Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 138 The Opened Hand

Chapter 138 The Opened Hand

The old lady didn't really believe Ye Qingqing's words, but she was planning to drink some more fish soup, and she didn't want to discourage the little girl's enthusiasm, so she asked Xiao Li to bring out the fish soup.

"Why are you eating outside? It's hot outside." Ye Qingqing felt strange.

The old lady is rich, so the air conditioner is installed in the house at this time, and the house is much more comfortable than outside.

"It's stuffy inside the room, but it's airy outside." The old lady looked at the lush sycamore trees nostalgicly, sighed, pointed to the trees on both sides, and said with emotion: "When I was a girl, I liked this road the most. It’s summer, and I love enjoying the shade under the trees most.”

"Did you grow up here?" Ye Qingqing asked curiously.

The old lady nodded with a smile, "I moved to Wushan Road when I was ten years old, until I got married and lived with my husband's house, but later I moved back to Wushan Road, I am not used to living in other places, and there are relatives as neighbors here .”

Lu Mo's heart moved, relatives as neighbors?

There are bungalows on both sides of Mrs. Sheng's residence, one of which belongs to Ye Qingqing, and the other is vacant. The owner of the house is unknown, and she doesn't know which one the old lady is referring to.

Xiao Li had already taken out the fish soup, Ye Qingqing was not in a hurry to feed it, but massaged a few times on the acupoints on the old lady's back, those acupoints can stop vomiting and can also whet the appetite.

"Why am I hungry..." The old lady smiled, looking at Ye Qingqing with a little more appreciation.

This little girl has real kung fu, better than some old Chinese doctors.

"It's not just bragging that my hands are too bright, Sister Li, you feed!" Ye Qingqing joked, Xiao Li hurriedly fed, and the old lady swallowed it. .

"It's not uncomfortable, Xiao Li, feed me quickly, I'm starving to death."

The old lady was so anxious that she didn't have a good meal after the operation, and now she finally felt the long-lost hunger.

"Don't worry, drink slowly, you will feel uncomfortable if you drink too fast." Ye Qingqing didn't stop, and kept massaging the acupuncture points.

The old lady finished drinking a bowl of fish soup without spitting out a mouthful, and even wanted to drink another bowl, but was stopped by Ye Qingqing, "Eat less and eat more, and drink it later, I will teach Sister Li this method." .”

It's a pity...Xiao Li couldn't learn it after studying for a long time. He always pressed the wrong place, and the strength was wrong. It was either light or heavy. .

Ye Qingqing was also a little anxious, she had to go to the station to pick up grandma!

"Girl, go back first, and teach Xiao Li later if you have time," the old lady said.

Ye Qingqing explained embarrassingly, "I'm going to pick up my grandma at the station in the afternoon, and I'll teach Sister Li tomorrow!"

"Go, be careful on the road!" The old lady smiled very kindly.

After Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo walked away, the old lady asked Xiao Li to push her back to the room. It's good to be full and refreshed. Go back and watch TV. There is a good one called Shuiyunjian. The women are beautiful, and the men are beautiful. He roars every day like a lunatic, although the plot is messy, it may relieve boredom.

As for the little girl Ye Qingqing, the old lady plans to give a big red envelope, so she can't make the little girl work for nothing!

She really likes this little girl!

It would be great if it was her granddaughter, she always wanted a beautiful and sensible granddaughter in her dreams, but her daughter-in-law only gave birth to a grandson for her, alas!

Ye Qingqing ate delicious red-braised rabbit meat at Lu's house, and took Ye Tong to the station in a hurry. Grandma Ye took about two hours by car, and she had an early lunch in the countryside, so it was almost time to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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