There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3588 Basically Done

Chapter 3588 Basically Done
Li Xiaoxia met Dian and knew it. After Dian told him these things, he also felt that Dian's idea was actually not bad, but after all, he had to communicate with Zhan Gang about this matter. If Zhan Gang communicates well, then in case of a war, Gang Gang has time that day and cannot attend this banquet party, then how embarrassing it will be. Originally, he had already promised to be a good friend over there, but in the end, he made any troubles here. It's too bad that I can't explain to my friends, and I won't be able to be a human being after this, right?As for friends, what you pay attention to is honesty. If you don’t speak honesty once, it’s understandable for everyone to think that you have something to do, but if you always do this for a long time, no one wants to be friends with you, even if you are People with high status, but because you have no credibility, everyone thinks you are unreliable, and gradually they are unwilling to be friends with you.

Everyone is very happy in their hearts, because after all, Li Xiaoxia is very respectful to him, which means that Li Xiaoxia is still quite nostalgic, because from now on, the two of them have very different identities. Although they said they worked together before We were good friends when we were young, and everyone could help each other, but after all, his identity has changed now. He is the president of the Pet Association. Besides, the man behind him also has a very powerful background. The two of them Personally, it can be said that the difference in social status is still relatively large. If the other party can still be friends with you under such circumstances, it means that the person with the most face is very good, very good, unlike some people like us. When the two share joys and sorrows, alas, that’s okay, but when it’s time to enjoy the blessings together, no one wants to enjoy the blessings with you, because everyone likes the fruits of their own labor, so Li Xiaoxia is still very happy. It's reliable, at least he is also good for friends.

There is absolutely nothing to say about friends, right?Besides, it was a piece of cake for him, and everyone was very happy. When he returned to the pet shop, he was full of smiles. After seeing Diane, Lao Han knew that he was very happy today, so he basically guessed this. As a result, it can be said that this matter was basically won. Lao Han also stepped forward to say it excitedly, how about it?Done?

He nodded with me, very happy to say that Li Xiaoxia still gave me face very much, you said that the two of us are now, even if it was a good dream before, now people still give me so much face, should I be good? Lao Han nodded and said, well, let me tell you about that Diana, Li Xiaoxia is still very good, you see he was very serious when he worked in my shop before, and he was never lazy, I am not like you Occasionally there is a bit of title slippery look, but he never once.

Diane knew that he was joking with himself, saying what he meant by calling you all the time, why do you keep talking about the past?Didn't I say it?In the past, I am now my old Han, and then I said that Li Xiaoxia is really a face-saving person. Alas, how did you tell him at that time to do things happily?Did he agree to it before?Diane said, well, he also hesitated at the time, and he probably had some worries, but later he agreed to me. No matter what, since people agreed, it is very good. Few people agree to you, and then change their minds We can trust his character. Li Xiaoxia is really a friend worthy of my life. He is really kind to me and takes good care of me.

Lao Han said yes, after I finish this matter, let's get him something, no matter what, this also represents a little bit of our heart, although it is said that people don't necessarily need our things now, but After all, this is our own intention. Whether people want it or not is their business. We must express our own friendliness, isn't it?
What do you say, Li Xiaoqiang said that it must be the right thing to do, we should not only buy something for others, it is better to bring a copy for Zhan Gang, after all, we are looking for a Zhan Zhan, just swearing, family Zhan Just gave us face, don't you think?Well, the two of them actually want to have something. No matter what others treat them, his etiquette has never been bad at all. Even if he can do this, those people are still in the minority. There are many People think that the two of us are friends, and then ask for it unscrupulously, which will give people a very bad impression, but the two of them are really not this kind of people, you do things for me, alas, I will definitely give you .

In fact, this does not mean anything else, it is just a kind of respect for the other party. He thinks that the other party respects you very much, so these two people can go slowly and very long-term. Lao Han also knows that he is also a A very reliable girl, no matter how she did such a big thing for herself, she still has to thank her old Han and said to him, how are you going to arrange this venue?In fact, Zaiying has already made preparations for this matter in Diane's heart. He said that we will hold a banquet at that time, let's hold a ceremony, and invite two resident singers at that time Singer, there were two of my classmates at the time, and now they belong to the kind of people who run the field for people. He said he was invited to sing two songs to brighten the atmosphere, and then invited a few celebrities to perform a few ah or sketch language classes Isn't that all right?Is that so?

Everyone's atmosphere is also very good, and they all bring it along.The family members came here, so we all set a very good example for them, which is also a very important reason for us to go on in the future, so that everyone’s spare time life is also very rich, people still think I am this Membership fees are not in vain, after all, I can participate in the program, is it right to watch the program I participated in?

Consumption is not in vain. We can’t say that we can’t just collect membership fees and do nothing. We are not that kind of people. Since we collect money from others, we must do these things well to make everyone satisfied. Isn’t that right? It’s possible, at least it’s enough to satisfy most people, don’t you think so?Lao Han agrees very much with Diane's idea, because he doesn't have any good ideas, so he agrees with him 100 times, and hurriedly said beside him, what you said is very right, everything is up to you yes.

(End of this chapter)

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