There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3513 sisters love

Chapter 3513 sisters love
Li Xiaoxia is now going to meet her friends in the newest state, because none of her friends have met yet?It was the same old place, when Li Xiaoxia went in, she saw Daan alone in the pet shop, so Li Xiaoxia pretended to be a customer and greeted him. Seeing that Li Xiaoxia's old friends met, they were naturally very happy. Diane said directly, oh, you scared me to death, why did I think it was a customer?Why do you have time to come today?We haven't seen each other for a long time.

Diane looked a little angry, but he was acting like a baby. He told him why you haven't come to see me for a long time, don't you know that I miss you?Sometimes, now that you say you have a baby, I don’t dare to bother you too much. How are you doing now?The two little sisters chatted very enthusiastically and brought me to see Li Xiaoxia, who was also very kind. After all, the two of them have worked here for four or five years. Didn't Li Xiaoxia say that I have something to do today?Gangzi led my child to see you today, to see that your old Han has not seen each other for a long time, I miss you a little bit, by the way, where is Lao Han?Let's have a meal together at noon, I will invite you when the time comes, and Li Xiaoxia took out some small things as gifts for everyone.

All of a sudden, everyone was a little bit surprised, a little surprise, Li Xiaoxia said, these are some small cosmetics I brought back from South Korea with a friend, I will bring you a few bottles, you can try it out, I will Here you go again, now my conditions are good, when the two of us rented a house together in the past, I used your cosmetics a lot, now I have brought you some conditions, I will get you some more , These words are still very warm, suddenly remembering the days when they rented together together, the two of them really helped each other.

In an instant, the two of them returned to the days when they lived together a few years ago. In fact, they were quite happy. Both of them were poor. If they had no money, they would help each other. If you have something, I will use it. If you have something, please share it. In fact, if you can be together when you are poor, you are really a very happy person. This is how two people can be together when they are poor, but they cannot be together when they are rich. , It's very difficult to get along, the two of them can get to the present has a lot to do with their two personalities, Li Xiaoxia has not forgotten those things in the past.

Dian who received the gift was also very happy. As Dian said, Lao Han still went out to run business like that. Aren't the two of us planning to have children?What if he doesn't go out to make money now?The two little sisters talked a lot about the present and the past together, and they were very happy. Thinking about Li Xiaoxia, they felt that they were still such old friends, and they were really the most memorable.

Li Xiaoxia picked it up so early, how do you see the business in your store now?I don't see anyone coming over these days, is it still the same as before?Now it came to Di'an's heart, Di'an said, in fact, the current business is really too difficult to do, although there are many markets in this industry, but these customers are really very picky, I am a little satisfied, and if I am not satisfied, I will not come next time. They are also very cautious in consumption. The sales routines like those in the past are not easy to use. They are all businesses that do not make money, like pet foster care. , and some other most basic consumption, you also know that although you can maintain your current life, you want to make money.

It is still very difficult to make money with these basic services. Making big money is still those with high consumption and high profits. This gave Li Xiaoxia some ideas. They are in the current situation, so they really want to help. This is the relationship between people. Seeing you in trouble, I will extend my hand to help you. This is friendship, and it should be there. Li Xiaoxia thought about it for a long time. In fact, he wanted to make a decision a long time ago. When he saw him today, he made up his mind and said to him, I will invest 10 yuan in you. This is a profit. If you don't get the money, it's mine, isn't that okay?In fact, the words are so clear, and everyone knows that this is Li Xiaoxia, and she wants to come and help herself. This shop can make more money by changing it.

Everyone also understood very well in their hearts. Da'an said, "Aren't you just giving me 10 yuan?"Li Xiaoxia said in an instant that Li Xiaoxia explained, in fact, the 10 yuan is of course not for you, I invested in this store, and you are not fully able to control the money, for example, you want the store to be renovated or upgraded. Some goods, all of these are fine, but I don’t want you to spend them. Everyone understood immediately, and everyone expressed their understanding. This is helping his business, not his life. Then Li Xiaoxia I took out the 2 yuan and handed it to him, saying that it is 2 yuan. You don’t care what you do this month, even if I support you, you can improve it. When you want to buy something, you can buy it. , you don't have time to go shopping, and I have a very tight schedule, and I take my children with me every day. In fact, both of them understand what the money is about, and Li Xiaoxia needed it the most when it was the most difficult time.

I took me to reach out to help him. That time when he encountered trouble outside, he was short of 2000 yuan in his pocket. Now?Isn't this rich?I will pay you back ten times. Favor means that when you helped me, I was unable to pay it back. I will remember that now I will pay you back what I am capable of. This is what I should do. It is the most basic etiquette of being a human being.

At the beginning, Diane definitely didn’t want it anymore, and she couldn’t ask me. What about the money, you said you gave me 10 yuan to invest in the upgrade of the store, I have a reason for that, can you help me, but you If you want to give me money directly, I can't ask for it, but I also politely refused. Li Xiaoxia said something that made him most vivid in his memory, and it also touched his heart. Li Xiaoxia said, this money you I have to take it. You helped me when I was in trouble. I have no ability to return it to you. Now that I have the ability, I will return it to you ten times. ?Ok?

Of course I thought about it and accepted it.

(End of this chapter)

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