Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 104 Licked Ice Cream

Chapter 104 Licked Ice Cream

Lu Mo glanced at Tie Dan who was gulping and drooling, and couldn't help but laugh, a fool who is no better than Xiao Tong.

He asked Tiedan before why he came out to work early, and the silly boy said that his family disliked him because he ate too much and couldn't support him.

And the idiot also said that what he wants most is to be able to eat enough for every meal. Before he joined the work, he never had a full meal, and he tightened his belt every day.

"Go!" Lu Mo stared angrily, Tie Dan grinned, and rushed out like flying, and came back with six cones in his hand after a while.

There were three in one hand, one of which had already been bitten by a large bite.

Lu Mo shook his head, he knew that this idiot would buy so much, that is, with only two hands, if he had three hands, it would be nine now.

Ye Qingqing snatched a cone and said with a smile, "I'll eat one."

Tie Danhan smiled and took another big bite. One cone went into his stomach, and he continued to eat the second one.

"Eat slowly, your stomach will hurt." Ye Qingqing couldn't help reminding.

It's no wonder this way of eating doesn't cause diarrhea.

Lu Mo snorted softly, "He has a bull's stomach, and he won't get stomach pains even if he eats stones."

Tie Dan has great strength and excellent physical fitness. According to him, he has never had a single illness since he was born, and the most amazing thing is that he has a very strong self-healing ability.

Lu Mo had seen Tie Dan's miraculous healing ability with his own eyes. There was an accident on a business trip. Tie Dan was in a similar condition to another colleague, and he was using the same medicine. Tie Dan was alive and kicking in less than three days. A colleague was lying in bed for half a month.

God is really fair. He gave Tiedan a strong body, but forgot his brain.

I hope that fools will be blessed with fools, and Tie Dan will have a good home.

Ye Qingqing only licked a few mouthfuls, and now Tie Dan gnawed off another mouthful. He looked very satisfied, with smiles in his eyes. He is really a person who is easily satisfied. Both Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing were infected.

"Do you want to eat?"

Ye Qingqing became interested, and handed the cone she had licked to Lu Mo's mouth. She didn't think too much about it, she just acted casually.

Lu Mo's face was hot, Ye Qingqing licked it, and he licked it again, what is this?


This word inexplicably appeared in his mind, and it was an animated version, his face became even hotter.

This girl definitely did it on purpose, he must be reserved.

"Don't eat!"

Lu Mo turned his head away, pretending to look at the scenery on the side of the road. Apart from the people being trees, there was also the white sunlight.

Ye Qingqing suddenly thought that she had licked the cone, thinking that Lu Mo disliked her saliva, so she smiled embarrassedly, "Why don't I give you something you haven't eaten?"

"No, I don't like sweets." Lu Mo refused.

There was nothing tasty to eat.

The ice cream that was licked smooth by someone flashed through his mind again, and his face burned.

Lu Mo secretly scolded himself for thinking wildly, silently recited the three disciplines and eight points of attention, and sang the March of the Volunteers [-] times, finally calmed down, and decided to snatch the dumbbells one hundred times after returning home.

Called a taxi again, and arrived at the compound before dinner, Lin Shufang was already preparing dinner, let Ye Qingqing eat before leaving, and said: "Xiaotong is 100% a math genius, I just calculated a few calculations for multiplication and division , he will have the plenary meeting, and he has also figured out the calculation method of permutation and combination, and I guess I will not be able to teach Xiaotong in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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