Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 127 1 Will Be Admitted to University

Chapter 127

Seeing Ye Qingqing's pitch-black eyes, Ye Zhiguo felt terrified, forced a smile, and said, "Of course I support you. If you are admitted to FD University, Dad will serve wine to celebrate."

FD University is a top university in the country, as famous as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Ye Qingqing's current academic performance is not a problem with the general focus of the exam. Like FD, there is no need to think about it.

And she doesn't want to take FD either, she's going to take medical school.

"I'm sure I can pass the college entrance examination. I will be the first college student in my family." Ye Qingqing glanced at Ye Lan again, seeing that her lips were tightly pursed and her face was ugly, she felt better.

Ye Lan's body is scumbag, her grades are even worse, and all her thoughts were used to plot against her. She barely managed to finish high school. She almost didn't even get her graduation certificate. It was Ye Zhiguo who gave the principal a gift, so she got it back.

"I sent Xiaotong to study, get some more meat at night, grandma loves meat!"

Ye Qingqing finished her mung bean porridge, took a few meat buns, and prepared to go to Lu's house.

During this time, Ye Tong studied at Lu's house every day. Lin Shufang taught him everything Lin Shufang could teach. There was really nothing to teach, so she simply bought an advanced mathematics book and asked Ye Tong to read it by herself. The little guy read it with great interest. I don't know if I understand it.

Anyway, Ye Qingqing couldn't understand it, she glanced at it once, and was dazzled by the dense formulas and symbols inside.

"Your Aunt Shen will be ready, what a little housekeeper." Ye Zhiguo smiled, but felt very strange in his heart.

In the past, Ye Qingqing was not close to his old mother, and every time he went back to the countryside during the Chinese New Year, Ye Qingqing was reluctant, why did he suddenly get close to his old mother now?

I really don't understand the child's mind, Ye Zhiguo is too lazy to think about it, he thinks it's good, he can honor his wife, and after he gets the property, he won't treat this girl too badly, so give her some money!

Shen Yanhong was so stuffed up in her heart that she couldn't laugh at all, she drank porridge with her head depressed, and remained silent.

"Make meat stewed eggs at night, my mother likes to eat this." Ye Zhiguo instructed.

Shen Yanhong responded, "Okay, I'll cook when I get back from get off work."

She stewed it with big fat meat, she was so tired of that damn old woman, she still wants to eat meat every day at such an old age, she is a poor ghost!

Ye Qingqing put Ye Tong at Lin Shufang's place, and together with Tie Dan, pushed Lu Mo to Wushan Road. She was going to give Lu Mo acupuncture and moxibustion, and today she was going to practice jointing tendons. Of course it wasn't deer tendons, she used the rabbit's own tendons .

The rabbit has four legs, and she can use the tendons on the other legs to connect to the injured leg. Although this is cruel to the rabbit, in order to cure Lu Mo, she will do it no matter how cruel it is.

Pippi is right, if you want to learn medicine well, you have to be ruthless.

Lu Mo saw Ye Qingqing, who was dressed differently than before, she was as fresh as a flower after the rain, her face was a little pale, not as energetic as before.

This girl is not feeling well?

Looking listless.

Lu Mo wanted to ask, but his mind was full of the provocative sexual dreams last night, as well as Xiao Nei Nei and Strawberry. The thing that made him most ashamed... was that kiss.

His face turned red again.

Can't ask.

Don't even dare to look at it.

Ye Qingqing was generous, she just kissed her cheek, she was still superficial, what's there to be shy about, and she didn't even taste it!

Arriving at Wushan Road, Ye Qingqing saw the old lady walking on the road again. These days she often came to Wushan Road, often met the old lady, and would say hello every time she met.

"Grandma Sheng, you look really good today." Ye Qingqing's voice was clear and clear, like a silver bell.

This old lady has an extraordinary background, she is the old lady Sheng Xinlan who is in charge of Yimintang, a very legendary woman.

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(End of this chapter)

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