There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3673 Understanding each other

Chapter 3673 Understanding each other
Of course, Zhan Xiaoxuan understood what the boss wanted to say. Regarding this issue, if he wanted to see his own opinion, Zhan Xiaoxuan said to the boss, actually, what do I want to do about these things, my parents They don't give too many opinions at all, they give advice as a reference, they basically don't care about it, if I say I need funds, they will definitely remit it to me without hesitation, but as for me What I do is my own business, including whether I wanted to enter the system, or I wanted to be a graduate student, or it was my father who was very supportive of me, right?But as long as he needs money, he will definitely donate the money to support me without hesitation. Now think about whether it is a man or a woman, what I hope to get when starting a business outside is the support at home. If your family supports you in doing something, you can definitely do it well, but if you don’t do it, the family will not support it.

Where there are people, he must have some disputes, right?Don’t do it again. If you want to do this, people don’t want to do this, they want to do that, there will definitely be different views and opinions. There are many people who put their own interests first, and don’t use great effort. For the benefit of the general public, I always teach others how to behave. I am so old, do I still use you to teach me how to behave?right?Is there something I don't understand?And what you want to do to me now is simply impossible. Faced with these situations, Li Xiaoqiang has his own ideas, and he thinks that some people in the brother units under him are worth helping, and some People don’t know that there is help at all, because after you help them, they will not appreciate you, and will always feel that you are using them. Sometimes, if you really use you like this, it means that you are worth using, right? Using you If you say that you are not even worth using, it means that you are really not good, and he will bid farewell to Yangshuzhuang completely.

When Zhan Xiaoxuan came from the north to communicate with them, some fathers spoke with local accents, and they might not understand what they said, but most of the meanings were similar, and Li Xiaoxia trained them At that time, the words I said to them were basically concise and easy to understand, so that they could understand them, but some people were more willing to pick their bones, right?If you help him with one point, he thinks about two points, and if you help him with three points, he thinks that four such people will not help at all, so Li Xiaoxia just said to Zhan, you said that these people are sometimes really What's more, it's not worthy of pity. I think their business is not very good. Do you want to help them?They thought I was trying to figure out something for them, and you said they have something worthy of me to paint, so don't be too suspicious of this person, if you can do it, I will help you, if you can't, I won't help you.

Zhan Gang is also very understandable about these things. Zhan Gang told them that, in fact, I also understand very well. You are like some colleagues in our unit. There are many special situations in their families. We, as leaders, affirm I want to care for them, and I don’t want to show some understanding and respect for their special situation. If I give them corresponding subsidies, he will think that I am a little bit worse, just pity them, and feel that their life is not as good as them. In fact, if you say that I help What purpose can you have, right?I am a leader after all, what are you, but they often don't think so, so Zhan Gang said to Li Xiaoxia, our life is only a few decades, and we are basically halfway through, right?So sometimes, don’t think about those things anymore. So, it’s worth it for us to do it, and it’s not worth it for us to do it. It’s very happy at first, but if it makes you unhappy, let’s stay away from them , we must stay away from this kind of person.

Sometimes their IQ can't keep up, but how should I put it, everyone has their own destiny. When your IQ can't keep up, don't force yourself into the circle, it will be bad for you , So Zhan just said to Li Xiaoxia, for those whose IQ is a bit low, we don’t care about them, and for those who can understand, let’s help them, everyone is mutual, isn’t it? ?
Zhang Gang just said to Li Xiaoxia, you don't have to worry about this little thing every day, right?After we have done what we should do well, everyone knows how well we are doing. If you say that 10 people can’t be 10 people, they can’t understand, and they don’t understand our team. It’s okay, everyone will get their approval in the end, so you don’t have to do it because of these things, we just make ourselves happy every day, we are not bad at anything now, we have everything we need, we must be happy, if you say If you are not happy, what is the point of living?Li Xiaoxia also agrees with Zhan Gang's simple and easy-to-understand theory. At first, Li Xia and Li Xiaoxia were not such a person, but after following Zhan Gang, he felt that Zhan Gang lived a very simple or happy life. There are not so many routines in life, which is very good, so Li Xiaoxia is also very willing to fight, just here.

Li Xiaoxia just said to Zhan Gang, oops, in fact, before you said you didn’t know you, I felt very tired in life, thinking about this and that every day, but they never thought about me, but after I met you, I I think your outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​are very positive, so I feel very happy to be with you, very happy, why do you still want to be with you at such an advanced age?Isn't it because of these?You were ten years older than me at the time, right?People in my family disagree and everyone disagrees. You know this, but I still chose it naturally despite the pressure. Actually, let’s talk about this. How do you compare the two of them with each other? Do you cherish each other?Zhan Gang told him it's fine, don't talk about it, I understand what you said, right?At that time your mother was so against it, so I felt that nothing was worth it. Oh, how should I put it, now you are talking about me, and when it comes to fighting here, I just got a little overwhelmed.

Li Xiaoxia seemed to have guessed what Zhang Gang wanted to say. Li Xiaoxia said to Zhan Gang, do you remember the past between you and your ex-wife? We can see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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