There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 3803 Became more mature

Chapter 3803 has become more mature

What Zhan Xiaoxuan said is very good. He also understands the glasses in his heart, so no matter what Zhan Xiaoxuan said, his thinking is still correct. His thinking is indeed beyond his own. I heard him say that , he has more confidence in himself, and then he said to him, I heard you say this, I am more determined now, and I believe that I can do a good job, yes, I will come out to find out by myself As for the job, I must find a job that I think is okay and that I like. If I don’t like this job, then it is not a very good thing for me, so, oh, I am now Well, what do you think I should do, go to the interview tomorrow, I don’t know what questions he will ask me, Zhan Xiaoxuan just laughed, and he said to her, Actually I don’t have this experience, but I believe it , He will definitely ask you some unexpected questions, just ask him with your eyes.

Why do you say that?How did you know he would ask these questions I didn't expect?Zhan Xiaoxuan thought for a while and said to him, because I am here, can I be considered a shareholder?The partner I was with, he once interviewed others, and I wanted to hire people because of our needs. He asked some questions that I didn’t expect at all. Alas, these questions are not difficult to say It's not easy to say, but it makes you very uncomfortable. It depends on how you deal with it. And this time, Uncle Zhang's nephew, who I came with me, also said when he was interviewing other people. The thing is, it’s not about examining the other party’s adaptability, or the real perspective on this issue. In fact, he just wants to make it difficult for you on purpose, and see how you react to this thing. , if you reacted very violently to this, he might change the angle, right?But if you don't react strongly to this, you might.

It's another matter, this one completely depends on the on-the-spot response ability, or how about the ability to withstand pressure?For them, what tasks can you actually accomplish?Every month, you have your own corresponding tasks to complete and fail to complete, which are all planned by yourself. If you think in your heart that you want to complete these tasks.

If you complete the work assigned by the leader, it means that you are still very good, but you are very slow in responding to these, alas, if you don’t want to make progress, then this is very bad, after all, the company is going to evaluate you, Do you think you should get some money for wearing these things? In fact, he has a good understanding of his own situation. After listening to the glasses, he also understands. It seems that he thinks about the interview a little bit. It was easy, he also made a lot of preparations, a lot of inner struggles, what should he do tomorrow, after doing this, he also wanted to understand, so he said to Zhan Xiaoxuan, no matter what he said tomorrow, Or how hard it is for me, I will definitely obey, after all, because I just want to have dinner, I am not like before, you should have heard it when I was working, I still have a temper, first of all my personal character.

It’s just like that, it can’t be changed at all, and secondly, my father is there after all, and they will give my father more or less face. As the saying goes, you don’t look at the monk’s face to see the Buddha’s face. This is the truth, so I say They don't dare to do anything to me, but I think that after I am optimistic about these problems, they should not be like this. I should start from a different angle, and I should better plan my own life for myself. I came out and abandoned my previous excellent job, what am I for?I want to make it clear that after Zhan Xiaoxuan heard this, he was also very excited. He felt that the big boy beside him at this moment had finally grown up a little bit and matured a little bit. If he wanted to Praise him, he is still afraid that he will be proud, but it is not a good feeling not to take advantage of his father, so he said to the glasses.

Your current state is the same as when I first came here. You really want to do one thing well. If you feel this way, you must change it. If you want to do this thing well, that’s for sure, but Secondly, um, you have to understand one thing, everything is not something that you can get in a hurry, especially these jobs, you just wait quietly, and one day you can blossom and bear fruit. The above requirements for you may be much stricter than this, but what kind of requirements do you have for yourself? No matter if you are sure, you must have a clear understanding of yourself, so that you can be yourself, and you will not regret it. In fact, Zhan Xiaoxuan also understands these words in his eyes and heart, but sometimes he just does it. No, he just wants to come out this time.

Putting these things into practice, you must definitely get what he wants, and it will greatly adapt to his working environment in the future. A man's mature period should be around 30 years old and 20 years old. The way of thinking is definitely different from the thinking of 30 years old. After all, when you are 20 years old, you are young and energetic. It is good to learn something, but you have to settle down and do these things very well, and that’s fine.

As for a man, once he is over 30 years old, his thinking will definitely become more stable, unlike when he was 20 years old, is he arrogant and domineering at that time? We can’t say that his thinking in his 20s is wrong. This is a man who must be rich On the road, if he wants to succeed, which young man in his 20s is not crazy?Is it still called a young man if he is not rampant?right?So, he is also trying to make a lot of efforts to do this well. He thinks that I must not be like this when I am 30 years old. If I am still like this when I am 30 years old.

If you are not suitable for this job, it may be due to your personality or the environment, but when all kinds of jobs are not suitable for you, what should you do? This is a very bad choice for you. up.

It is required not to blame the bad environment. The general environment is not good, right? Are you the one who can influence the environment?You are definitely not, so at this time, do one thing in a down-to-earth manner, and do well the things under your nose. This is something you should do yourself. A man should be responsible for the person he loves. A real man is one who takes responsibility for his actions.

(End of this chapter)

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