Chapter 3502
I just heard Li Xiaoxia say to herself that after this incident, she really missed her girl a little bit. After careful calculation, it turned out that she hadn't called a girl of hers for many days. The two of them might have a relationship. I haven't called for more than 20 days, Zhan Gang is still thinking in his heart, he usually sends me a message every week, how can he send a text message, what happened today?Otherwise, I'd better call and ask.

Zhan announced that he called Zhan Xiaoxuan. Zhan Xiaoxuan was reading a book in the dormitory at this time. He was very excited when he saw his father calling, because it was really hard for so many days. After all, eating They also go to the street without stopping or answering, so Zhan Xiaoxuan thought about whether to reveal anything when answering the phone, just like usual, but sometimes he couldn't help but have a little bit of voice. choked up.

As a man, he knew that his daughter must have been wronged in front of him. When he heard her daughter's choking voice, his heart softened a little. It turned out that there might be a true heart-to-heart. Zhan just asked the child what is going on with you up?Have you encountered any difficulties outside?Are you out of money or how to fight?Just now, my first thought was that the child must have something to hide from me now, or he has no money, or he will encounter some difficulties. It should be that the money is not enough, but it is not possible. If you have enough money for your children, how can you not have enough money?Zhan Gang didn't speak, Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't say what was going on after hearing it, Zhan Gang finally couldn't help it, and just asked the girl, what's wrong with you?If you have anything to do, just tell Dad, you must be wrong.

Just now I was still thinking about the book, and I was thinking about not telling my family if I had something to say. Isn’t it always good news and not bad news when I go out? Zhan Xiaoxuan is also like this. Zhan Xiaoxuan finally didn’t Hold back and say oh, I don’t have a lot of money recently, Zhan Gang immediately felt relieved when he heard it, you can tell me that the money is not enough, the worst thing for dad is money, tell me, your dad will give you another 2 yuan in a while When Zhan Xiaoxuan heard that 2 yuan was enough for one year’s living expenses, he hurriedly said that he didn’t need that much, but he didn’t need it. I’m just recently, and it’s not convenient to tell you about some difficulties outside. , In fact, Zhan Gang also knows that the child is so old, and there are some things outside that he does not want to say and cannot be forced. After all, this is all voluntary by the child, it must be.

What kind of trouble did you encounter, and whoever was in trouble with your classmates, he helped to spend the money for Zhan. I just knew that my child was never the kind of troublemaker, and he was very helpful. I knew from the beginning that he was the little chivalrous girl in their class, and she would be the first to rush forward when there was anything wrong, and at the same time when the classmates had something to do, it was all because of him, and this time it is probably the same, Zhan Gang So he said, do you like to fight against injustices at school again? I know that you are fine with your appearance, you don't need to worry about it, I will send you money in a while and you can check and collect the bill. Zhan Xiaoxuan no longer hesitated, Now, after all, I can spend some money if my father can give me. The boss just borrowed 5000 yuan for himself, but he is still not willing to spend it. It is better to spend the money of his own family than anyone else's money, let alone his own father's money.

This is justified, isn't there a saying that says so?Children will be in debt all their lives, and you have to give them money endlessly. In fact, Zhan Xiaoxuan doesn't want to ask for money, but now he doesn't have the ability to earn money. After he has the ability to earn money, he will definitely Will be filial to his father, Zhan Xiaoxuan said, then father, I will not be polite to you this time, you can just call me the money, we just said a word, why are you being polite to me? ?

Zhan Gang also suddenly realized when the child was so polite to him, usually he was joking with himself, talking and laughing, fighting and making trouble, but this time the child was so polite to him, there must be other things Son, so Zhan Gang was a little worried, worried and continued to ask, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly, don’t make me worry, besides, you are outside, if you are not very good at ordinary times It's too expensive, I guess you must have something to do with this matter, Zhan Xiaoxuan, in fact, I don't really want to tell my father in such detail, after all, it's my own business, so Zhang Xiaochuan said It's okay, dad, don't ask any more questions, don't talk about this anymore.

Since the child said that all the time, he stopped asking questions just now, because after all, the child’s privacy must be respected. When the child wants to talk, you can tell him, and he will naturally tell you, and when he doesn’t want to talk, you can talk to him again. If you ask, you can only participate in the child's resistance, so Zhan Gang didn't ask any more questions. Shanggang quickly transferred the money to him with his mobile phone. I call, if you are short of money or something, just tell me. Our family doesn’t have to worry about money, and we don’t care much about money. As long as you are okay, just tell Dad what you use Yes, I just transferred 2 yuan to you with my mobile phone.

When the newborn girl asked for money, she really did not hesitate to fight with both hands. Of course it was like this just now, but Zhan Xiaoxuan is not the kind of person who spends money recklessly. Zhan Xiaoxuan is still anxious to pay back the money. To the boss, so I said to my father, Dad, I will call you if I have something to do. I have nothing serious recently, and you don’t have to worry about me. If there is anything, I will call you as soon as possible about asking for money I really rushed here this time, so I didn't tell you that I can still hold on. When I really can't hold on, I will tell you naturally. Zhan Gang hung up the phone in his heart , It’s a bit uncomfortable, I feel that the child really grew up a little in an instant, before, it was like that kind of laughing and joking, troublesome and unreasonable for everything, I can’t find it anymore when I’m acting like a baby, now the child has something to do I have already kept it from myself, not that the distance between the two of them is far away, but that the child has truly realized the difficulty of the parents, knowing their distressed money, and now it is for others.

It's really hard to make money, but Zhan Gang's family is not short of money. His family has inherited a lot of property from other people's family, and he still has a salary. Aunt Li is now earning a lot every month. Yes, so his family has never worried about money, nor will they worry about money.

(End of this chapter)

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