Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 119 Whose leg did you stab?

Chapter 119 Whose leg did you stab?

Pippi stopped on the bookcase, Mung Dou stared at Ye Zhiguo.

Ye Zhiguo locked the door, and the safe was next to the bookcase, a small box one foot square, Pippi stared at it closely, and Ye Zhiguo turned the dial carefully.

Pippi stared at it without blinking, and memorized everything.


The door of the safe was opened, it was on the second floor, and there was nothing there, only some notebooks and documents, all empty. Ye Zhiguo took out all the things and found Ye Qingqing's household registration book.

The dark red household registration book was brand new. Ye Zhiguo opened it and looked at it, then put the household registration book aside with a dazed expression, as if he was remembering something.

Ye Zhiguo picked up a document with a red seal on it, which seemed to be very important, otherwise Ye Zhiguo would not have kept it in the safe.

"Yali, Yali... Is your heart made of ice? You can't cover it for so many years..."

Ye Zhiguo put down the document, picked up a women's watch, stroked it lightly, and muttered to himself, feeling resentful and yearning.

"If you can guard me with peace of mind, why should I..."

A cruel look appeared on Ye Zhiguo's face, the thoughts just now were gone, and there was a fierce look in his eyes.

Pippi was taken aback, this man is not a good stubble!

Ye Zhiguo put the lady's watch back in the safe, and his expression returned to calm. He only took out the household registration book, closed the safe, and left the study.

Pippi flew out of the window with a whoosh, Ye Zhiguo didn't care at all, and went back to his room to take a nap.

Ye Qingqing was massaging Lu Mo's legs. During this time, she massaged Lu Mo every day without interruption. The effect was very obvious. Lu Mo's legs didn't look as pale as before.

"I've already practiced acupuncture for you, so your legs will heal faster."

Ye Qingqing happily said that every night, she would conduct experiments on Ye Lan and Ye Hua, randomly mix a little drug to stun them, and use their legs as sand bandages.

It's their bad luck if it's broken, it's their shit luck if it's okay.

"How did you practice?" Lu Mo asked.

Getting along with this girl every day, Lu Mo is not as indifferent as before, and talks more.

Ye Qingqing laughed hehehe, and said in a nonchalant way: "Just take rabbits, cats and dogs...hehe!"

Lu Mo looked at her suspiciously, not too convinced.

He has already discovered Ye Qingqing's characteristic, as long as he tells a lie, his eyes will wander, looking around, but he dare not look at him.

Now this girl has such eyes, she is definitely lying.

"You stabbed your own leg?" Lu Mo suddenly thought of a possibility, and asked sharply.

This silly girl is very likely to do this, using her own legs as an experiment.

"How is it possible... oh... what are you doing?"

Ye Qingqing yelled, her left calf was already in Lu Mo's hands, she stood alone, her left jade leg lay horizontally in front of Lu Mo, her posture was very ambiguous.

The big hands on her legs were hot and rough, making her itchy, a feeling she had never experienced before, Ye Qingqing blushed, stopped struggling, and simply leaned on Lu Mo's wheelchair.

"Look, let's see..." Ye Qingqing raised her legs a little higher, only a little distance from Lu Mo's mouth.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like Lu Mo wants to nibble on her jade leg.

Ye Qingqing's heart beat faster, secretly glad that she has no hair on her legs.

Hmm... There is very little hair, and her legs are straight, white and tender, which should satisfy Lu Mo!

Thank you for appreciating the 1000 rewards of Li Meimei, thank you jly69 and Tong Baoer for your rewards, and thank you friends who voted, clicked and collected five-star praise, I love you, and we will continue with the eighth update today!

(End of this chapter)

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