There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3550 Floor Chapter 4044 First acquaintance

Chapter 3550 The first acquaintance
Lao Han didn't go to work today, but went out to run business first. When he was running business, everyone saw in the store alone that her husband didn't come to work today, so I called him and told him, I said Lao Han, what did you go to do today?Why didn't you come to report in the Ban'er store, usually you come to our store to report once before running business, and then you go out, what's wrong with you today?
Lao Han talked about that, let me say today, I have something to do, I will go out to run business first, isn't this what Li Xiaoxia said to set up a pet association?I will talk to that old Zhang now, and then I will discuss this matter. This matter cannot be done without Lao Zhang’s consent, because he is still relatively high in this pet shop, Diane Oh, I felt that my masters were really capable, there was nothing he couldn't do.

Lao Han is running business, and his ability in this aspect is quite strong. There is no doubt about it. He is not only for the ten yuan and 10 yuan, although the 10 yuan is important for his store operation. It’s not a small number, but he still has a lot of backbone. He has to do things with other people’s money. Soon he came to this old Zhang’s pet shop. His pet shop is more decorated than his own. A bit more upscale, he noticed it when he first arrived at the door, he didn’t bring anything with him when he came this time, he just felt that people are polite and reciprocal when interacting, don’t take anything, and then see you empty It is definitely not easy to do things with two hands. If he said that he brought something, the other party would definitely give him a good face. So, he hurried back to a store to buy two cigarettes and two bottles of wine. , These two cigarettes and two bottles of wine don't look very expensive, but they are really useful.

He knows that the boss is willing to drink and smoke, and they are all these two brands, so he is very good at it. Before this, he has already inquired about all the behavior habits of the boss through his friends. This old Han also respected him very much. Lao Han said directly, ah, brother Zhang, hello, haha, I am that grandma, that pet shop. I came to see you for something. He didn't know a stranger at all, and he said with a cigarette and wine in his hand, obviously he wanted to ask him to do something, but he couldn't understand what he could really do by opening a pet shop , There must be some purpose, no matter what the other party is, there is still a purpose.

So this old Zhang also left three points. Excuse me, so he introduced himself, and when he handed him his business card, Lao Zhang was also a painful person. He just said to him, what are you doing today? You must have something to do when you come to me, let’s open the skylight and tell the truth, if I can help, I will help without hesitation, but if I can’t help, don’t force me, because we are all in the same path People, they all understand that when this old Han hears him speak so much pain, and when he speaks, he does not leave any space for Lao Han. Lao Han will start from another starting point. If Lao Han Say, today, I know you like this, take a sip and drink, isn't this specially prepared for you?Just treat it as my first time to give you this little gift, ah, you just accepted this old Zhang.

He can be said to be addicted to alcohol, and the world is like his life. When he saw such good tobacco and alcohol, his heart was as open as that flower, and then this old Zhang said to him, that brother, whether we are today I still say the same thing, if I can do it, I will do it for you. If it is within my ability, I can't do it, so don't force me, because you also know that I am just a watcher. In the biological chain, there is no money, no money, no connections, no connections, Lao Han was a little too modest when he heard what he said, Lao Han said, dude, you are so polite, just because you are in our city Prestige, it can be said that anyone who reads it will give you three points, right?

The two big men became humble here, and Lao Zhang said directly to him, don't flatter me, brother, don't I know that I am so indifferent?If you have anything to say, just say it. When Lao Han saw it, he opened his mouth and shut up, and he went straight to the topic like this. Lao Han didn’t just say that, the old man said, brother, you are so open today, I will give you too Open Tmall and tell the truth. As for me, look at our industry. Now, you also know that we seem to be the only ones who are basically the only ones. You also know that my family, your family and several other companies The small ones are basically not occupied by our market, and this, there is no pricing criterion in our industry, so I want to set up an industry association, what do you think of this matter?Lao Han spoke a little anxiously.

When Lao Shang heard about this, he had this idea. You gave me another gift. At first, he thought you were asking me to be the president of this industry association. Lao Han's attitude was a bit unclear, and Lao Zhang just I misunderstood a bit, what did Lao Zhang say to him, what virtue and ability do you think I am, how can I dare to hold an important position?Is this right? We can customize some basic rules when we set up. Otherwise, the market is mixed with fish and dragons, and they always use low prices to suppress this vicious competition. Slowly, this is not very good, so let’s talk about you The idea is really good. I have considered these things before, but there is no specific implementation. Now that you have proposed it, please tell me your idea.

Then when Lao Han heard that he was also very interested in this aspect, Lao Han said to him, in our industry, there is a very capable person. I don’t know if you have heard of that pet hospital. There is a complete management system and a training system here. If we set up an association, the two of us will push him up and make him the president of the association. The pet shop, do some basic common sense and medical things, and then we are not?Well, you are the vice president and he is the president, because after all, he has the technology, he is the top in the industry, and Lao Zhang also knows that he is talking about Li Xiaoxia, and he admires this place very much, because after all, his family is the largest economy.

But although Lao Zhang said he agreed in his heart, he still hesitated for a while. Lao Zhang didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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