There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3591 I'm still that me

Chapter 3591 I'm still that me
Zhan Gang still has a lot of things to do now, and he didn’t want to be like Li Xiaoxia, so he said to him, let go, and tell that uncle Zhang’s nephew to come see me next Monday, and I’ll wait for him in the office Remember, it’s 10:[-] in the morning, don’t be late, keep busy as you say, you have to go to Lijia Tower if you want to go out, so I asked you what are you doing so late?Zhan Gang said to him, I suddenly remembered that the previous plan had not been finished yet, but this plan will be used in the meeting when I wake up tomorrow morning.

If I can't do it well, then I can't do it, so I'm in a hurry to write a plan now, and I can't say anything to Li Xiaoxia, because he also knows that Zhan Gang is so busy, it's all for this family, so I told him, before leaving If you can’t cook a word from him at the time, then you can eat something yourself at night. I remember that if there is a wine shop to drink, don’t drink too much, your liver is not good now.

If you drink too much now, it will definitely have a certain impact on your body. You also know that your current body state cannot make any mistakes. , then our family is finished, so your body is not only your own body, but also the physical battle of our whole family. It is quite true when I just heard this, because so many people are waiting Looking at them, Xiang Liu Zhengdong, his brother, and everyone in the family, relatives who couldn't beat him, basically all came to find Zhan, and basically everything that Gang's height could do was done for them. It's lame, and basically don't care about those who can't get mixed up, so Zhan Gang is more obedient now, what Zhan Gang told him today is a wrong guess, I don't have any nine warehouses at night, but I really need to work overtime .

Because before this, why did Li Xiaoxia say that?Li Xiaoxia found out that once Zhan Gang used the name of working overtime, but actually went to drink with others. After drinking, he was very drunk. Fortunately, every time Zhan Gang drank too much, he would go home. Thinking about this family is not about not going home after drinking too much, which makes me feel better.

Li Xiaoxia knew that Zhang Gang couldn't do anything about Yue'e, so she said to him, oops, don't talk about it, do you remember the last time you told me that you went out to write a plan, but you came back drunk like that How do you do in the future?Zhang Kangyi suddenly remembered, and smiled to relieve his embarrassment. At this time, Zhan Gang needed one.

Tomorrow, someone from above will come to check, so I want to do the reception work well in advance, Li Xiaoxia is very puzzled about the reception work, how can you do the reception work now?Isn't the work done by the office director now?What the hell is wrong with you now?Zhan Gang said, I just made a slip of the tongue, sometimes it is really necessary.

But when the leader comes tomorrow, it definitely doesn't mean that the level of the office director can be achieved, so if I go in person, you say that the leader of my department is here, can I let someone else receive it?Then why don't you wait to find something, so I still want to come by myself, and Li Xiaoxia is relieved when it comes to this, Li Xiaoxia finally said something, if you really want to drink too much, give it to me quickly Call, I'll pick you up, no matter what, I'm your most trusted person, you can understand me, so you should try to control your own alcohol consumption, I just know that every time I drink Basically, they all hold the attitude of not wanting to get drunk, but how can they not get along when their emotions are in place? In addition, Zhan Gang is a temperamental person. Every time when everyone is chasing him, he still has to be sober. , can't let them say what they say.

Zhan Gang said it’s ok, you can take care of the children at home, I went back to my office after talking about Zhan Gang, and seriously studied the plan. He really wanted to write a plan last year, and it’s not that there are any wineries to participate in. , even if there is a winery that wants to participate, it is not necessary to lie to him, Li Xiaoxia, right?Let's talk about myself.

If you have to go online with your daughter-in-law when you go out for a drink, that's simply too bad, so Zhan Gang won't do that, Zhan Gang just talks about anything, it's more sincere, and Li Xiaoxia is not that kind Unruly person, knowing that Zhan Gang is a mild-mannered person, sometimes you say that if a classmate asks him for a drink, can he not go?So basically I don’t care about it, it’s just an occasional reminder, I’m afraid that Zhan Gang will do something, and I won’t be able to control myself after drinking, so this is not very good, Li Xiaoxia said to him , okay, let's stop chattering, hurry up, go back early, don't worry about my child's affairs at home, do you remember the last time you took care of the child at home, I didn't Don't worry about you, don't you take it well?At that time, I was also exhorting and exhorting ten thousand times, why did I bother you this time?Am I going to be so unreliable?Besides, the children are my own, even if they are not my own, wouldn't I be very kind to them?This sentence was so eloquent that Gang was really speechless.

Zhan just drove the car and started the engine, but he didn't rush to step on the accelerator to start the car. Instead, he silently lit a cigarette in the car. He wondered what he was fighting for all these years, could it be for himself? ?or for what?Let’s not talk about anything else for the sake of the family that I made. I have a lot of money in my family now, so there is no need to go so hard for my family. It’s not for the sake of being respected by others. , I used to drink as much as I wanted, and he is not the kind of person who looks down on others, right?What was that for? Zhan Gang couldn't figure it out. Zhan Gang knew that his mission was to do his own job well, and his own job was not so easy to do by nature.

In fact, Zhan Gang also wanted to fulfill the needs of his 8 people. Don’t they all have 5 levels? The famous psychologist Maslow has long proposed, what is the first need, the second need, So Zhan Gang's current needs are the highest level of self-realization needs, and he wants self-realization.

The reason why a person has the current awareness has something to do with his own educational environment. Although he was not very obedient when he was young, his mother arranged for him to go to a private school. At that time, their schools were basically public. There are very few private schools, but what is so good about private schools?Although he said that the tuition fees are a bit expensive, his educational concepts are all the most advanced, and some of them are imported from foreign countries.

(End of this chapter)

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