Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 118 Men's Taboo

Chapter 118 Men's Taboo

But Shen Yanhong forgot the most critical point, never blame his mother in front of a man.

Even if a man loves you again, he can't complain.

What's more, Ye Zhiguo still doesn't love Shen Yanhong that much.

Ye Zhiguo's face became more and more ugly. Although his old mother was a bit difficult to get along with, she had worked hard to raise him and his two younger brothers. Based on this alone, he had to respect his old mother, otherwise people in the clan would poke him in the back spine.

"My mother just let her say a few words. She has such a temper. Can you let her be an old man? I am the eldest son of the family, and it is only natural for my mother to come to live with me." Ye Zhiguo's eyes turned cold.

Ye Lan realized something was wrong, and hurriedly kicked Shen Yanhong under the table, Shen Yanhong's back felt cold, and she quickly closed her mouth, regretting too much.

She said the wrong thing.

They were all confused by that stinky girl.

Shen Yanhong smiled apologetically: "I don't mean anything else, I just feel sorry for Lan'er, how dare I not be filial to my mother, when she comes back, I will take good care of her!"

Ye Lan also hurriedly said, "I can live anywhere, as long as grandma is satisfied."

Ye Zhiguo looked at his eldest daughter with satisfaction, and then at Shen Yanhong with a warning, "Remember, my mother worked hard to raise me and suffered so much. Now is the time for her to enjoy the blessings of the old man. You have to take good care of her." Take care of her!"

"Don't worry, I will be filial to our mother."

Shen Yanhong was full of smiles, but her heart was as bitter as Huang Lian.

All the sweet talk a man says on the bed is fucking fart, no matter how close a wife is, she can't compare to an old lady.

Ye Zhiguo yawned and was about to take a nap. Shen Yanhong asked anxiously, "What about Lan'er and Xiaohua's household registration?"

"I have my own way, don't worry about it!"

Ye Zhiguo yawned again, got up and went to the second floor, he had to check the household registration book.

Only then did Shen Yanhong feel relieved, as long as Ye Lan and Ye Hua's hukou could be moved over, even if the old lady came, she would just bear it.

"Xiao Hua ate all the shrimp."

There were five or six prawns left on the plate, Shen Yanhong peeled them all, and put all the white and tender prawns into her son's bowl. She heard from her colleagues that children should eat more prawns, which can nourish the brain and calcium, which is good for the body.

Ye Hua never refused anyone who came, and took one bite at a time. Although the injury on his back was painful, it didn't affect his appetite at all. He could eat two bowls of rice every meal, and after eating, he would lie on his stomach on the bed for only half a month. After a while, the whole person gained weight several times.

" hurts..."

After Ye Hua finished her meal, her back hurt even worse, and she groaned one after another.

"Mom rubbed the medicine on you. The medicine this time is not good at all. It hasn't recovered after such a long time. What's the matter?"

Shen Yanhong's heart ached so much that she complained to the doctors in the factory hospital that they were all useless snacks, and they couldn't even take care of minor injuries.

Ye Lan frowned, and persuaded: "Why don't you go to the People's Hospital, Xiao Hua's wound is filled with pus."

"Why go to the People's Hospital to waste money? The pus injection means it's almost healed. I'll take Xiaohua to get some medicine in the afternoon. It should be healed soon."

Shen Yanhong was reluctant to spend money, and the workers in the factory and hospital were free of charge, so they didn't take advantage of the cheap.

Ye Lan didn't say anything else, her love for Ye Hua was only a little bit.

What she loves most is herself.

Ye Zhiguo went to the study room, locked the door, and Pippi squeezed in. Ye Zhiguo liked it so much that he didn't drive it out.

It's just a bird, and there's no need to guard against it.

Tomorrow will continue, I have to ask for tickets to collect and click on the five-star praise, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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