There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 4143 Let me handle it

Chapter 4143 Let me handle it

But after Xiaoshi came back from his mother, he was not in a very good mood. He was thinking about what happened, right, whether it was his own reasons or other people's reasons, for them , This is an irreparable relationship, Zhang Xiaoxuan must want to let everyone live a very good life together, and all of them, when doing everything here, feel that they have nothing to do Wrong, but, uh, in the eyes of outsiders, each other is responsible. For example, Zhan Xiaoquaner, as a child, he really has no responsibility, because.After finishing what his parents decided, he really couldn't make up his mind.

And ah, if you talk about it like Zhang Gang, does he really have no responsibility at all?No, what happened to him?When I was young, I had no sense of responsibility and was not strong in self-motivation, and then filled the family with some fears that shouldn't be there, if.He said some hopeful words, I think this is still okay, right, even Li Xiaoxia can accept him and forgive him, but he didn't do this, so in his opinion, there must be an unshirkable responsibility For themselves, these things are not some other bad reasons, but the things we are doing now must have some, er, decisions that can be forgiven, but as for making the other party not What about forgiveness?

This thing will depend on fate.Uncle Zhang's nephew, he also plays a very important role here, and Zanggang also relies on him to realize his ideals, but what about Liu Zhengdong to Liu Zhendong?He also makes a comeback. After everyone falls, he wants to get up wherever he falls, and he is in the position he is now, no matter what, he also feels that he has a very good choice.

So what he is doing now must be a thing that has been certified by himself, and the level of this business depends entirely on ability. If your ability is still good, then, um, it does not mean that there are other Some ideas, if he has some better ideas for us to deal with, I think everyone will say that they are unwilling to deal with it sometimes, and even have some resistance, but how to deal with it between the boss and the employees? There are many kinds of these resisting emotions. If you can hold on, isn’t it, um, there is a high probability that the boss will not say that he has any thoughts about you. If you can’t hold on, or There are other ideas, or other things in the re then these things.I don’t think it’s incredible, and all of our current things have been certified by everyone. It’s not that anyone who has certified it can do it. It’s just that we all have something, but everyone doesn’t say it. what.As long as you say it's possible.But what happened today?

And the things I'm in now are also due to everyone's credit, and Shang Gang knows very well in his heart what kind of decision he will make in the future. As for what will happen to this decision, It should be said that no one will agree. If the other party agrees, then these things will have a big impact.As for the defect, how to deal with it depends on your level. If your level is high, you can handle it well, but if your level is not good, how do you deal with it?These are things that are difficult for everyone to handle, but as for what you have become in the end, you can only say that you let nature take its course. If not, what should you do now?
It's also another guy, um, don't know, or he should or shouldn't have said it himself, and all of us feel that these things are very good.Uh, Zhan Gang also thinks that his girl is also full of a very important role in this event, but if he handles all these things very well, I think it is completely impossible , If you are very capable, then you should think of what state you are in, not that there are other things here to help you.

And all these things we have now are decided by Li Xiaoxia alone. Sometimes Li Xiaoxia will not say anything to Zhang Gang after she has decided for such a long time. He said, what kind of person has he become? He would not do this kind of thing, so Li Xiaoxia's mouth is still very strict. Generally, he would not participate in these things easily. If it is really involved , that is also a reasonable thing, so he feels that he is now.There is no good way for him to deal with these things. If there is, then this may be an arrangement and a test given to him by God, but how to face these tests?
Sometimes he is very confused, and sometimes he has no good way, because he is very young now, and he doesn't know how to deal with some of these family affairs, if he dealt with them when he was young Very good, it means that he is a person who loves this family very, very much, or is a very, very capable person, but it is generally impossible at this age.Xiaoer has also played a very important role here. His father has always wanted to have further contacts with An Guanyu, but there has been no bridge, but he can only pass through him as the middle bridge, but the words are different. Can't say too clearly.If he said these things too clearly, it would not be of any benefit to himself or anyone else in the future, and he would not be worth the loss if he said it.So for yourself, what should you do?Does this mean that others can't control you?
Moreover, there is also a great tacit understanding between Cai Xiaoxuan and his father, that is, the two of them have a very tacit understanding since they were young. It all depends on what Li Xiaoxia will do in the end, what Li Xiaoxia should do, and what can he do right?It's hard to say these things, if he can do the right thing, or if he doesn't have too high demands on himself, Li Xiaoxia can still do these things.So the role of Li Xiaoxia is very critical, even to what extent?There are some things this family simply is without him.Can't go on.

(End of this chapter)

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