Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 117 Plastic Flower Sisters

Chapter 117 Plastic Flower Sisters

Ye Lan didn't bother to shed tears, and asked anxiously, "Where do I live?"

The best room in the house was the one Ye Qingqing lived in, followed by hers. Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong lived on the first floor, which was cooler, but the first floor was not as airy and open as the second floor, and there were more mosquitoes.

Ye Qingqing gave her a white look, "You live in another vacant room, it's not like there is no house at home."

The old lady actually wanted to live on the first floor, because the old man didn't want to climb the stairs, but when Ye Qingqing said that Ye Lan lived in the best room in the house, the old lady got angry and appointed Ye Lan to live in the room.

Ye Lan was bitter, there were no vacant rooms on the second floor, and the rest was either the first floor or the third floor.

There are many mosquitoes on the first floor, and the third floor is stuffy. She doesn't like it, so she just wants to live in the previous room.

"Dad, I'm not used to living in other rooms." Ye Lan looked at Ye Zhiguo aggrievedly, her eyes were clouded with tears, and I felt pity.

Ye Zhiguo's heart softened, and he comforted him: "I'll have a good talk with grandma when she comes."

Ye Lan felt relieved, Ye Zhiguo would definitely be able to convince the dead old woman.

Ye Qingqing sneered to herself, saying that it was useless to be a flower, anyway, Ye Lan would not want to live a better life in the future, she had thought of countless ways to deal with Ye Lan during this time, as long as the old lady came, she could be in Ye Lan I tested them one by one.

After Ye Tong finished eating, Ye Qingqing wiped his mouth and hands, got up and said: "I took Xiao Tong to study with Aunt Fang."

"Go!" Ye Zhiguo waved his hand.

Ye Lan didn't go to the compound for more than half a month, and she couldn't help asking, "Qingqing, is Tsinghua back?"

"Aren't you good friends with her? Why didn't you know that Lu Qinghua's family moved back to the military division?"

Ye Qingqing laughed mockingly, and led Ye Tong to the yard. Ye Zhiguo was taken aback, and asked in a voiceless voice, "Did Captain Lu's family move out of the compound? When did it happen?"

He didn't know any news, Ye Qingqing became more and more tight-lipped.

"I moved a while ago."

"Why do you want to move when you live well?" Ye Zhiguo was very surprised.

Ye Qingqing shrugged, "I don't know, Dad, you can ask Second Uncle Lu yourself."

She rode on the bike and walked away, the corners of her lips twitching slightly, because she found out that the friendship between Lu Qinghua and Ye Lan was not as good as she thought!

It's been ten days since Lu Qinghua moved away, and Ye Lan didn't know about it at all. It can be seen that these so-called good sisters are actually made of plastic flowers, the kind that can't stand the test.

She rushed to Pippi who came up behind and said, "Go back and stare at my dad, and write down the password of the safe."

Pippi didn't say a word, but glanced at the freezer on the side of the road, Ye Qingqing patted it lightly angrily, "If you do some work, you have to bargain with me, snob!"

Cursing for nothing, Ye Qingqing went to buy an egg cone and asked Pippi and Ye Tong to share the food.

After eating and drinking enough, Pippi flapped his wings and flew back.

As soon as Ye Qingqing left, Shen Yanhong finally couldn't hold back, and began to complain.

"Qingqing definitely did it on purpose. The old lady sees me and Lan'er Xiaohua are pleasing to the eye, looking for a bone in an egg. Can Lan'er and I have a peaceful life in the future?"

That dead old woman is harder than Empress Dowager Cixi.Serving, no matter how well she does it, it is impossible to satisfy this dead old woman.

"He snatched Lan'er's room before he even entered the house. Lan'er was not in good health, and she had a light sleep, and she couldn't sleep well when she changed the room... and Lan'er drank some medicine, and the old lady wanted to talk about it... "

Shen Yanhong was full of complaints, to put it bluntly, she really wished that Mrs. Ye would return home as soon as possible, so that she and Lan'er would not be tortured anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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