There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3519 Must eat well

Chapter 3519 Must eat well

After Zhan Gang heard it, after Li Xiaoxia said this, Zhan Gang also expressed very much that Sister Li Zhan Gang told him that this is the money from our two families and you earned it yourself. You can spend it as you want. In fact, you don’t need to tell I can do it too, you never spend money indiscriminately, I think it is necessary for you to invest in them, after all, they were there at the time.

After Li Xiaoxia listened to it, she went back to what Zhan just said. Actually, what are you talking about?Isn't that what I should do to make money there?I have also worked hard, what Li Xiaoxia said is fine, I won’t tell you anymore, I still have to continue eating with him, Zhan Gang then you said to him, when the two of you finished eating, are you two okay? It’s easy to go shopping together, do some shopping, take care of each other and communicate with each other, don’t be in a hurry to come back, you can rest assured about the family affairs, my child and I are very good, I just finished some for him Complementary food, he is also very happy to eat.

After saying that just now, Li Xiaoxia instantly felt relieved. He felt that this man, Zhan Gang, was actually very reliable. Whether it was his career at home or his husband, he had done a very good job. He has already done a good job, and for a person with status like him, there are some housework that some people are not willing to do at all. As long as Zhan Gang can do it, he is also very excited.

After he came back, Tai'an had already finished calling Lao Han. Lao Han also asked just now. When he asked, he and Li Xiaoxia went out to take Lao Han, so he felt relieved. I then asked him, why do you go to the toilet so How long?Di An seemed to be concerned about him, but Li Xiaoxia said that I had a call to answer at home just now. After all, it was the first time I came out without a child, so I was a little worried about the child.

I have to ask Gangzi to take good care of the child and cook him some meals. In fact, Diane knows him very well. Diane said that Gangzi is still very reliable. Since then When the two of you fell in love, I knew that this man was a very heart-warming man, alas, you are really lucky, such a good man.

From Di An's mouth, Li Xiaoxia heard his envy towards her. In fact, everyone has a chance to find a good man. It just depends on whether you can grasp it. Some people can grasp it. Yes, some people can't grasp it completely. In fact, when he was in school, there was also a man who chased him. I mean it is important, but it is actually very important, and I am not serious if I say it is not important.

As long as this man is talented and financially capable, the rest really doesn’t matter. The little girl is also very realistic now. Since I am so good, I should find someone with good conditions. This is also a matter of course. There is nothing wrong with it. Li Xiaoxia is also very low-key, knowing that there are times when what should be said and what should not be said, after all, she is her best friend, so she should be careful no matter what, the two of them get along very well in other places, only here.

He still needs to grasp the issue, so Li Xiaoxia immediately shifted her topic to other places. Let’s not say what Li Xiaoxia said is right. There are still many delicious dishes here. Let’s order again. , Dian was also very willing at the time. Dian actually thought about it for a while. Dian thought it would be a waste if you order too much. Daan said that this is enough for the two of us. In fact, Li Xiaoxia is also very capable. Understanding that he was her friend and didn’t want to waste her money, Li Xiaoxia said that you don’t have to save money with me, and you don’t have to be polite. Let’s eat whatever you want today. Isn’t that Japanese Kobe you like the most? Steak?Let's come together today, how about the two of us have a taste of our relationship for so many years, isn't it worth it?
When everyone heard that it was Kobe Snowflake Beef, of course his mouth watered. Before, he invited Li Xiaoxia to eat Kobe Snowflake Beef. At that time, his conditions were very good, and he spent a lot of money every month. You When I was a child, two of my girlfriends rescued me to eat and improve the food. Every time I ate, Diane would order a Kobe Snowflake Beef Steak. This is what the two of them like best, but now it is really different. Is this also where Li Xiaoxia is brilliant? He used to have good conditions for leading cases, but now he has good conditions for spending money. When he spends money by himself, of course he also has the Kobe snowflake steak that the other party likes most.

Everyone is still a little embarrassed, everyone said this is okay, this is very expensive, Li Xiaojia said, oops, don't pretend to be me, okay?When you were rich, didn’t you treat me to eat this?You don't care about money, why am I short of money, right?Both of us are not short of money, so we can eat as much as we want, otherwise why are we here? What else can I do next time.

I will take you to eat the Australian lobster. The Australian lobster is different from the Boston lobster. The Boston lobster has two pincers, while Aolong has no pincers. This is why the meat on his legs is very delicate and very delicate. good.

After a while, the Kobe Snowflake Steak came up. Looking at the sizzling Kobe Snowflake Steak with two people, it was really three times, five times, two, and one person ate it in one bite. There are not many or one at his steak bar. The small portion, of course, is very expensive and everyone is reluctant to eat it. The two of them still follow the old rules. When half of the family eats, they look at each other and smile. I feel that this best friend is really good. It's great, I didn't forget him when I was good, and I didn't forget myself when the other party got better. Life can have a confidant, that can be said to be very perfect.

Diane retold the story a bit, Diane said, do you remember that time?Alas, when the two of us had no money in our pockets, we scraped together some money and went out to eat. At that time, I also felt very happy. It was delicious to eat anything. Now you let me eat, I still feel very happy It's fragrant, the meat is still the same meat, but I can't taste the original taste. Li Xiaoxia understood it as soon as she heard it. She just felt that the two of them had been separated for a long time and the distance was a bit far away. In fact, this method can't solve it.

Now that the two of them are not working together, it is natural that they must go farther, which is also human nature.

(End of this chapter)

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