Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 105 Xu Yali Delayed by Times

Chapter 105 Xu Yali Delayed by Times

Ye Qingqing was both surprised and delighted, Xiao Tong's talent in mathematics is so powerful, if she had given a little care in her previous life, Xiao Tong would not be in a daze.

"Xiao Tong, you are awesome!"

Ye Qingqing put her arms around Xiao Tong, and kissed him hard on the face, she was overjoyed.

She has to work hard to earn money, Xiaotong has such a strong learning ability, and is already 12 years old, so she has to be sent to school early, this life can no longer delay Xiaotong.

Ye Tong covered her face shyly. My sister likes kissing him very much recently, and he likes it too, but...why does my brother-in-law look at him like that?

The little guy sneaked a glance at Lu Mo, who was indifferent. He just felt that his brother-in-law seemed... a little... not very happy.

do not know why?

Lu Mo turned his head and stared at Pippi, who was lying on the table and eating peanuts wholeheartedly. Mr. Lu was also eating tea, and he had an extra purple sand pot in his hand. It was very comfortable to drink tea and eat a peanut .

"Eat less, the rest is mine."

Seeing the fewer and fewer peanuts on the plate, the old man became anxious, and hugged the plate into his arms, not letting Pippi eat any more. The bird was small but had a big appetite, and could eat it better than him.

"Stingy old man..." Pippi said Trump, which sounded very funny.

Mr. Lu was amused, so he gave it a grain and waited for the bird to talk. After eating the peanuts, Pippi called again: "Old man... drink tea..."


The old man fed it another sip of tea. One person and one bird had a great time playing. The corners of Lu Mo's lips were lightly raised. The family hadn't had such a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for a long time.

Ye Qingqing didn't have dinner at Lu's house, she had to go back to treat Ye Hua's bad embryo!

And... She has to hurry up to find the household registration book, and practice acupuncture on Ye Lan's siblings... and earn money... There are a lot of things.

Ye Qingqing's sister and brother left, Pippi also left, Mr. Lu was reluctant to part with him, he really liked this quirky hill mynah, but it's a pity that it belongs to Qingqing girl, he can't steal the younger generation's heart, okay?

"Come back tomorrow!" the old man said to Pippi.

"Delicious!" Pippi screamed.

As long as there is something delicious, it will definitely come.

"Yes, the peanuts and Longjing tea are all ready!" The old man was biased by the leather belt, and Trump also appeared. The old man had fought in Sichuan Province before, so he could speak a few words.

The Lu family's dinner was a bit deserted for the first time, Yue Hongxia's family was away, and Ye Qingqing's sister and brother had also left, only the sound of iron eggs chewing with relish added a bit of excitement to the deserted dinner.

"Mom, did you attend Aunt Xu's wedding?" Lu Mo asked abruptly.

Lin Shufang was stunned, and it took a while to realize that Lu Mo was asking Xu Yali, and replied: "Of course, your aunt Xu has no relatives or close friends in Meishi. It's not easy to mess with."

She shook her head while talking, at that time she and Xu Yali were not particularly friendly, but at that time, other people would not deal with people like them, plus the friendship between the two old men, she and Xu Yali were still close .

Xu Yali's wedding was held in the canteen of Qianjin Factory, before moving to the bungalow at that time, Ye Zhiguo's mother and two brothers came, and several cousins, Lin Shufang saw that none of them were good.

"It's a pity for your Aunt Xu. If you wait another two years, based on her conditions, you don't have to marry Ye Zhiguo at all. You can find a better man, alas!"

Lin Shufang was deeply moved. Xu Yali looked good, had a good job, and had good conditions. The only bad thing was that she was implicated by Grandpa Xu, which made her unable to find a good partner, and hurriedly married a reckless man like Ye Zhiguo.

(End of this chapter)

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