4074 - Don't Envy
Zhan and Li Xiaoxia, recently, the two of them have a relatively leisurely job. There are many times when the two of them hardly have to work. This is one of the reasons why many people envy them. Life is like this to a large extent. , when your current state is not very respected.Everyone thinks about you, but in fact it’s nothing special, no matter what it is now or what, as long as everyone thinks you can do it, you can be completely the same as before. The two of them just think that now, uh, I paid so much when I was young, but when I get old, I basically don’t have to work, and it has become the life that the two of them are pursuing now, which is understandable.

And Uncle Zhang's nephew is going to be given to them in this state, well, after getting so much money, the two of them are very relieved, so Zhang Gang and Li Xiaoxia are also very good to Uncle Zhang's nephew, no matter what How to put it this way, no matter the status the two of them are in now, or other levels, it is said that others are incomparable, and it also makes them understand a truth. A suitable stand-in, and at any rate, the stand-in.It is very important to say that the current job of Uncle Zhang is to act as a substitute for them, so when the two of them are working, um, it can be said that they do some other useful problems unscrupulously, and the two of them Now.

Anyway, ah, it must be much better than before, so the two of them also want to, uh, do something that contributes to society, the two of them also want to do some welfare funds for Ordinary people, give back to the society, and talk about other things or something, but when the two of them were discussing, Zhang Gang said to Li Xiaoxia, ah, what do you think of our idea, it is to benefit the society, Bring some to society.Certainly can factor, and.Anyway, our current state is also a very state that everyone is looking forward to. Every morning, we get up to drink tea, and then take a soak in the bath.It is enough for them to do some meaningful things together in twos and threes. After retirement, isn't this what life is like, so what he is doing now is also very right.

And no matter what, Uncle Zhang's nephew earned a lot of money for the two of them, enough to spend.Sometimes, why did they say they were given so many bonuses last year?Because it's really a really nice kid.At the beginning, he was not favored by everyone, but later everyone thought he could do it. He was definitely not as simple as just talking about it.It must have taken some practice and reason to make them um, this is very perfect. Everyone, Zhan Gang and Li Xiaoxia are also very envious of the current state of the two of them, and the current state they are in also means that the two of them Personally, one of the best things, anyway.

Ah, now Zhang Gang's mother doesn't have to worry about him anymore. She doesn't have to worry about him drinking outside every day like he used to. Absolutely will not do that.It's quite long, Zhang Gang's mother also misses her very much, and often calls him. Sometimes when he dare not call, it doesn't mean that he dare not call, but he is too embarrassed to call him. , because after all, he was afraid that the two of them were busy, and some things, uh, were not easy to talk about, so he often called Li Xiaoxia. First of all, Li Xiaoxia was a very ideal person he funded, yes, and the things Li Xiaoxia did Ah, it was also highly recognized by Zhan Gang's mother, right? If they didn't enter the door at first, everything about the two of them was not favored.

But whether you look at it or not, Li Zhangang's mother never showed it, right, and there are many degrees of it.You exchanged it yourself, and it was also thanks to their hard work, and it was also very successful, so Li Xiaoxia is also a very sensible child, and she often goes home to visit his parents for Zhang Gang, which is also normal Yes, so I said.Just now, uh, I often said to Li Xiaoxia, I really thank you very much, without you, I don’t know what my life is like now, it may be dark, it is indeed.At the beginning of the divorce, when Shang just couldn't get out of this thought, he thought that my conditions were so good, why would others abandon her?

In fact, when An Guanyu left him, it wasn't because of how bad Zhan Gang himself was at the time, but because he didn't like his attitude very much. Now everything, everything, Zhang Gang thinks it's him. , took him out of the darkness and into the light, the fact is also like this, when a man, especially a middle-aged man, is hit hard, how can he stand up again, this is a big challenge for him And anyway, he has stood up now, right, the person who stood up was Li Xiaoxia who helped him stand up, so he is also very grateful to Li Xiaoxia, Li Xiaoxia has done something to her that she should do Son, at the beginning, Li Xiaoxia didn't expect him to reconcile the steel wire.

Death, or what should happen in other states, he just felt that his heart should be with this man.To live a happy life is to obey his own heart. This also made him gradually understand that the couple must be tolerant and humble to each other, which can be done for both of them.Moreover, the things that Zhang Gang has done are also very meaningful. Although he has made great achievements in the system, he still needs to help some other people, and he will give some things to his relatives and friends. He also has to take care of it.Moreover, Zhan Gang is also a person who recognizes relatives very much, and he is very good at all relationships, no matter what.

He absolutely does not allow others to talk about him behind his back.What's wrong with that?This is also a place where a man needs to be strong. There is nothing wrong with a man being strong. The only thing I am afraid of is that he is playing with things every day and loses his mind. So Zhang Gang’s current state is also, uh, very relaxed and free. He is also very A man, an object that middle-aged men envy, but envy is envy, but you can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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