Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 108 Stinky Amaranth Stalks and Stinky Tofu

Chapter 108 Stinky Amaranth Stalks and Stinky Tofu

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, it was late July, and Ye Qingqing had been back for more than half a month.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Every day, the cicadas outside the window are screaming like they are dying. When you are in a good mood, it sounds like a beautiful piece of music. If you are in a bad mood, it sounds like an annoying noise.

"It hurts...let them stop barking..."

Ye Hua was lying on the bed and yelling, her upper body was naked, the injury on her back didn't seem to be getting better, on the contrary, it became serious, the scar began to fester, and was filled with pus.

Shen Yanhong didn't go to work today. Like Ye Zhiguo, she belongs to the logistics support job. There are no weekends, so she can only take time off.

"Mom will fan you, it won't hurt if you blow it cold!"

Shen Yanhong's heart ached like a knife, and she couldn't figure it out, why it still hasn't healed yet, at least the scab must have formed!

But now, it seemed to be more serious. She took Ye Hua to the factory hospital. The doctor prescribed medicine, but after applying it, it didn't feel very effective. Ye Hua was in pain from morning till night, and couldn't sleep well.

"It hurts..."

Shen Yanhong slapped the cattail fan a few times, but it couldn't relieve Ye Tong's pain at all. The wound on his back was painful like a heart. Ye Hua grew up so big and had never been tortured like this before. The pain was so painful that he just wanted to live.

" hurts me to death...I'm going to die..."

"Nonsense... bah bah bah, good luck... don't talk nonsense, mom will cook you your favorite prawns later, your second sister bought them in the morning, they are so fresh."

Shen Yanhong was suspicious. During this period of time, Ye Qingqing often went home to buy vegetables, either a chicken, or prawns, and sometimes rice field eels, all of which were extremely nutritious. When she ate them, she intentionally gave them to Ye Hua. The stinky girl didn't say anything.

Unlike before, the nose is not the nose and the face is not the face.

Shen Yanhong guessed that the stinky girl must feel a little sorry to see Xiaohua hurt so badly!

But even if this stinky girl buys ginseng and abalone, she will not forgive her, and she will remember this account for beating her son so badly!

Sooner or later, this stinky girl will have to live a life of begging!

When Ye Hua heard that there were prawns, her eyes lit up immediately, and she forgot the pain, "I want to's all mine, I won't let that idiot eat it!"

"Keep down, don't let your second sister hear, you want to be beaten again, don't you?"

Shen Yanhong was taken aback, and hurriedly covered her son's mouth, Ye Qingqing was still at home, she managed to settle down for a few days, she can't provoke this damn girl anymore!

Ye Hua trembled, and shut up resentfully, he was also terrified of Ye Qingqing, how could he dare to pluck the hair off a tiger's head!

At lunch, Ye Zhiguo came home by bike, and Shen Yanhong had already prepared meals, salt and pepper prawns, pork ribs soup with winter melon, fried shredded pork with green peppers, garlic eggplant mixed with garlic, fried snails, and a bowl of stinky tofu with steamed stinky amaranth sticks.

This bowl of soup is famous for its smell. The stinky tofu is already stinky, but the stinky amaranth sticks are even more stinky. Steaming the two together makes the stinky smell even worse, and the whole room is full of stinky smell.

When the weather is hot, Shen Yanhong will go to the countryside to buy a few large bundles of amaranth stalks, chop them into sections, soak them in water for a few days, and then put them in a jar to ferment and turn smelly. It is the notorious stinky amaranth stalks. The tofu also stinks.

This dish is Ye Zhiguo's favorite, and he will eat it every summer. Ye Lan's siblings also like it, even Ye Tong likes it. Only Ye Qingqing can't even smell it, and it makes her sick when she smells it.

"It stinks, Dad, can you stop eating this, eating this kind of pickled vegetables is not good for your health." Ye Qingqing yelled dissatisfiedly, covering her nose.

The famous stinky amaranth stalk is really smelly, but people who love to eat it say it is delicious, hahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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