There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3649 In fact, I am quite difficult

Chapter 3649 In fact, I am quite difficult

Li Xiaoxia saw the two children studying there at this time, and they are learning very well, and Zhan Xiaosong can also be said to take good care of her children, right now, he now feels that what he did back then was very worthwhile, Because first of all, I treat them better, so what I get in return is sincerity. What you get by treating me with sincerity is sincerity, but what you get in exchange for hypocrisy must be hypocrisy. Although children are still young, they It is they who understand best in their hearts now, who is good to him and who is not good to him. In the world of children, there are only good and bad and not bad, right and wrong, so they distinguish very clearly and very simply. Children are the simplest in the world. If you treat me well, I will definitely treat you well. If you treat me badly, I don’t need to treat you well. So he did the same thing. It’s a very good one, right? Li Xiaoxia was really relieved, and he never expected that Zhan Xiaosong was.

Such a loving child, so Li Xiaoxia said to them, Xiaosong, take your younger brother and you two to eat some of that, fruit, auntie has taught you well, how do you eat, pay attention, eat Always put the fruit peels in the trash can and don’t throw them away, so this child’s habit is formed from an early age. At home, they will do what the adults teach them to do. Whatever the adults teach them, they will be what they are. Ah, if a child behaves badly outside, no one will laugh at the child. They will definitely laugh at the parent behind him.In other words, if a child behaves very well, it means that his parents must have done a good job. This is the child, which is the best portrayal of this parent, so he must educate the child very well. Well, because what is lacking in my family is this kind of morality.

What I mean by this sentence is not to say that their family is not of noble character, but that they lack these things the most now. There is a reason why they can do this, so Li Xiaoxia must raise her children To become an all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, not only these aspects are excellent, but also the character must be very good. Patriotism is a must-have national righteousness. These are all cultivated since childhood. Yes, so to speak, it is the issue of educating children that rises to this issue. As for Li Xiaoxia, she feels that she has no regrets at all, so he said to these two children, after you two children eat the fruit, you must Remember to brush your teeth. Although it seems that these superficially discordant things are connected together, this can make children very good. This is his way of educating children.

In fact, the children can understand him very well. Li Xiaoxia is also very difficult, especially Zhan Xiaosong was a little harsh on him back then. He and his sister were two people when Li Xiaoxia first came to this house. At that time, Li Lixia didn't mean the two children Ma Yue, but thought when the two children would accept her and how she could be fully accepted by these two children, instead of saying Thinking of fighting against them, because, well, kids are very simple, right?If I repay my grievances with kindness, that is the most correct choice for the child, but this also affected Zhan Xiaosong and Zhan Xiaoxuan, until later when he was cooked by Zhan Xiaoxuan every day, Zhan Xiaosong Qishi also saw it, and he felt, well, it was a bit unfair for him and his sister to treat Aunt Li like this. One day he asked his sister and sister, you said that Aunt Li treated us so well, We can do it every morning.

He also bought us new clothes and took us shopping, isn't it a little bad for us to treat him like this?The reason why Li Xiaoxia did this at the time was to influence the two children to scold Zhan Xiaoxuan. At that time, she was a little hesitant. Zhan Xiaoxuan said that I didn't really want to do this, but I didn't want an outsider to come to our home so easily. , think about when he and Dad bullied the two of us for a while, what should we do at that time?right?Our own mother is already outside, right?So we sisters need to fight him together, but at this time Zhan Xiaosong said, then you are not right, I feel that Aunt Li is really good to us, look at it in the morning and make breakfast for us There are several things, whether we love them or not, if we don’t repeat them every day, isn’t that okay?Elder sister, why don't we just forget about it, Zhan Xiaoxuan did the same this time, after hearing what his younger brother said, he said, well, let's observe for a while first, if he can always do this.

Then let's treat him slowly and just accept him. If he is really hypocritical, then we don't need to be polite to him, right?It depends on his attitude towards us and how he treats his father towards this family. In fact, of course Li Xiaoxia knows all these things. Li Xiaoxia thinks that I don't need to get angry with these two children, right? Say they grow up and have their own ideas now, but I do my own thing, they do theirs, I say mine one day they will understand how difficult it should be, right?Even if they don't understand now, when they have a family and children, they will understand my hard work and gradually accept me. I will not be happy until that day Come to think of it, so Li Xiaoxia's persistent persistence made Zhan Gang dare to fight. Gang also knew that he would often find himself to complain after being wronged by the two children, so Zhan Gang was also very considerate to her.

In fact, from the perspective of Li Xiaoxia, he is also quite difficult. You think about it carefully, you are a stepmother, and marrying into this family will make this family worse. The other one is you. First of all, your The purpose must be to live a good life, but this child doesn't accept it, what can you do but take it slowly, which is why Zhan Gang's mother gave Li Xiaoqiang so much money, after all, Xiaoxia treats them well It's not for money. It can be said that it has a little relationship with money. After all, you gave me money. I can't say that I will give you two more money, right?It would appear that I am a bit too lacking in self-cultivation and lack of quality, but no matter what, since you have given me financial compensation, I will definitely treat your family well.

(End of this chapter)

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