Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 128 The Legendary Old Lady

Chapter 128 The Legendary Old Lady

The founder of Yimintang was the old lady of the Sang family at that time, was Sheng Xinlan, the daughter-in-law of the old lady of the Sang family, who carried forward Yimintang.

Sheng Xinlan doesn't understand medicine, but she is the daughter of the Sheng family. The Sheng family is more famous than the Sang family. The largest department store in Pingjiang City was owned by the Sheng family before liberation.

It is said that the Sheng family, regardless of gender, are all masters in business, and Sheng Xinlan is one of them.

Mrs. Sang founded Yimintang. The original intention was to help the poor people, so the consultation and medicine are free. The intention is good, but after a long time, other members of the Sang family have opinions, and they don’t want to spend money in vain Yangyimintang.

After Sheng Xinlan married in, she resolutely took over Yimintang, and in just one year, turned her pharmacy into a profit.

Moreover, this legendary old lady, before taking over Yimin Hall, asked the whole family to sign a contract with her to give Yimin Hall to her. No matter whether it is earning money or losing money, no one else can interfere .

At that time, Yimintang was a bottomless pit for money, and the other members of the Sang family wished that someone would take over this mess. They never thought that Yimintang would make money, so naturally they all signed and pledged.

After Sheng Xinlan got the documents, she used her dowry to go to Kyoto to hire a famous doctor at a high price. She also boldly brought in Western doctors. Both Chinese and Western medicines were sold, and Mrs. Sang's general policy did not change.

The poor people still see the doctor for free, but the medicine has to be charged at cost, and those who really can't afford it will be exempted, but they will not go to the public account, and will be deducted from Sheng Xinlan's private account.

Because the doctor Sheng Xinlan hired was highly skilled and the fees were relatively cheap, many people came to see the doctor. In less than a year, Yimintang fought a very good turnaround and started to make money.

And many more.

The people in the Sang family began to be jealous, and wanted to share a share of the pie, but Sheng Xinlan took out the papers, black and white, and red handprints, and slapped those people in the face fiercely, and no one dared to mention it again. Dividend thing.

However, the old lady suffered a lot in those ten years, Ye Qingqing didn't know the details, but she could imagine that life must be difficult.

The old lady had a stomach operation two months ago. According to the nanny who took care of her, the stomach cancer was in the middle stage, and the operation was a success. She is still undergoing chemotherapy. The old lady was so tortured that she couldn't even swallow water, but she was very strong. , I don’t forget to exercise every day, but my body gradually begins to recover.

"Qingqing is here... I didn't sleep well last night, I have dark circles under my eyes." The old lady's eyes were sharp, and she could tell Ye Qingqing didn't get enough sleep at a glance.

She also likes this little girl very much, not only because Ye Qingqing's back looks like her cousin, but also because she likes the little girl's bright and generous character, which makes her look comfortable.

"Grandma Sheng, your eyes are really poisonous. I rolled them with eggs, and you can still see."

Ye Qingqing gave her a thumbs up. The old lady was very proud. She glanced at Lu Mo who was in the wheelchair. She also liked this young man, but unfortunately his legs are not good. It is said that he was injured on the battlefield. It's a good boy.

The little girl is also a good child, who can never leave her fiancé with affection and righteousness.

After chatting for a while, the old lady went home to rest, and Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo also entered the house.

Lu Mo sneaked a few glances at Ye Qingqing, no wonder this girl's complexion is not very good, why is she insomnia?

Also like him, lost sleep because of that kiss?

The embarrassing dream of last night reappeared in his mind. Lu Mo's face became hot, and he silently recalled the three major disciplines and the eight points of attention.

(End of this chapter)

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