There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3504 Men have a lot of helplessness

Chapter 3504 Men have a lot of helplessness

Liu Zhengdong came back earlier that night, because he quit his job and didn’t need to socialize outside every day, so he found something to do outside every day, and then he went home quickly, Wang Guanyu Now to be honest, he is a bit used to it. Liu Zhengdong’s style of doing things before was like drinking outside every day. Now let’s go home early. He also thinks it’s true for men to go home early. It's pretty good.

When Han Guanyu saw her husband came back, she went up and gave Liu Zhendong a hug. Liu Zhendong took him into his arms and said to him, daughter-in-law, I am at home every day, are you watching me not making money? Are you upset?

Men all have this kind of thinking. They want to make money under any circumstances. When they can’t make money, they will doubt their ability. In fact, it’s not always like this. Of course, An Guanyu is not such a person. , I was with him at the beginning because he had a little money, but later I found out that Liu Chengdong has a very strong personality. The most mature man is when he is in his 40s. At this time, he is the most attractive when.

An Guanyu hurriedly explained, what are you talking about, Dongzi, I was with you at the time, in fact, part of it was due to other reasons, mainly because when we were together, you saw that you took so much care of me every time. How can figure your money?You don’t make money every day now, I can support you when you are at home, even I have a lot of money now, Liu Zhengdong went on to say that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how I put it there, I just don’t make money, and I’ll spend the rest of my life, so let’s not talk about it. Now that I don’t go to work, I always feel a little empty.

An Guanyu knows that once a man has no income, his mood is very complicated and he is very anxious. It is the same as when he had a child and did not make money. A woman feels insecure when she has a child. , so he can understand Liu Zhendong's current mood very well. Sometimes it is not so easy for men to find a job outside, even if it is to make money, it is not so easy to make money. It is just that it is relatively easier for him to make money than others. The outside world is also very angry. The previous leader still had a lot of work matters, which caused him a lot of headaches, so after he left this job, his mentality improved a lot.

An Guanyu told him that you don’t have to think so much every day. If your friends ask you to drink outside every day, you can just go out and drink with them. I don’t want you to live in a prison cage. When you drink outside every day Basically, I don’t drink too much. Every time I come back, I know about telecommunications. I am very good, and I am very content. As a woman, what more can I ask for?In fact, Liu Zhengdong only came to An Guanyu. The reason why he understood himself so much was because he loved himself. Liu Zhengdong, I think he really found the right person in this life, and it was not in vain after waiting for more than ten years.

Liu Zhengdong said to me, I have been waiting for you for so many years, to be honest, when I see you with other men, my heart is also very tangled, and I am also very troubled, but now I have endured it for so many years , I finally got this love, which means that the two of us are very matched and destined. I am now, starting tomorrow, I will look for a suitable job. I can do it. If others can’t do it, I won’t serve. I am not as hardworking as I was when I was young. In fact, when men make money, it takes decades, even more than ten years. You can earn back your lifetime's money. Once you earn it back, this money is really enough to spend your entire life.

As for men, if you don’t believe in fate when you are 23 or 40 years old, then you are still understandable, but if you still don’t believe in fate when you are 30 years old, then your understanding is too poor, like me Such people believe in fate when they are in their [-]s. In fact, this is not a good thing. It's really not that easy for my children to make money, and seeing so many people losing money after doing small business makes me even more certified. People really depend on luck. If people are lucky, they can make money no matter what. Once people leave Bad luck is not earned.

But there are many examples around me, that is, you can get rich by working hard. There are many people who just make a little money and dream about what kind of car to buy and what kind of partner to find. In fact, this really has nothing to do with you. , you can get rich through hard work, so what is the richest man in the world?Did he earn it by hard work?He is definitely not him. He makes money by relying on his wisdom and brainpower. His advanced thinking, because his ideas can lead many people to pay, so it is said that he can reach such a point.

When your cognition exceeds and there are many other people, you can make money at that time, and you can make a lot of money by using this information difference. At that time, you will find that money is really easy to earn. It’s like withdrawing money from a cash machine. I found out that the password for withdrawing money is the same, but if your thinking is always behind them, you will not be able to make money at all. There are many things you can understand at a glance, but there are You can’t understand many things no matter how you look at it, because you are not an insider. If you want to enter the game, you have to invest a lot of money to understand this thing. Can you get this money?Many people, you can't get this money?
People like Liu Zhengdong, he is also very shrewd, he uses his own connections, utilizes his own wisdom, and his own talents. When he is in the construction industry and shows his skills well, he earns thousands of dollars a year in those few years. Now that the state is controlling it, real estate is not so popular, and he knows that the sunset industry is ushered in, so he sold all the shares in this industry at the first time, which also shows his vision to be far above others.

An Guanyu is also the kind of woman who is very forward-thinking. She knew it when she started this beauty salon. Many of these people have this kind of mentality, that is, people spend money as long as they want to be happy, and some people spend money really It doesn’t matter how good your quality is or how cost-effective it is, just to be happy, if you treat it as your ancestor every day, and make him happy like that, he is willing to spend this money.

(End of this chapter)

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