There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3671 Children are children after all

Chapter 3671 Children are children after all

At present, An Guanyu is still living in his own world, An Guanyu has thought a lot, he has many plans to escape from this life of Zhan Gang and Liu Zhendong, he still tried a lot, he never I found one thing in the middle, no matter how hard I try, or to change these things, the last thing he can let go of now is his own little son now, if there is one thing that he can do immediately, right? , escaped from this world, then it must be because of his own son, let's not talk about anything else, when Zhan Xiaoxuan is outside now, including An Guanyu, he also feels that this is for him Said it was a very good one.

Speaking of which, An Guanyu now misses his child very much in elementary school, and he realized that he hadn't called his girl for a long time, so he said he wanted to call Zhan Xiaoxuan to express condolences For a moment, what have you been up to lately?Why haven't you contacted me for so long?But after thinking about it, he still felt that if the child didn't contact him, he must be busy with his own business. If he called him, would he disturb the child?Before the next one, his youngest son said that he misses his sister a little bit now, um, it can be said that it is not only his child, Zhan Xiaosong misses his sister, even Zhan Xiaoxuan misses his mother now. Also miss you very much?How should I put it, after all, there is something to do with not seeing each other for a long time, Zhan Xiaoxuan didn't think so much now, when he was eating with the boss, a phone call came suddenly, he glanced at the boss, The boss is also very clever, knowing that he is not suitable to listen to this call right now, so he found a way to tell him, I'm going to go to the bathroom now, and I'll be back in a while, Zhan Xiaoxuan just took advantage of this opportunity.

Quickly answered the phone, Zhan Xiaoxuan is actually willing to be with the boss, another reason is because the boss can tell the height of his eyebrows and sometimes he will avoid him when he needs to avoid it, even if you two are best friends Well, there must be some privacy that is inconvenient to tell the other party, right?This is not to say that hiding the truth from the other party has nothing to do with him, but that this is a small hobby of theirs, the boss thought in his heart, this must be someone important to him calling, no matter what the boss Zhan Xiaoxuan is also very polite and respectful to Zhan Xiaoxuan. As long as you have something to do, I will definitely be satisfied with Zhan Xiaoxuan after you answer the phone. Seeing that it is my mother's call, hurry up Say to your mother, mother, what happened to you recently?I feel that your mood is not right. If you have something, do you want me to go back and take a look with you?In fact, face this.

An Guanyu told him that I just miss you a little bit, and my mother is really not in a good mood recently, but this is a matter between us adults, it has nothing to do with your children, I am calling you, Then I want to ask you whether you are short of money recently. An Guanyu actually doesn’t have any high regards for the child now. He just thinks that the child is short of money now, so I will give you money to show a Parents love them, so Zhan Xiaoxuan also understands his mother and Guan Yu very well, and said to him, Mom, if you are in a bad mood around you, what do you say, go out for a while Come on, after all, this family, alas, halfway through the conversation, Zhan Xiaoxuan also knew that there were some things he should say and she shouldn't. Look at them. After hearing these words, An Guanyu also knew that the child was saving face for him.

An Guanyu said to him, um, it's not what you imagined, I just feel that I, oops, I still want to be with your father, so after all it's been so long, when I'm with your father, your father is right I am also very good. Speaking of this, he burst into tears. When Zhang Xiaojuan heard that her mother still missed her father, she asked him a question that he hadn't thought of asking for a long time. Dare to ask this question, for fear of touching some feelings or weaknesses of his mother, he asked his mother, if you say you like your father so much, why did you divorce him back then?I really don't understand what you adults are thinking, what is going on between you?In fact, there are some things, it’s not that he can understand Zhan Xiaoxuan’s age, he is still a student, and he still doesn’t have a thorough understanding of some things in life, but what to do?

An Guanyu can't tell him too much, after all, he is still a child now, right? It's not appropriate to tell a child so much after all, so this An Guanyu said to him, just play well outside It’s enough to study, and you should try your best not to care about the affairs between adults. After all, what should I say, me and your father, the two of us belong to the relationship between us as adults, although you are more mature now and understand everything , but you still don’t quite understand these aspects of the family. Why did your father and I divorce before? In fact, my divorce from your father has nothing to do with the economy or other things at all. This is a different choice, I choose your father, just because your father was a very good person at the time, but later on, when it comes to this, An Guan Yuyan.

But the novel can also understand that in fact, there is basically no break in the relationship between him and his father. It is because of Liu Zhengdong's appearance, and another time he was bumped into by Uncle Liu when he was talking with Uncle Liu outside. This made Zhang Xiaochuan say that he couldn’t accept it, right, so he thought you were an outsider in their impression, how could you come to insert into my family?No matter how wrong my family is, it has nothing to do with you, and at first he thought so, but later he felt that his thinking was wrong. If his mother didn't give Uncle Liu this chance, how could Uncle Liu have it? Time and space have been in contact with his mother so directly, so his mother still has something to do with it. At least the matter between these two people is their own relationship problem, right?Besides it's all.

What you want between them, you chose Liu Zhengdong at the beginning, but now you tell me that you regret it. As a girl, I really can’t understand these words, and I don’t want to talk to my father. Say.

(End of this chapter)

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