Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 107 Doubtful Points

Chapter 107 Doubtful Points

Lu Mo can be sure that Ye Qingqing is not a premature baby in nine out of ten, how could there be a premature baby, who is healthier than a full-term baby, like he was born in less than eight months, he has been weak and sick since he was a child, and he will cough when the season changes , and bronchitis.

It wasn't until Mr. Lu taught Lu Mo how to practice martial arts that his physical condition gradually improved. When he was ten years old, his stature suddenly jumped. Lu Qingquan was stronger than him when he was a child, but now he is still half a head shorter than him, and his physical fitness is not as good as him.

Lu Mo remembered very clearly that Ye Qingqing was able to run and dance since she was a child, and she rarely fell ill. Even if she had a cold, she would be fine with a runny nose for a few days, and she didn't need to take any medicine.

Old man Lu used to say that Qingqing girl is stronger than calf.

In the childhood of premature babies, the possibility of growing into a calf is extremely slim.

Lu Mo has a new guess. It is very likely that the reason Xu Yali married Ye Zhiguo in a hurry was because of Ye Qingqing.

Not to mention 18 years ago, even now, women who were pregnant before marriage would be drowned in saliva. Those who are not strong in heart cannot survive at all. It is very likely that Xu Yali will marry someone with inferior conditions in all aspects for this reason Ye Zhiguo.


Who is the man that Xu Yali cares about, that is, Ye Qingqing's biological father?

Lu Mo couldn't help asking again, "Aunt Xu only knows one man, Ye Zhiguo?"

Lin Shufang was upset, "What do you mean? Your aunt Xu is a decent person, how could she know other men!"

"I just want to know, does Aunt Xu have any good friends of the opposite sex? Same-sex friends are also fine." Lu Mo explained.

"I haven't heard from your aunt Xu that at that time, who would make friends with people like us, there was no time for them to hide."

Lin Shufang looked sad when she thought of the unbearable past. Those people would really confuse right and wrong. If her husband was not a martyr, she would probably be sent to the farm to be reformed. Contacted.

"Why do you keep asking about your Aunt Xu today? What happened?" Lin Shufang was so surprised, Lu Mo is not inquisitive!

Tiedan, who was chewing beef tendon, raised his head and said, "Qingqing misses her mother today."

Lu Mo's face flushed, he grabbed the largest piece of beef tendon, and stuffed it into Tie Dan's mouth, "Don't talk when you eat!"

Why didn't I realize that this idiot's mouth is so broken!

Tiedan choked so hard that he rolled his eyes, chewed it up and swallowed it for a long time, and said aggrievedly, "Auntie asked me to tell."

Lin Shufang glared at her son, and gave Tiedan a piece of beef, "Eat more meat!"


Tie Dan was very happy, the food at the captain's house was really good, and the dishes he usually ate were more abundant than those at his house during the Chinese New Year.

Lu Mo deliberately ignored the fiery eyes of Lin Shufang and Mr. Lu, and calmly chewed the beef, but his face seemed to be on fire. After eating a bowl of rice, he went back to his room by himself.

He had to slowly sort out his thoughts. There were too many doubts about Ye Qingqing's life experience, and Xu Yali... and that mysterious fortune were all shrouded in mystery.

And Ye Zhiguo's scheming and purpose.

Lu Mo's back felt a chill, and he was deeply afraid. Fortunately, Ye Qingqing hadn't completely healed, and realized that something was wrong, and it was still too late.

Outside, Lin Shufang smiled and said, "Dad, Qingqing girl is really Ah Mo's lucky star. Ah Mo seems to be much more energetic these days."

Mr. Lu nodded in relief, "Qingqing is a good boy, we have to treat her well when we come in."

"It is necessary. I have watched Qingqing grow up since I was a child, just like my own daughter. I will see if the soup is ready. I put a few dendrobium flowers picked by Qingqing in it, and I will let Ah Mo drink it later."

Lin Shufang trotted to the kitchen with light steps. Compared with the depression and sadness a few days ago, Lin Shufang now smiles every day.

(End of this chapter)

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