There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3517 It turns out like this

Chapter 3517 It turns out like this

I once heard such a sentence, this sentence should be a real person, a real thing, a real thing that really existed, the reason why I said it is because I think what he said is very meaningful It makes sense, otherwise I wouldn’t say it specifically. What this sentence says is that you have a very simple thing. You seem to be very simple. You do it every day by your side, but although it is simple , If you can really do well, it is very difficult. This sentence is like this. Eating is very simple. Everyone needs to eat every day. Eating on time will increase the difficulty. Some people will inevitably Because of various things, I can't eat on time. For example, a taxi driver basically doesn't eat on time, or when he works overtime, he usually can't eat on time.

If I add another condition, it is three meals a day, which is also very difficult, three meals a day is very simple, I eat three meals a day, isn't it breakfast, lunch and lunch?I am very simple, and besides eating three meals a day on time, you can say that this matter has become more difficult. You eat three meals a day for a year or eat on time every year, can you do it?I can say that everyone here is basically unable to do it. It seems that eating is very simple. It is something that everyone has to go through. Everyone does it every day, and many people do it too. The food is very good, but can everyone guarantee to eat three meals a day for a year?is not it?This is impossible, this is the same as doing business, you can guarantee your quality and quality, and there are craftsmen who make gestures.

These construction technology standards are all the same standard, can you guarantee it?Including Uncle Zhang's nephew, he can understand this sentence very well in his heart, because he can't do it through his own experience. When he was studying these things abroad, he worshiped a teacher when he was doing charity. Do the daily handovers on time, so he has learned such a good hand in public welfare, so when this person came today, he knew that he was not simple. He can say that he has thoroughly studied this gesture and this piece of gold and silver jewelry. All kinds of carvings or shapes, including construction techniques, are all studied and can no longer be studied. They have been studied to the bone, and the basics are the same. Can he not know what he does?When he was studying, he was at the top in this industry, and now he meets such a person, it can be said that he is the top of the top, and he not only learned these simple public welfare, but also learned from it.

Some attitudes and standards for being a person and doing things, who can guarantee that you eat three meals a day in a decent manner, very standard, right?No one can guarantee, even including five-star hotels, can he guarantee that he will not sell leftovers?This is unavoidable for everyone.

This is a strong rule of doing business, and no one can guarantee it.

So Uncle Zhang's nephew has really been favored this year. Recently, when he was doing this supervision quality, he did have some small flaws, but he hasn't been able to reach it yet, which makes him so unbearable.

And the most brilliant thing about this person is to point to the end, never say a word, and never say a word of nonsense, every time he just says what you say in your heart and everyone understands it, that's enough, Uncle Zhang's nephew , In fact, to be honest, I am also very grateful. Such a person exists when I want to relax a little bit, and spurs myself all the time, which is very important.

And he also knows this person, he seems to be unmoved or indifferent, but in his bones he really has his own very unique side and set of things about these things, so this is sometimes when there is a chance At that time, he must visit this person, and have the two of them already left their contact information?

He just refined these construction process standards and material techniques in a simple way, and he never mentioned these specific ratios or specific temperatures. This is the principle of being a human being, and sometimes being a man The principle is very important, if you take out all your old friends in front of you, then such a person is definitely not worth handing over, and what is the most important thing?At critical times, people leave you with a step down. After all, they consume it. As a consumer, he has the right to make some demands or something. This is very rare, and his mastery of this trial is also Very in place.

As a consumer, he obviously knows what he should do and what he should not do. He also has his own brush. He is at least studying it. This gesture has been more than 30 years at least. In fact, this person looks really ugly.

Uncle Zhang's nephew is still in the office alone, what is he studying?From his attitude just now, the assistant can see that he is not in a very high mood, nor is he in a very good mood, so as for what to do for lunch, he does not give any advice at all now, as long as the general manager If you don't ask me to go in, I will definitely not go in. This is the brilliance of this assistant. Observing words and emotions is the most basic characteristic that a person should possess, and what this assistant is best at is observing words and emotions. This is all from Uncle Zhang He learned from his nephew, first of all he is a person who can read words and deeds very well.

So all the people around him are like this, including his assistant, who seems to give you a casual position, a casual task, which contains a lot of knowledge.

Some people like this very much, and some people don’t like this type, because first of all, you pretend to be thirteen, and it’s not good to tell him that it’s very good, right? Some people are I am willing to accept it with an open mind. Some people are unwilling to learn from you when you say these things, and this person, from the beginning of the conversation with Uncle Zhang’s nephew, told him from a restaurant’s tasting , he felt that Uncle Zhang’s nephew could accept what he said, so he continued. Uncle Zhang’s nephew is really a very good guy. While facing the opinions given by others, he can Accept it humbly, this is the point where it is difficult for a person to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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