Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 116 Ye Zhiguo Who Never Accused

Chapter 116 Ye Zhiguo Who Never Accused

Of course Ye Zhiguo was very angry. Ye Qingqing scolding Ye Lan was like slapping him in the face, but he had to endure... must endure.

It's only been three years!

It will be over soon.

Besides, it is understandable for Ye Qingqing to be angry, she is just complaining for Xiaotong, as long as she sends Xiaotong to school.

"Dad will contact Xiaotong's school in a few days, okay?" Ye Zhiguo squeezed out a smile, made up his mind, and his heart ached.

The cheapest special school costs three to four thousand a year, and Ye Lan takes the medicine for this year, which adds up to seven or eight thousand, and there is also money to send to her hometown, and she has to support a large family.

Ye Zhiguo was very distressed. Even if he had extra income, his expenses were too high, and he hadn't saved much money these years. If Ye Tong went to school again, he would not be able to save money.

Shen Yanhong was even more distressed, and kicked her foot under the table again, making Ye Zhiguo take back what she just said.

Ye Tong is a fool, what should he learn, and he can still learn flowers!

With that money, why not take Lan'er to see a doctor in Kyoto!

She heard that there is a world-class expert in Kyoto who is optimistic about many patients with congenital heart disease. Maybe Lan'er can be cured and live a normal life in the future!

Ye Zhiguo retracted his legs, stared at Shen Yanhong again, turned his head and smiled lovingly at Ye Qingqing.

In just three years, he can recover all his investment. This business is extremely cost-effective, and he will definitely not lose money.

Ye Qingqing was a little satisfied when she got an affirmative answer, but she knew that Ye Zhiguo would never send Xiaotong to the best school, and the contact must be a public school.

Public schools can't be said to be bad, but they are not suitable for Xiao Tong.

"Dad, you keep your word. Anyway, Xiao Tong has to go to school in the second half of the year, otherwise I will never finish!" Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Lan while talking, and smiled mockingly at her.

Just let this bitch know who is the boss in the family now!

Within three years...she must be the absolute overlord.

Three years later... Of course she has to be, and she has to drive the whole family out.

"Dad, when will you stop talking? Your child is really... You will have to control your temper in the future. Everyone in the family will let you, but no one outside will let you!" Ye Zhiguo said angrily.

Ye Qingqing pursed her lips and looked impatient, "Whoever asks them to let go, if they make me unhappy, I will beat them to death!"

She swung her fist at Ye Hua, who was eating the prawns. Ye Hua was so frightened that he threw the prawns back on the plate. Ye Qingqing bought the prawns. He thought he ate too much, and Ye Qingqing was offended. !

"You're talking nonsense again, you have a really big temper..."

Ye Zhiguo seemed to be accusing, but he had a smile on his face. He has been like this since he was a child. No matter how big a mistake Ye Qingqing made, Ye Zhiguo would never scold her, let alone blame her. The fault must be someone else.

Ye Qingqing thought about it, and asked deliberately: "Dad, what if I beat someone to death?"

Ye Zhiguo shook his hands, almost lost his composure, and quickly scolded with a smile: "The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes. Why are you beating other people...don't say such things in the future!"

Without accusing, let alone reprimanding, Ye Zhiguo changed the subject lightly, "When did your grandma come over?"

"The day after tomorrow, grandma also said that she wants to live in Ye Lan's room, and that room is cooler."

Ye Qingqing suppressed the bitterness in her heart. In her previous life, she was a murder suspect. Ye Zhiguo only went to see her in prison once, and did not reverse the case for her. Like everyone else, she was convicted of murder.

Ye Zhiguo's behavior is not like a father who loves his children at all.

Compared with the current love and concern, Ye Zhiguo's indifference and indifference in the previous life is really a very ironic contrast.

(End of this chapter)

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