There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3633 Reconcile from it

Chapter 3633 Reconcile from it
Uncle Zhang's pool was also very depressed when he returned to his room. He felt that Uncle Zhang was old now, how could he treat himself like this?There are some things he should have said that he should not have said at all. If you said so much to yourself just now in front of that Li Xiaoxia’s mother, then you are too shameless. Men actually have dignity now, so let’s not say it Other things, after all, the child has grown up now, right? You can no longer treat him like you did when you were a child, so talk about him, tell your uncle, if you want to say hate, he probably can't hate, because this After all, he was raised for him. How could he hate this person?But if you want to talk about how good you are to him, he may not be so good. After all, sometimes you don’t give him face too much. Men are always outside. After all, they still need a little dignity. Sometimes you Can't give him dignity, which makes him very upset.

Isn't there a saying that says so?A man is a young man until his death, so he also understands this truth. Although when he was young, Uncle Zhang helped him through some setbacks, but now he, alas, is more entangled. What, in the future, if the work gets better, I will definitely treat them two old people better, but, having said that, what good is it even if it is good?Now, how can I say that he is also one? Now he is still quite entangled. Now if a man says that you have gained a certain aspect, but did not say that you have gained a specific dignity, so if you want to get it back again, it used to be a man himself. For men who are more difficult, self-confidence is very, very important for a man. If a man has no self-confidence, he can say that he can accomplish nothing outside. For example, today you want to go out to play with girls, right?

If you don't dare to say what you think, it means that you are a little bit bad, right?You have to support the bold ones, and the timid ones should be bolder. What is a man's self-confidence? Money is a man's self-confidence. When you have money in your pocket, you have self-confidence, but his self-confidence Well, there has always been a lot, but sometimes Uncle Zhang occasionally gives him a little setback when he is confident, which also makes him very upset, and makes him puzzled. That's why sometimes he doesn't want him to come back when he comes back. You said he has been working outside for so long, and he should be happy when he comes home, but when he gets home, he just gives himself some face, or It's just embarrassing yourself, and that's a pretty bad feeling.

Tonight, Mrs. Zhang's nephew also kept this very sleepless all night. He felt that I was so happy today, but when I came back, I got a bad nose. Tell Uncle Zhang, old Zhang, you say you, our oh, boy, I think he is a little unhappy, do you want to go and see what he thinks or something, right? Let's not talk about it, because the child's troubles are quite unpleasant, and he is so bold, and he still has self-esteem. Just now you gave him an apple because of such a simple and trivial matter. You said you made him unable to come down. How bad is this, I don't care when you say you two, after all, in front of me, do you have to give your child some self-respecting man?Uncle Zhang also doesn't take this seriously, alas, I have been used to it since I was a child, you said that I often beat him when he was young, why did he have a temper now when he was disobedient?

Li Xiaoxia's mother said, it's not a matter of bad temper. If you can't give him dignity outside, it's equivalent to giving him a school bully. So let's talk about it. Although we are old, he can't Talk about being stubborn, right?We did something wrong, we have to apologize to our children, right?You can't say that just because you are his wife or younger brother, you wantonly treat the child so badly. It's not easy for the child to grow up so big. Li Xiaoxia's mother often plays a role in this role. It's just to persuade. The two of them When something happens to me, he is the one who coordinates in the middle, which also makes him very popular. Uncle Zhang thinks what he said makes sense. If there is nothing wrong, you can tell me, Mr. Lin, or I will tell him Go ask everyone, Li Xiaoxia's mother didn't speak, but gave him a look, and he instantly understood that he was also turning around.

I wanted to go but didn't dare to go, hesitated, and didn't say a word for a long time, so this Uncle Zhang, he is a bit too self-righteous, at home, I am the king of heaven, who do you love, This is basically past that age. I used to be children. I didn’t have any spiritual nutrition. I didn’t pay attention to some needs. Basically, it’s enough to eat enough and wear warm clothes, but it’s not right to sleep now.

Today's society is already a civilized and harmonious society, right?Whether it is father and son or parent and son going to the countryside, you must pay attention to these spiritual cultivation, this is the most important thing, when Uncle Zhang was hesitating, Li Xiaoxia's mother, if you are embarrassed, I will accompany you whatever you want I'm following you, isn't it embarrassing?What's the matter?What can you do with a child?

Li Xiaoxia, I have been persuading the old Zhangtou to talk to this child for a month, but this old Zhangtou is sometimes stubborn. Next, it’s finally the past. The person who opened the child didn’t find the child sleeping there. In fact, Mrs. Zhang’s nephew was not asleep. He lived in his house. Well, let me see you. Can you tell me right?If you can tell me, I might be able to forgive you. If you tell me, then the relationship between our two may be a bit deadlocked. Why did Uncle Zhang suddenly say to him, my child, I was not good just now. When he yelled at these words, the child was no longer angry. Li Xiaoxia's mother bought it to match this old man. If he can bend and stretch, he should listen to his persuasion. Why does he not speak? It's all reconciled in the middle. The one you mentioned looks like your uncle is here, so give him a face.

Don't be like your uncle, don't be like your uncle, there is an aunt or something in the middle, is it right that we just can't get through anything, we are all talking as a family, and it is not good for him not to give him face , so he just said that's all right, I wasn't angry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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