There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4142 The mood is not beautiful

Chapter 4142 The mood is not beautiful
To tell you the truth, Mrs. Zhang only cares about his mood now, which is not very beautiful, but every day she has to pretend to be very beautiful, why?Isn't that because of him recently?How can he say it? It's just that I'm not in a good mood. Sometimes it comes from the pressure of life, sometimes it comes from the pressure of work, most of them are.Relying on the pressure of life, in fact, sometimes, he can handle most of them very well, but recently he has encountered a lot of troubles and problems.

Sometimes he doesn't mean that he doesn't want to deal with it, but that some problems are really difficult for him, and what he is doing now may have a lot to do with other things , and there are many things in his current life that he is not particularly able to accept, and there are very few things he can accept.So what he is doing now has nothing to do with what he did before, but he still wants to stick to his job, not for anything else, but because of his passion and love for that life , so he must persevere now.As for why he is like this now?Sometimes, he feels that doing one thing is very addictive, such as making friends with some people.

He just likes, um, some desire for control. This may also be a problem with the characteristics of certain leaders, so he also has these problems now, but it does not mean that he cannot do these things now, but that he is When doing these things, some people don't consider other people's feelings. When you can't consider other people's feelings, then it's for you.These are not very beautiful. Sometimes it is not a kind of happiness, but in most cases it is a burden. When a habit becomes a burden, you have to pay a lot for it. As for the price , you must clearly understand what it means, and he is now too.He is trying his best to restrain himself. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to do some things, but that he knows that after he does this in his heart, he will have some bad behaviors, and we are all very clear about other things now. No matter what kind of situation you are in now, you need to have a kind heart. If you use these things to do some other things, then you have a lot to do with other things.

So we must be full of passion and love for life now, for every morning, um, having a good morning is just the beginning, because anyway, everything he is doing now is the same as everyone else There are many things related, and even Zhan Gang often told him, don't always think about this and that alone, you must talk to your colleagues or your partners, the two of you Only then can we interact.Keep a passion and love for me!

You will not be obsessed with degeneration, so the things he makes now are of great use, but the specific use depends on how you deal with them. If you can handle them very well, Then it is also possible, but the premise is that if you can’t handle it well, it’s not very good for these things, and he also told you a very important thing, that is, no matter what stage you are in now, You must restrain all your problems. If you can’t handle these simple problems, it will be difficult to achieve big things in the future. This big thing doesn’t mean that you think you can’t do anything, but that your current These things are completely unacceptable, so let’s say that there is something unspoken between them now, that is, you do your things, and I do mine, as long as you delay work.

For them, this is not an easy or difficult thing. You only need to maintain a passion and love, but the most rare thing is how to maintain this passion and love. It's not that easy to complete, but Mr. Zhao's nephew often competes with Mr. Han and the two of them. There are many skills in this life that need your guidance.

I need your pointers, but I don't need your pointers, but this degree is also difficult to grasp.So anyway, he doesn't care so much. Lao Han often told Uncle Zhang's nephew, no matter what state you are in now, you just need to give me a love or other things, and that's fine.Moreover, the environment I am in now has some limitations. If we break through these limitations, then we can win.And all the things we are doing now come from the inspiration given by others, but these inspirations do not mean that anyone can give them, and the things we are doing now are the result of everyone's joint efforts, not The result of someone's hard work there.

So you must arrange all your current thoughts or other things.As for Mr. Zhang's nephew, he is also very clear now that no matter what he does in the future, there must be a very important task that needs to be completed and challenged by himself. It is assumed that you will face these things in your life, but when you are facing these things, how should you deal with them?This is what makes people feel very that, so there must be some different tacit understandings between us to do these things well.If you say that you can't do it well, then these things may backfire and make you feel that this thing is getting harder and harder to do.But if you can do it well, hey, then it's okay.So you have to show that you don't care about all these things.If you think it doesn't matter anymore, then it's okay, the premise is that you can really be indifferent to all temptations?

Or other things, I believe it is very difficult for ordinary people to do it. If it can be done, it is really at the level of a saint.That's why Uncle Zhang's nephew needs to exercise his xinxing. If it is said that he has trained his xinxing well.Then there will be some achievements in this career in the future, right? Zhang Gang is often very supportive of him, but the specific way of support depends on how you handle it. If you can handle it well It's okay, if it's not handled well, it will definitely be a very existing problem.

(End of this chapter)

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