There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3802 Get 1 chance

Chapter 3802 Get a chance

In fact, as far as glasses are concerned, he is also worried now. He also recently made a resume for himself, and then went to the outside when he ran to the tower. In fact, I didn’t get many responses at the beginning, because everyone I don’t know much about him, or I don’t know much about some of his experiences, so most people in his Bodhisattva resume don’t know what’s going on, and he was suspicious at the beginning What did he do? You said that with such a high degree and such an excellent condition, why is it so difficult for me to find a job?In fact, he was a little bit guilty in his heart. Anyway, he was not discouraged. After several twists and turns, someone finally responded to his apprentice's resume, and a company invited him to interview this company. company.

I also want to recruit an administrative staff in the office, because everyone used to do this kind of work, so I know a lot about this kind of work. He has a big advantage now, which is his age. The above has a great advantage. After all, he is young and when he came out to work, so he is very special in this area. After making an appointment, ah, this company invites him to meet, actually What is the meaning of the meeting invited by this company? I just want to see if I can recruit an excellent administrative staff. If I can recruit, then it’s better if I can’t. Even though the company thinks so , but Spectacle doesn’t think so, I Spectacle thinks this is a good opportunity, and he has made very good preparations, so he feels that he must take part in this interview well.

Because the previous job was introduced by his own father, but this job is completely on his own, the meaning is completely different, it is quite meaningful to the eyes, he wants to rely on The first step to prove his own success, but he thinks about these things a bit too simply now, anyway.

You still have to follow the rules, at least there are many rules in the workplace. Although he explained it clearly, he said that every company has different routines, but if you can master these routines well, alas, you will slowly and forever Will be able to become a very good person, glasses are like this, what are glasses?He just wants to do a job down-to-earth now, find a job, and then use this job to support his own living expenses. Sometimes, what everyone earns when they come out to work is not money at all, but living expenses. When you can earn When it comes to money, that is when you can really prove yourself.

Before this, he had thought about it a lot, and he also thought about why he didn’t have it. When the first job resume was successful, he felt that the threshold was too high. At that time, um, a friend of his told him Such a sentence, let’s say this, although it’s true, it’s a bit ugly, you might as well try to find a salesperson, alas, the threshold for this sales position is relatively low, isn’t it?But he can't say that, the glasses were also affected by the epidemic at the time, if the company didn't work, he might really go to sales, this is another kind of power outage for him, never before He has worked in this industry, but what will he be like after working in this industry now?It's hard to say. After he made an appointment with the HR of this company, he will meet at 9:30 tomorrow morning. This time happens to be a relatively free time in the company, and everyone has time to calm down and do it.

As for the AR glasses, I am also very happy this year, because I got an interview invitation from this company. In the evening, he told Zhan Xiaoxuan that I will go to the interview tomorrow morning. What is your phenomenon? I said, what mood do I have when you go to the interview, my only heart is to hope that everything goes well for you.

Then find the job you like, this is my mood, I must wish you well, it is impossible for me to wish you well, then it is not very friendly to me, right?And the glasses, now that he heard Zhan Xiaoxuan blessing him so much, he was very happy in his heart. He said that if you really admitted tomorrow, it would be great, and I will be able to go to work soon, right? ?Anyway, this is the first step I have taken by myself, I am still very excited, I think I can still be considered, Zhan Xiaoxuan, of course, at that time he knew the account for a dollar, glasses Well, he is also working very hard now, not only for himself, but also for him, so there is a big reason for him to live so hard now, I hope the two of them will get together, although this job has You may earn less, but.

This is their first step towards success. After all, if they want to grow, they must break away from all social relationships, so that they can make steady progress. This is what Zhan Xiaoxuan thinks, and the same is true for glasses. Zhan, Xiaoxuan Xuan must have matured a lot earlier than Glasses, otherwise he wouldn't have said anything, he would have left the family system and come out to find a job by himself, since he can do this, he is fully prepared for Glasses vs. Xiao Xuan is also very eager to wear a small circle, so he said to the glasses, this time you know why I have to come out alone to find a job, the working environment outside, you see, the working environment in our city is completely different from our hometown, my hometown In terms of working environment, basically your circle is the main one. The resources of the previous generation are here. Whether we work hard or not, we can basically get a good resource.

But you don’t know if you’ve discovered it. When you arrive in this city, don’t do it at all. It can be said that you start from scratch, because there are many unknowns in this industry, right? There is also a lot of hard work in this city, so I say We must work hard on our own, so that we can win the trust of others and let others look down on us, right?You said that you are the one who is respected only by living in your hometown?It's not what you look at, it's your rich generation and the previous generation, what you look at is their face, we like me will always live in their shadow, although he has no hesitation towards us, right?But what we are respected by others is not respecting ourselves at all, so it is very important to us, and it is also very important to prove ourselves. We have to gain the respect of others through our own efforts. This is what we do. A reflection of the value of life.

(End of this chapter)

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