Chapter 3571
In fact, Zhan Xiaoxuan is with the boss, sometimes he is really not in vain, he has learned a lot, when he used to do things in elementary school, he would occasionally like No. When the boss was working together, he found that his problem has improved a lot. Sometimes, two people really learn from each other's strengths when they are together, instead of only seeing each other's shortcomings. If two people When you are together, you can often see each other's strengths but not each other's weaknesses, then two people will basically become a very good friend, but on the other hand, if two people are together to see each other's weaknesses but not If there are mutual advantages, then these two people will definitely not be able to last long when they are together for a long time.

Zhan Xiaoxuan used to be half-hearted in everything he did. For example, he was writing while listening to music and playing games. He often made mistakes. The probability of such mistakes was very high, and sometimes I’m really very angry. I’ve already done a lot of things, but I still need to redo it because I’m half-hearted. To him, who has a grumpy personality, it’s like a thunderbolt, but Zhan Xiao Since Xuan met the boss, he can always calm down when he does something. This is also a place where the boss often reminds him. The boss knows that he has this problem, so he often reminds him when he is on the 6th. Let him change it quickly.

So the two of them became very good friends later on, the boss can often see Zhan Xiaoxuan's flaws, what are Zhan Xiaoxuan's strengths, his strengths are that he is very kind, and he is very thoughtful. , This is also very important, for a woman, if he does not have these good brothers with a good heart, then he is a little woman. On the contrary, the reason why Zhan Xiaoxuan can become the boss' friend is because he has had The advantage of people, Zhan Xiaoxuan's advantage is that he is soft-hearted and very kind-hearted. When you need help, I can help you without hesitation, and the most important point is that Zhan Xiaoxuan's three views are very positive. Now there are many women The child's three views are actually distorted to a certain extent, which is actually related to the environment he has been in contact with since he was a child.

When the boss was counting money with him at the beginning, he probably had a little bit of money, and he would transfer money with a little conscience, but since he met Zhan Xiaoxuan, he never touched this kind of money at all, because every time he needed When earning this money, he thought of Zhan Xiaoxuan, Xiaoxuan's pure eyes can always give him some hints, let him be the most beautiful self-sufficient Zhan Xiaoxuan, this is one of his advantages that no one can catch up with him One, the reason why Zhan Xiaoxuan is like this is because he lived in a loving family since he was a child. Zhan is a very loving father. Do things according to your own conscience, so Zhan Gang later raised such a good child, including Zhan Xiaosong later.

In other words, why did Zhan Gang get Li Xiaoxia's favor?Isn't it because his three views are right?From his family's three views are so upright, Li Xiaoxia decided that I want to marry this man, Zhan Gang is also very sure.

Zhan Gang never dragged his feet when doing things, and followed his own heart. He never tricked others to harm others, and when he was a leader, he always gave the most sincere care to his warm subordinates, special subordinates I am very grateful to him, so the popularity of Zhan Gang is getting better and better. The reason why he can get from a physical education teacher to question 8 has a lot to do with his current position. In fact, what is everyone like? Everyone can see it very clearly, but sometimes the leader can see it, and the leader can't see it. If the leader can see his advantages, he will be promoted very quickly. If he chooses him, he will definitely choose a better person to take on these tasks. right?Especially in this education career, it is not that anyone can come up to it.

The fine traditions of a family The fine family tradition is the result of the joint efforts of all people, and it is the appearance of the joint efforts of several generations. Therefore, everyone knows that Zhan is a very good person. A very warm family. When he was just a child, his parents always told him that as a man, you must stand upright and always obey your heart, unlike some families who see their children have some When making a choice, I always let him choose when some benefits outweigh other things. In fact, I think this is not good. It will change the child's three views over time, but the child's three views have been established since childhood. At the age of 78 In the past, if the child's three views were very positive, no one could change it.

One day the boss suddenly asked Zhan Xiaoxuan, a very sensitive question about his family, Zhan Xiaoxuan also answered truthfully, the old man said very tactfully, which confirmed from the side that his father is a A very good person, that's why he made up his mind to be friends with Zhan Xiaoxuan. Zhan Xiaoxuan was also very curious at the time, why did you ask me such a strange question?Is there any necessary connection between our family and the two of us being friends?You say the big family, he is also very good, and he has no plans. Why did he ask me such a strange question? He couldn’t figure it out at the beginning. When the boss doesn't talk about war, Xiaoxuan will never figure it out.

In fact, after the boss asked him this question, I actually told Zhan Xiaoxuan a lot, including that his family members are her father and what kind of person her mother is. In fact, his father and his mother He is a businessman, so it is not surprising that he can see benefits in his eyes, but from Zhan Xiaoxuan he has learned a lot of things other than benefits, which makes the boss very emotional, the boss is Tell him Zhan Xiaoxuan, do you know?Since I got to know you, my outlook on life has changed a lot, so when I made friends with you as a friend, I only had interests in my eyes. Look at the things we sold to fans last time. In fact, sometimes we don't need to retreat at all, but since you insisted on this principle, I have always followed you, and I feel that this matter cannot be sorry for them.

Zhan Xiaoxuan smiled, but he didn't say a word. He actually knew in his heart that the boss did this because he was influenced by himself and was moved by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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