There is room for the reborn doctor

4073 - Life needs tempering

4073 - Life needs tempering

Uncle Zhang’s nephew, in fact, he also knew how many risks he took when he was the manager, including how much responsibility he took on himself. So, where there is responsibility, there must be risks of its own. .The goals he has set for himself now are actually neither too much nor too little. He just, uh, wishes that he can complete his own tasks every month.What about training?In any case, when you are together, you still have to consider each other's feelings.When Lao Han first came here, he wasn't really used to it in his heart, but when we got together with him later, this was often the case when the two of them met.

Communication, and everyone knows what kind of temper and temperament he is, so when the two of them have troubles with each other, they are also mutual humility, which also leads to the two of them Sometimes when there are disagreements, we will discuss it together for a while, and we will definitely not say it as hard as before.Sometimes this person's mind, including what things are together, often needs everyone to work together to get along better, and no one person can be the leader alone.

So there is a saying that it is difficult to do it alone? When you are doing very well at this time, you must consider your truest inner feelings and what you should be like.You may be, er, in the leading position now, but gradually you can say whether you are so leading.People must have their own habits, and when we work together, we should be considerate of each other's perspective.Ah, consider the difficulty of his work from the perspective of the other party, and gradually you will learn how to get along with others. At the beginning, Uncle Zhang’s nephew didn’t know how to do it. This is all later, old man Did Han teach him?

Lao Han also knew in his heart that sometimes I will teach you and you can come up, but sometimes, you just can’t do it like this. When we were together, we had some secrets from each other at the beginning , or how.Until later when he discovered the strengths of the other party, he felt that this person could really get along with him, and that he had many special strengths, and it was also a part worth learning for a long time.So when we do business together, we often share our experience with each other, so that when we do business together, there must be some other things.And under the conditions we are in now, there are many situations where it is said that we will not get this for you, and we will not get you that, but in some cases, you can't tell what to say.

So when Lao Han talked to him at the time, he couldn't listen at all, because he was still young at the time, and he felt that Lao Han was one of his subordinates, no matter what his position was, where was it? .But later I found out that Lao Han's way of doing things is completely different from him, and Lao Han is very good at handling things that he can't handle. Slowly, he may not be convinced at the beginning, but later he also treats Lao Han.

With a thumbs up, he felt that Lao Han was really a very good, very nice person.And in many cases, the things that Lao Han did made him very admired, no matter what Lao Han did, he was very humble, very cautious, everything was given to him. The other party saves a bit of face, it doesn't mean that I can do whatever I want, if it is really based on self-will and self-centered, then gradually I will be isolated by everyone, but slowly He didn't do this, but chose to do it with him.

So when this old Han was with Li Xiaoxia, the two of them often communicated, and he also talked a lot with Li Xiaoxia. Li Xiaoxia learned a lot from Lao Han. At that time, Li Xiaoxia asked Uncle Zhang’s nephew Going to work, I mentioned it to him when I was a manager. His master at that time was a man named Lao Han. Lao Han now has his own way of doing things by himself.It definitely doesn't mean that he was a mess or a very hard-working one. After spending so long with her, Li Xiaoxia also knew what kind of person he was, so she knew that he would definitely not be the kind of mercenary.

What's the matter, ah, they are all selfish, very selfish people, and later communicated with them, including even when he was with Zhan Gang later, he also told Zhan Gang a lot. I didn't quite believe it, but gradually he also believed it. Zhang Gang felt that although he, Lao Han, said he could succeed, it was inseparable from his own experience, and what Lao Han did was also very good. It is in place, and Lao Han is also very confident in what he does, which is very important.

If a man has no self-confidence when hanging out, then anyone who sees you will bully you, right? This will not only damage your own image, but also damage the company's image. Now you are not alone, you is representative of the entire company.Then the company will definitely give you some other better considerations on the basis of these getting along with each other, and what he is experiencing now is also what he experienced when he was young. When he was young, he rarely Some people don't make mistakes. The most important point is that if you can correct them in time when you make mistakes, it will be very precious to yourself.

And when everyone gets along together, no one says that you make mistakes and are not reported by others. If you say so, then you will reflect on yourself, why others can not be reported, and you are reported, this must be Sophisticated, does relationship work?Sometimes it's not just about the world, but also everyone's interests and face, right?If these things of yours can bring benefits to everyone, then everyone has no reason to offend you, right? You can figure this out after thinking about it, and there are many cases why people have opinions on you, yes Does anyone else have an opinion?

This is definitely not to say that just talking about it.Simple, it has been proven through long-term practice. Everyone knows very well what kind of person you are, and after everyone knows your character, they will treat you, your actions, including their opinions. There will definitely be some reservations, which means that you need to really hone your skills slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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