There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3525 You still know how to do things

Chapter 3525 You still know how to do things

In fact, the issue of old age has always been a difficult problem. No family can handle it perfectly, making the elderly and children very happy. This one is to see which aspect can sacrifice themselves. Do you think there is one? It’s time for young people, because after all, they have their own things to do, and they don’t have so much energy to take care of the elderly.

But sometimes you can't bear to put the elderly in a place, and you feel that your parents can't be reduced to that kind of situation. It doesn't matter what you say, but in your heart I still don't want to go, alas, Uncle Zhang quickly revealed his words, our uncle said no, let's go eat, we will go to the western restaurant soon, let's not mention these happy things, and then the two of them went to the western restaurant After they went there, they met a very nice waiter. The waiter was also very polite. Seeing that they were foreign tourists, he respected them very much. The service was also very good. According to the rules, tipping is required, Mr. Zhang When she was about to take out the money to tip, Li Xiaoxia's mother didn't quite understand it at the time, saying that we spent money on dinner, didn't we?Why do you still have to tip? You don’t understand what Uncle Zhang said. I’ve seen it on TV. Foreigners always have to tip, even if you give one dollar or one euro. , but this tip must still be given.

Li Xiaoxia's mother felt that this matter was okay after being obedient. In fact, she just came out to play for fun, so she generously supported what he said to him, you can do as you like, so she took it out I gave ten yuan to the waiter, and the waiter was very happy to accept it, and then the service to them was even better, and I gave them all kinds of good things. They originally needed additional services in the meal fee Fee, he asked him to give extra tips, they thought these two foreigners were very rich, and then went to do some sales to them.

At this time, the tour guide next to him gave a hint, what Uncle Zhang said, actually this is voluntary, you and we can do it, and gave him a look, Uncle Zhang and Li Xiaoxia’s mother are very smart people, know this Tour guide?It's the insiders who give themselves a hint and then sometimes turn it down right away when they make a pitch.

At that time, the foreign waiter said he was puzzled. Don't these tour guides usually like to take the commission?Then Anton encouraged them to consume. What happened today? Did I encounter fuel?In fact, this is not the case. Their tour guides have a lot of cooperation with their restaurants, but today they are insiders, all of them are their own people, and their own people will never cheat their own people, so foreigners are always I don't understand, but the opinion has served them very well, and he doesn't want to offend the tour guide, after all, he still relies on the tour guide to solicit customers for them.

Because the mother of Uncle Zhang and Li Xiaoxia is also very kind to this tour guide, and always thinks of them when there is any good thing, so at critical moments, when they don’t understand, they should also turn to themselves. When they are right, you can’t feel anything. But it can really help you at critical moments. When you help others, others will also help you at critical moments.

While waiting to finish, Uncle Zhang and Li Xiaoxia's mother praised the tour guide, oh, Li Xiaoxia's mother said, in the future, young man, are you not married?Wait for a while, and I will definitely introduce you to a good little girl. It depends on what kind of person you are. Most people's aunts will not introduce you. After talking, they both laughed. This young man also understands that the two of them not only speak nicely, but also do things very well. In fact, sometimes, the same thing depends on how you say it. Some people feel like flattery when they say it, but some people say It's really not.

It's hard to judge that they are flattering when the two of them speak so sincerely, so I say this.

The young man said to them, grandpa and aunt, you two don't need to treat me with those fake things, and we all don't need to deal with those useless things, right?Don't worry if we have anything to do, I will definitely not let them cheat you, just let them cheat, we are all our own people, just wait for the opportunity, you can just find me to play, I not only have resources here in Europe , there are a lot of resources in Southeast Asia and the Americas. In fact, the scenery there is also very interesting. Some of them are the next time you go out to play in South America. They are all very good and very interesting. Uncle Zhang and Li Xiaoxia’s mother looked at each other and were very interested. I think this tour guide really knows how to do business. No matter what, I will find him in the future. For sure.

Uncle Zhang said with a smile, it’s enough for the young man to have your words, we have already left the phone contact information, in the future, I will come out to play with your aunt, and no one else will find you, and you must They all travel abroad and domestically. In fact, we all know that you didn’t earn any money. This time, there is that young man from my family. It’s hard work for you to build a bridge in the middle. I know that you have earned a lot from this order It's a small amount of money, but Uncle Zhang has prepared a red envelope for you a long time ago, and he will give it to you when the time comes.

Uncle Zhang is actually not the kind of person who draws big cakes. He really prepared a big red envelope for the tour guide, because the tour guide made accurate translations for them in many cases, and then recommended some very delicious food to them. There are also some good things, and it avoids stepping on the pit, so it is mutual to be a human being, since you have given up your interests.

Then I must be nicer to you, right? I can’t let you play for nothing. Speaking of Li Xiaoxia’s mother brought her a red envelope, saying that this is a kindness from the aunt, you must accept it and come out for a trip It's not easy to play. We have already given us the lowest price. Besides, you can say that you don't get any commission. Grandpa and aunt, now there are wages for all ages, so don't think I'm too small if you earn some money, just give it to me. Can you buy some snacks or something, young man.

When the tour guide hears that the two of them are talking and doing things, it makes people feel very comfortable. Even if it gives you benefits, it makes you feel that you let it be. , They are definitely not that kind of people, and this young man is also very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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