There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3573 Life is full of surprises

Chapter 3573 Life is full of surprises

So he is no longer so naughty. It is really not a bad thing for a boy to be more active. In fact, my grandfather said a very important saying back then, and I also said that this boy If you're not naughty, isn't this kid stupid?Compared with lively children, I still don't like them very much. I prefer naughty children for this kind of children in class 2.

Now Zhang Xiaocong can go to and from school freely by himself, he can go by himself, and he no longer needs to be picked up by others. At the beginning, he was not used to going to work, but Li Xiaoxia was used to it, and Li Xianxia knew that this child was very Sensible, every time I go out, I am very responsible. While they were talking, the child knocked on the door and entered, the child came back, and Zhan Xiaosong sent him to school. Everyone saw the child so happily fighting after school, and just felt very happy Happy Zhan just said to him, son, how are you doing at school today?In fact, when he asked him this sentence, he already understood in his heart that after the teacher just confessed, he just wanted to see how the child would answer. What Zhan Xiaosong said was okay, it was still the same as yesterday, and the child didn’t understand these things. What a deliberate expression, because he didn't think about it at all.

Li Xiaoxia saw that Zhan Gang was deliberately teasing the child, you want to tell her child, don’t listen to your father, your father is teasing you there, today the teacher praised you, saying that you performed very well, you Dad is very happy, and decided that we will go out to play together tomorrow to praise you. What do you think of Zhan Xiaosong? Zhan Xiaosong is very happy. He said it to him. In fact, if you want to play, it’s good for the two of you to go out and play together. Now, I am still very tight on Feng Ke. I have to do my homework at home by myself. I don’t have so much time to play. If we play, we can just stroll around the city. If we go out, I seem to It’s really too late. The teacher has assigned a lot of homework these two days, and there are also many tasks for me to do. Besides, there are many new courses for me to review. How can I have time to play with you? , although the two of you are happy now, going out to play is for the two of you.

What does it have to do with me, you two going out to play has nothing to do with me Le Zhan just heard that this kid did it on purpose, so he is really sensible, Zhan just told him let's go out Why don't you go out to play?Is your homework really so important or are you doing it on purpose to create opportunities for me and Aunt Li?In fact, the two of us have been together for such a long time, there is no need to create opportunities, the world of the two of us has lived very well, Zhan Xiaosong said to him, my father, I really did not lie to you, now my homework is very good It's tight, the teacher assigned a lot of extracurricular tasks, I have to do some extracurricular tasks, by the way, there is another very important thing, let me tell you, next month we are going to hold the Math Olympiad, so let me tell you To prepare well for this competition, to be prepared, let's talk about this contestant at present.

I haven't reached my current ability yet. In order for me to participate in this Olympic competition, I have to prepare well. I can't let everyone down. I also want to let everyone see what kind of level I am. , I want to use my own strength to prove to everyone that I can participate in the Olympiad. At the beginning of the Olympiad, it needs to be based on the results. Obviously, his results are on the verge of this. He wants to give it a try Give it a go, so he has to work hard to fight the wolf. Hearing that this kid is motivated to participate in the Soviet Olympic Games can be said to be a very important thing in his life. Such an important thing should not delay him. Standing on guard will treat him Said, since you have your own ideas, then you can prepare by yourself, I know your ideas, Dad is very happy for you, and you can tell me when you need something from Dad , I support you with all my strength.

Li Xiaoxia was listening outside, the child now I have so many ideas, it means that the child has really grown up now, Li Xiaoxia said, oops, the child has such good ideas now, it means that he has really improved, Gangzi, look at how the child is really sensible now, it’s not that I feel like it’s useless to praise him, do you think the child can have the self-esteem he has now to participate in this Olympic competition, we can really be proud of him, That Xiaosong, your recent lack of nutrition, Aunt Li and your father don’t go out to play, every morning I will give you extra meals, I will make you the most delicious sauced beef and Xiaosong Kistler, usually favorite The sauced beef I ate, especially at the stage of the child's adolescent development, it needs a lot of nutrition, so Zhan Gang also secretly admires Li Xiaoxia, no matter what Li Xiaoxia is, she can always do it, and always treat the child.

There is one thing that is very simple for you to do, but if you insist on doing it for several years, it is very difficult. I think that my daughter was also taken care of by Li Xiaoxia in the past, and now she is not in school. Is it very good too?In fact, Zhan Gang now also understands in his heart that the reason why the child listens to him so much is that it is the same reason to be friends with him first of all. You respect me and I can respect you, right?I can only be good to you if you are good to me. If you are good to me, I have no reason to reject you. This is one of the reasons why the child listens to Li Xiaoxia so much. The reason why the child listens to him is because he is very kind to the child, smooth and strong, so the child can listen to him.

Zhan Gang gave Li Xiaoxia an affirmative look. In fact, this affirmative look is very important to him. Li Xiaoxia also understands what this look means to him. It means the affirmation of her stepmother. It's not so easy to be, and now the child recognizes him so much, so there is no reason for Zhan Gang, not sure that Zhan Gang told him, you two really surprised me , I never thought that the two of you get along so well one day, hey, let’s not talk about anything else, my son, if you can win an award in this Olympics, then Dad is really proud of you , I am so happy, I want to invite the whole family to have a meal together at that time.

What Li Xiaoxia said, don't say that these children haven't taken the exam yet, aren't you putting pressure on the children?The last thing children need now is pressure, so don't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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