3774 - Made new friends
In the end, Zhang Xiaoxuan decided to go. He still had some considerations about the glasses. He felt that the two of them still had feelings for each other. No matter what he had to say, he had to explain it face to face, otherwise he would be too sorry. He’s gone, so he went shopping, and he didn’t know anything after he went in, because Zhang Xiaochuan is a very smart person, he knew it from his own judgment, because his parents both had glasses. Are you in politics?People who are in politics must be inseparable from alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol must not be separated, because these are all necessary things for their officialdom. Buying wine, because Glasses bought them two bottles of good wine when they came back to their house. Those two bottles of good wine are worth a lot at first glance, so he can't lose the chain, so he wants to buy them back, and Improper is not only to buy wine at the same price, but also what else.

He wants to return this extra favor, so he also thinks that he will buy one more, sell it, buy two more cigarettes, and buy two Huazi, so that he looks very respectable. , So, when he went to a cigarette shop, he had the same experience as glasses when he first went there. The waiter didn't pay attention to you at all. You don't understand anything when you are young, right?But Zhang Xiaoxuan is very smart. Hey, if I don’t buy other things, I will buy Maoxiang and Huazi. You are such a big store. First of all, you are sure that you dare not sell fakes. If you sell fakes Then you are finished, then he has already figured out this point, and the waiter will sell him those non-branded wines and cigarettes after a meal, because he doesn't understand, saying how it is foreign, foreign Alcohol and cigarettes from foreign countries are purely imported. In fact, his routine is good for others, but Xiaoxuaner is not good for team battles, because although he said that this place is small, they also call people bluffing, that is, foreign countries Those self-love things, those foreign words for you.

You don’t even know those English letters, Russian letters, and French letters, so whatever I say is what I say, and you don’t know what to say, and you don’t have a place to look it up, right?But I went to school in the small circle, he won’t listen to you cheating, he said that you don’t care about that thing at all, the circle of comrades said to him, don’t tell me these are useless, I will ask you if you have Sauce fragrance, do you have Huazi, as long as you have it, bring me two boxes, this is a big family, are you still thinking about this guy, I met a big old guy, right?So I followed up with the second sentence in the small circle, I told you to give me everything and give me an invoice, ah, and I want to verify whether the box has been opened, and I will take all of this at once. The most likely ones are fake ones, and they may all be blocked at once. If you want to know that the money is quite expensive, how much are these two boxes of Huazi and two boxes of soy sauce worth?It's tens of thousands, so don't even try to play tricks on me.

Don't play tricks with the two of you, and I don't listen to your tricks at all, right?So let’s talk about this waiter, let’s be honest, he’s very happy, but he doesn’t have the right to sell so much, he’s given the indicators above, and he’s going to give you more things instead of using them, because he’s looking for a manager and a manager, A little girl came to buy two boxes of Huazi and two boxes of soy sauce. You can see if we have the goods. This old experience is regrettable. If it is a normal person, he will definitely not sell it to him, because you This little girl came to buy these, there must be something wrong, the family behind her is either rich or noble, you can't afford to mess with him at all, and there are only a lot of respectable people in the local area, even if those big businessmen come , He didn't say that he bought things like this, did he?So, he didn't dare to underestimate Zhan Xiaoxuan at all. In two words, the obedient manager came out to greet him in person and said hello to the little girl. I'm the manager here. If you need anything, just call me. Ah, don't worry about our wine, I'm not just selling you.

And my after-sales service, alas, I also have a lot of after-sales services, alas, you can come to me if you have any questions, this is my business card, he handed it to him casually, Xiaoxuan saw this person His manners are extraordinary, his temperament is extraordinary, and his conversation and conversation, he doesn't follow his waiter at all, and he doesn't follow the same routine at all. He also understands it very well, so he said to him, um, what is that, What's the matter? I'm in this store. Don't worry, I've been the store manager for 10 years. How much is our total price?Take this money, may I ask you to pay in cash or by credit card?I swiped a card directly in the past two days, this card is a gold card, so let’s talk about it, the energy is quite solid, I just saw that he is really powerful, and he said the multiple of the service How did you come to be like me? How did you come here?I'll send a car and I'll take you there, tell me the destination Kaka and I'll send you there to go to elementary school, it just so happens that he is today, he didn't drive, alas, it just so happens that the manager is coming, actually he said you .

Seeing our age, I won’t pretend to you anymore. I should call you sister, sister. I’m committed to you as a friend. I just didn’t drive my car today. I’m going out to run errands now, just in case I’m not black if I drink some wine or something, so it’s just that you send me there, that’s great, let’s also say that the manager’s quack is also beautiful, quack banzheng is basically the same as Zhan Xiaoxuan He belongs to that kind of professional and capable person, right?So the two of them appreciated each other very much when they met. They both added friends and left some contact information. The two of them will basically take their time in the future. There must be a lot of things, and then this woman , let’s talk to Zhan Xiaoxuan about my little sister, if you have any questions about buying cigarettes or alcohol in the future, you will come here to find my sister, today we met for the first time, and when you buy these things, there are strict rules, There are no discounts. When you buy other things, my sister will give you a discount and give you the biggest discount. You can see if your sister can do something for you or not. Zhang Xiaojuan is also a showman.

Seeing that this woman is so bright, it's quite exciting, isn't it?So I said to that sister, sister, I have made up your sister and your friend. If you have something to buy cigarettes and alcohol in the future, don’t worry, I will definitely come to you. If anyone doesn’t look for me, I will come to you. You see, I will create more business for you at that time, and I will ask all my friends to come.

(End of this chapter)

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