management power to him, he didn't care about anything, and he didn't want to care so much. After all, he didn't have so much energy. He still had to go to work and take care of his family. The energy to manage this birthday, so under Li Xiaoyang's creation, he found such a job for his nephew. At the beginning, they took a lot of money, probably more than 100 million, but it is not inferior to this person for half a year. They were very upright, and they earned it back. At the beginning, Zhan Gang didn't believe it, and asked Li Xiaoxia if it was possible?How did this pay back so quickly?We have paid back our capital in the past six months. This business is really good. Did you use some other method for this? This guy is really good. Don’t talk about his ability. I still underestimated him at that time. , I'm depressed, even if our more than 100 million yuan is paid out, why don't we have to pay me for two years, I didn't expect people to transfer it back to me in half a year, which is a bit disappointing and embarrassing.

Li Xiaoxia patted what Zhan Gang said to Zhan Gang, as for you, you can get cheap and sell it, no matter if you take the money and they earn money for you, you still think that they earn too fast, you are a person Is there something wrong?The whole thing said with a laugh, oops, at that time you said that I thought this guy could do it, Li Xiaoxia hurriedly said beside me, you can pull it off, I was the one who said it at the time, and you always said no, it’s not that, I will strongly recommend him in the future. Did you give him this chance?Besides, we are only responsible for getting the money, and we don’t worry about anything including the location selection. After taking the dry stock, we just wait to count the money every month. Where can you find such a deal?In fact, Zhang Tao also understands in his heart that it is the most correct to get the money back no matter what, so the love Zhan Gang said to Li Xiaoxia now, I don’t care how much he troubles him in the future, I will tell you directly It's okay.

In fact, I also thought about it carefully. We don't care about anything. After we agreed at the time, we will hand over all the management rights to this young man. Since he can tell me, it means that he still takes me seriously, so he said that I Just don't worry about it anymore, right?pretty good.

As for how he wants to mess around, that's his business, how much money he can make, and I will be a Buddhist in the future, no matter, we are already back now, right?So, we only have shares now, so we don't care about that much, how much he thinks about counting money.

Li Xiaoxia went on to say, you are right to think so, I have persuaded you to think so, but you don't listen to me, I told you to include him to find some undercover matter, we shouldn't care about it, we Just be responsible for counting the money. You don’t have enough money. Let’s continue to invest and earn back. Let’s count the money. Where can you find such a good guy?So, when we should delegate power, we should delegate power. Don't worry about the so-called benevolence and morality. Those things don't exist for our kind of capital. , there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just a small means of business, you said it’s better to do it well than to do it wrong, right?You said that if he pays you an amount in half a year, what do you say?If you continue to invest money, you still have to invest money. My mother has face on the one hand, but is it difficult for us two? He solved this big problem, which is very good, hey, yes, Did your child call you recently, Zhan Xiaoxuan, I seem to have dreamed about him recently, did he seem to have encountered some difficulties at school, I said how can we still have a good understanding, he oops, The two of us are not biological, so we met together, and if you say that this thing is a dream, you can make a phone call later, Zhang Gang was a little puzzled when he heard this, this is true, my dear Dad didn't even feel it, how did you feel it?It's also you. In the blink of an eye, the children have started school for a month, and they haven't contacted each other. I guess there is something wrong. I will ask him what happened in a while. If there is something wrong, let you guess. The relationship is very close, and he doesn't take my real father seriously.

What Li Xiaoxia said in a hurry is actually not like this. My child, Dad may be closer to them at ordinary times. I understand his situation better, and he also trusts me, although he said what he said. He repulses me, but I think he still treats me very well in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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