There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3505 Can it make a comeback

Chapter 3505 Can it make a comeback
In fact, in a person's life, it is when making money, including all aspects, when you want to do things, it is really difficult. When you do not have a certain amount of wealth accumulation, it is difficult for you to earn this money. I think this society is the most difficult. The money is still earned. Many people think that making money is easy. Let’s take the night market as an example. When I first visited the night market, I felt that the traffic in this night market is so large. You can’t make money even if you sell something. ?But the reasoning is the same, but don’t forget that people are willing to spend money even if they are rich, but they are not stupid. They also know how to spend money and what not to spend.
For example, when An Guanyu and his partner founded this beauty salon, the two of them didn't care about money at all, and the relationship was very good, but after doing business, they found that it was not like this. When his best friend bought his shares and Awei, he also hesitated when he wanted all his shares. He also doubted how greedy this human nature is and what it is like, but what is so good about it? The last barrier to this friendship is to believe this. Hey, people are like this sometimes. If you believe in your sister, your sister can believe that the two of you can go for a long time. In reality, many people are because of In this partnership business, the last round of each other's brothers and sisters walking like wearing a pair of trousers, it can be said that there is no money and people, and they are all broken up.

Of course, such a business is meaningless.

Of course, Zhang Wanyu must have considered this in advance. He is very smart. He has actually anticipated a lot of these endings. How should this business be done?Whoever contributes the money will contribute, including how to plan. Later, when he also thought about this step, he said that he couldn't let go of his own shares at the beginning, after all, he was himself.

Creating it with one hand does not prove how valuable he is, but he cultivates it with his own hands, and he has to take it back with his own hands, so he is reluctant to part with it, just like you have a lot of flowers Grass, including small animals, when one day you find that they are far away from you, you will still feel sad. After all, you have injected feelings during this period, not to say that everyone’s feelings can be wasted. Yes, people have love and hatred, including emotions and desires. Love needs to be vented, and this hatred also needs to be vented. Really, alas, do I just want to love someone?As for hatred, of course I also need to vent it, so he has a good grasp of his own love and hatred, this is life.

The seven emotions and six desires are well mastered. At that time, he felt that Zhan Gang was a bit too indulgent. He couldn't control himself to drink with others every day. Every day he was drunk and unconscious. You said that such a person Isn't it useless?Isn't it like slowly becoming an alcoholic?The two of them sat down together and discussed this life, including how to plan for their own later life, but every time Zhang Gang promised to do it well, and they couldn't do it in the end. , You are you, you should never believe what an alcoholic says. Since then, it has just started to avoid alcohol. He would drink a little less from his wine glass if he needed to do business, and he would use alcohol to communicate with his friends when he was happy, and he would not drink at all.

An Guanyu later realized that his actions were a little too extreme. As a man's wife, he had to check for him and remind him when he couldn't do it himself. Like an enemy, it is really impossible to get together, and it is impossible to go to the end. An Guanyu chose to fight for divorce. Just learned from the painful experience, and decided not to drink anymore, so he met the second true love in his life. Li Xiaoxia, that's why Li Xiaoxia is very kind to him, because the man he saw was a very perfect man, a man who didn't drink much, a man who restrained all his temper before, such a man is Very attractive, coupled with his status, and everything else, how can such a woman not love?It can be said that it is love regardless of age.

How many confidants can there be in the market in life? In fact, Liu Zhengdong also knows about Zhan Gang’s problem, so he tried to control as much as possible when he was with An Guanyu, and tried to avoid not drinking, so he got his reassurance. , but once a man gets a woman, he cherishes it a little bit, and sometimes he doesn't cherish it, but you say that Liu Zhengdong is outside every day, why do you say he doesn't drink?
Liu Zhengdong, since I was with An Guanyu, I, An Guanyu, have also realized that men are basically men who drink outside. They need to drink when they are doing business outside, and they need to drink to communicate with each other. Is it a bridge of emotional communication between them?You said that you asked some of his men not to drink outside, what could he do, so later Guan Yu figured out the truth, if this man is real.

If you really love yourself, you can quit drinking. For example, Zhan Gang quit drinking, but it was too late, and now he is with Liu Zhendong, the two of them Liu Zhendong doesn’t drink much, Liu Zhendong also realized that women are I don't like drunkards very much, but he needs to communicate with others outside and do business. He really needs alcohol too much.

Today, Liu Zhengdong came back very sober and did not drink alcohol. An Guanyu was also very surprised. He felt that he came back today without drinking. There must be something wrong today. An Guanyu asked him, are you outside? Is it a little disturbing?I know that you have a lot of resignations now, and you are not reconciled. You have a lot of plans. At that time, your company’s plans and blueprints were conceived. , He said that you are a very ambitious man, and now following me to become like this, I feel a little sorry for you.

What Liu Zhengdong said, in fact, this matter has nothing to do with you. Now that real estate is a sunset industry, he will not be able to get up no matter what he does, so I gave up decisively. When our children are a little older, we will take care of them. Take the child out for a while to investigate, and we can stay abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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