Chapter 3670
Sometimes if doing something can really make you happy, then it proves that what you do is very meaningful, but if you say that doing something can make you very upset, I originally wanted to say it , when you went out for entertainment with your classmates, alas, it was a very happy thing, but this incident made you upset, and this incident meant nothing to you, so I said, I Now it’s decided, if I am playing with my classmates now, hey, this person can make me happy, I will play with him, but if this person can’t make me happy, I will not play with him , Some people have many advantages and disadvantages, but if you can recognize his advantages, it means that the two of you can be together, but if you only see the disadvantages of this person, it means that you cannot Together, let's not talk about anything else, Zhan Xiaoxuan's friends are basically very special.

Especially the boss can make him very happy, so Zhan Xiaoxuan and the boss became best friends. There was another time when Zhan Xiaoxuan was playing cards with his roommates. Originally, playing cards was just entertainment, and he didn’t win. Money, no matter what you play, is it fun?But this classmate always mutters about some unhappy things, right?This made Zhan Xiaoxuan very disgusted. He thought how could this person be like this, and how could a person reflect his own pattern and reflect his own values ​​and measurements? If you are unhappy, if you can tolerate it, it means that you are a very tolerant person, but if you say that this person does not save any mothers, it will make you unhappy, and in fact, sometimes it is really talking about it The pattern, not to mention the pattern, no matter what, sometimes I also find that I am very selfish now, and I don’t like anyone, whether it is selfish or not.

When I was with him, I was upset when I saw him, which means that he is really not easy to associate with. People are like this. You just need to hang out with people with the same interests as you. If you say If you get along with people who are different from you, it means that there is no common language between you, and what? Zhan Xiaoxuan is now when he was with the boss before, and when the boss led him to make money, he can do it well. With others, but when the boss lost money, he also took the losses with the boss without hesitation. Didn't the boss think so much at the time?The boss didn't expect Zhan Xiaoxuan to bear the loss together with him. Speaking of which, the boss is still very grateful to Zhan Xiaoxuan, and Zhang Xiaoquan also lost a lot of money in order to bear his own loss with him. So say both of them.

There is still a reason why we can become such good friends now, let’s not talk about anything else, Zhan Xiaoxuan is very willing to be paid by one person, if one person is willing to pay for another, no matter whether the two are friends If they are still lovers, it means that this person is worthy of his deep friendship. Of course, the boss is also very polite to Zhan Xiaoxuan, and he always thinks about Zhan Xiaoxuan in everything. Once Zhan Xiaoxuan has any difficulties, the first one to rush forward It's the boss, for nothing else but for making money and losing money when we worked together, they lived and died together, that's enough, so now Zhan Xiaoxuan came to the boss again, this time the boss confirmed Zhan Xiaoxuan When I came to him, I basically wanted to start a business with him, so the boss, Zhan Xiaoxuan also recognized Zhan Xiaoxuan very much. A lot of unpleasantness, however.

Have you noticed that as long as the two of us work together to overcome difficulties, this difficulty will basically be solved. Of course, Zhan Xiaoxuan must understand this. Zhan Xiaosong said to the boss, in fact, in my heart I can understand you, what kind of person you are, and sometimes you keep rushing forward for me, he moved me very much, I still remember that time when someone wanted to bully me, I was the first one to rush forward It's you, so I'm also very grateful to you. We two are together, whether it's making money or not, as long as it's agreed in advance, it's very OK. Fan Xiaoxuan, of course he understands this in his heart Things, Zhan Xiaoxuan.

When the two of them are together, they are also very able to listen to each other's other voice. This is actually very important to them. Sometimes when two people are together, if one person is very domineering, then If another person says that he can bear these things together with him, or can explain something good when they are together, it means that he is also a person with a big heart. As for Zhan Xiaoxuan, he is actually very Facing the boss with a broad mind, and sometimes fighting Zhiwen, Xiaoxuan also knows very well, if I tolerate him, then he will tolerate me in the future, so the two of them are best friends now , Even if the two of them are together, there are many times when they don’t make money, so the two of them only need to be happy when they are together. Their original intention is to do something together.

Especially things like doing business, there must be gains and losses. As long as we are happy when we are together, no matter whether we are making money or losing money, it is very good. At that time, Zhan Xiaoxuan His family is not short of money, of course, the boss's family is not short of money, both of them need each other to achieve each other, the boss once said such a sentence to Zhan Xiaoxuan, regardless of my company's income If you don’t make money, I’ll always share it with you. If you make any money, we’ll share it equally. If it’s a loss, it’s also my own. As Zhan Xiaoxuan, he’s so loyal, so of course he can’t talk to him. To make money together, you can't take risks with him, this is not Zhan Xiaoxuan's style, so Zhan Xiaoxuan also said a word to him, in fact, I am with you, no matter whether it is to make money or not, You said which of the two of us is looking for money, right?Just to be happy, as long as you are happy.

After the two of them agreed on these basic terms, the two of them went to a place for dinner. Of course, the boss had to invite Zhan Xiaoxuan for the meal, so who will treat him in the end?It's hard to say, Zhan Xiaoxuan's family is not short of money, and the condition of the boss is also very good, the two of them eat together just to have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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