There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3775 You Go First

Chapter 3775 You Go First
Sometimes it’s just like this, when two people meet, it’s a feeling of seeing each other late, and it’s there right away, so they feel, it’s really too much, between them, it’s really, ah, mutual Seeing it late, that sister said to him, little sister, I see you, you also don’t often say that you came back from other places, so the child said, sister, how do you know that I am from other places? What about coming back?Then this sister is quite talkative, my surname is Li, you just ask me to understand, and then sister Li looks at you, that is not the local aura at all, how can the local girl have your temperament, she looks at you like this When you dress up, you really have a very temperament and bearing. You have finished your university outside, you have all this. You are like our generation, basically you don’t have any diplomas, so let’s say it You are like you, I can understand Zhan Xiaoxuan at a glance, right?Zhan Xiaoxuan.

Then I told him the truth in the past two days, sister, you guessed very right, I will do some business for the out-of-towners first, this is not a holiday, if something happens, I will come back to do some things, after finishing the work I'll go now, right now, he was wondering before, ah, this little girl can buy so many things, there must be something wrong, so if you say this to him, just say yes to them directly, That must be um, people like you are all career-oriented outside, there are some people who are ambitious, very so, but, there are some things, my sister thinks you are very good, you are this What are you doing?He wanted to say but he didn't, and he was too embarrassed to ask. People must buy things as gifts. Can you ask so directly?If the question is so direct and straightforward, it will not be good if we meet in the future. Chen Xiaochuan took the initiative to tell him that I am coming back. My boyfriend went to my house. At that time, I didn't want to be with him a little bit.

It's not that I'm so heartless, what is it?It's really not the case that the two of us live in different places all the time, isn't it?You say I put it outside, after a long time, do you feel worried about him, and he also doesn’t worry about me, he always thinks that I’m normal, why do I run around every day outside, so the two of us just talk to each other There are some suspicions, um, when I came back from the previous life, I always said that he did not agree to the breakup, and I was quite upset. He went to my house to buy a lot of things. Although we are a girl, we can't do errands, ah, right errands, isn't that a joke?So, I'll just buy something and give it back to others, but what do I say if I break up with him?I don't even know what to say, how about you give me some advice? Sister, I trust you very much, I think you are very reliable in doing things, you must have some good ideas, if you have any, you Just tell me, we met by chance, right?I won't cheat you, and I won't lie to you, right?Um, and he did not understand this at the beginning.

He didn't dare to say too much, he just thought, you talked so much between the two of them, after all, it's not good to talk too much in the first meeting, so he didn't say too much, and then Then he said to Zhan Xiaoxuan, then you have to deal with your own feelings yourself.

No matter how many opinions others give, it is not decent, is it?It’s not very good to give us another opinion, um, Zheng Xiaoxuan saw that this woman speaks with a sense of proportion, and when he speaks, he also has a strict basis for these things, so he speaks It's also watertight, but it's impossible for him to say anything more. He asked my sister these two days, are you married now?Tell me about any problems you had at the time. Let me refer to it. Do you want to give young people a chance to lift their shoes? You are like me. Now I am busy publishing books and don’t understand anything. If I want to Did you really miss this marriage?I still regret it, don't I?Then you said that if I make a decision, I am afraid that I will regret it, so this understanding has reached this level, and I am hiding it, that is not good, after all, he also wants this friend, so I dare Speaking of the situation of the two of you, I probably already understand that you two can say that, you still love each other, it's just a matter of being in a different place.

When Zhan Xiaoxuan saw his instant love, he brought up the main question, so he must have understood it very well, so Zhan Xiaoxuan told him.

On Zhan Xiaoxuan's side, he is still hesitating whether to go or not. He is actually Uncle Zhang's nephew, so he called himself, because the two of them have made an appointment before and are ready to leave?Looking at the station car now, he has not said anything for a long time, so he is a little anxious, and we realized it when we were young after answering the phone.

The longer this matter is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be for him, or he has already made an appointment with Uncle Zhang's nephew and is about to leave, but now Zhan Xiaoxuan is still not moving, I don't know What to say, so Uncle Zhang's nephew wanted to call Zhan Xiaoxuan first, but after all, if he said to call him directly, there are some things that are difficult to explain, so he called Li Xiaoxia first, Li Xiaoxia saw that the call was from her Uncle Zhang's younger brother, and she murmured to him inwardly, "Oh, my younger brother is calling, what's going on?"Is there anything I can do for you?Uncle Zhang's nephew, he was very happy, and said to him directly, isn't that what Zhan Xiaoxuan and I have already made an appointment with?Why does he seem to be silent now?He said he didn't know what was going on, let's say Li Xiaoxia, she knew that his relationship with eyes was still very complicated, so he did.

In order to stabilize his situation, he just told him that he has some things at home that need to be dealt with recently, or how about this, um, you can discuss it, you go first, what will happen in the end? If it doesn’t work, he can go again. Anyway, this set of procedures will be handled by you in the past. Uncle Zhang’s nephew will basically understand what’s going on as soon as he hears it. These, in fact, still need a lot of things to deal with, so I say There's nothing wrong with him saying that.

Uncle Zhang's nephew said to him, okay, then I'll take a look. I'm going to leave in the next two days. Well, when the time comes, you can just tell him about it.

(End of this chapter)

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