Chapter 3637
Zhan Gang, you can see that his education method is really good, and Zhan Gang also praised her, so let’s not talk about anything else, let’s not talk about you and us first, how are you doing in this job, First of all, it is worthy of affirmation to affirm and encourage your approach. This is what two people should do, so after Zhan Gang praised him for a move, Zhan Gang appreciated him very much and said to him, I found you Some of them are better than our teacher. Your method is really great, isn’t it?Li Xiaoxia also knew that the station guard was obviously praising herself and saying that no matter how good she was, she would not be able to catch up with their professional teachers. What is nice to say is nice to listen to, he is willing to listen to nice things, that's what he does, no one will refuse.

Isn't that how husband and wife live together?It means you praise me, I praise me, I praise you, sometimes, it’s not that the two people don’t cooperate so much, but that they can’t find the advantages of their spouses at all. How can they find the advantages in their spouses? It is when husband and wife get along for a long time, if two people see each other's shortcomings when they are together, then my shortcoming must be unacceptable, right?Over time, it's either quarreling or fighting. This will definitely not be a good life, and you may end up getting a divorce every three days, but if you can discover the advantages of the other party every day, then don't be stingy with your own praises, and then praise him What's more, even if he said these words are false, he is willing to listen, because it depends on whose mouth it comes from. It's a bit disgusting to say it from someone else's mouth, but it's from his lover's mouth. That's really great, Zhan Gang is such a person, he knows how to go.

In fact, praising your significant other is also a compulsory course, not only this, you said, two people must be rushing together, live a good life, right?It is possible that you will encounter some small setbacks and difficulties in your life, but as long as the two of you are willing to use customer service, the customer service will definitely improve gradually, so it doesn’t matter whether you two How about a person, you must be good at showing the other party's strengths. Even if he has 10 shortcomings, but you only love him for this one advantage, that's enough. In other words, he has 100 shortcomings. There are [-] advantages, but you don't like his shortcomings no matter how you look at it, then it must not work, and it must be broken in the end, right?Even if this is the case, many people can't do it even if they understand this principle, because people, they have emotions, they are controlled by their emotions, when you are.

When you are emotionally unstable, it is inevitable that you will do some bad things, and then say something against your will, or hurt each other. This shows that the two of you have not had enough time to hone. Li Xiaoxia has some Well, he also has a lot of shortcomings. His shortcoming is that sometimes he is a bit useless. Although he cleans up the house every day, he has no plan and always makes a fuss. I don’t understand, Mao Dajin looks good after cleaning up for you, this is one of his shortcomings, and then he has many advantages, for example, he likes Zhan Gang very much, no matter what, he will support him Come on, this man, if you can’t get the support of your own wife for what you do, then it’s definitely not possible, 100% not possible, and you may fail in the end. Behind a successful man, there must be a woman who supports him?Li Xiaoxia is the woman who supports Zhan Gang, so Li Xiaoxia's Wangfu is at this point.

Zhan Gang also knows that he has many shortcomings, but he doesn't say it, he just likes Li Xiaoxia, isn't this energy right?I just love you for this one advantage, that's enough, isn't it?So two people have to make mistakes when there is no need to be together. It is very serious. What is your name? Li Xiaoxia never asks Zhan Gang for the truth. Do you want to go and see it after such a long time?Ah, my kitchen is full of oil and smoke, what are you doing here?I made the meal and you just take it home and eat it. Li Xiaoxia said, oh, it’s okay. It’s rare for children to study. Today’s learning status is so good. Let him learn by himself. Didn’t I just say that?You have to give him ample opportunity to learn by himself. If you teach him what he doesn’t understand, that’s getting twice the result with half the effort. It’s not half the effort.

Just now you smiled and said you, you are the one who is so playful every day, is it because you have a lot of ideas, you think about it every day, it’s the same way, let’s not care about anything else, if the child can learn well today It’s very good. You told them that everyone must eat a large bowl of ribs today, because it’s winter, and we need to resist the cold in winter. We need these energy to resist the cold in winter. Is it from this diet? Or from a biological point of view, it is the season when we should eat meat. Li Xiaoxia also likes to fight very much. Just now, I just pretended to be serious. Do I actually say what he said sometimes? Your child may not understand it very well, but You have to agree, sometimes Zhan Gang cooks delicious food, but he may not be able to eat it, but he also agrees that I must eat it, alas, this is what makes him so good, don’t you think? ?If there is a person who can stand what he doesn't want to do, then this person is the only one.

Li Xiaoxia is very powerful. Sometimes he does things he doesn't want to do, and he also does things he doesn't want to eat. He also eats and behaves. Oh, I'm just okay, I like these things, Shangguan Wan'er Knowing that Zhan Gang did it on purpose, I said to him, oops, you said that sometimes it’s hard for you, sometimes I know you don’t like eating these beef and mutton very much, so you also want to cooperate with me In life, I keep eating it. In fact, at the beginning, Li Xiaoxia was not very willing to eat this food, but when I was with Zhan Gang, I really wanted to eat this food and find that these things are delicious. This beef and mutton is more fragrant than pork, so he still likes to eat beef and mutton, and slowly changed from something he didn't like to something he likes, which also shows that Li Xiaoxia can not only eat beef and mutton When it comes to fighting, Gang is also very willing to sacrifice something for the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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