Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 139 There's a Secret

Chapter 139 There's a Secret

Ye Qingqing and Ye Tong left in a hurry. Lin Shufang cleaned up the dishes and said worriedly: "Why did the old lady of the Ye family come to the city suddenly? This old lady is not easy to get along with, and she is not good to Qingqing... Sigh!"

When Xu Yali gave birth back then, the old lady who had originally agreed to come to take care of her confinement, when she heard that she was a girl, she shook her face on the spot, slapped her buttocks and left. Before the next day, the old lady packed her luggage and went back to the countryside.

Because she didn't have much time for work, she could only guide Ye Zhiguo, and Xu Yali had to be strong herself, so she didn't ask anyone to help, and survived bumps and bumps.

Later, Mrs. Ye also came to live in the city a few times, picked on Xu Yali in every possible way, and called Ye Qingqing a loser, but Xu Yali quit. She hugged Ye Qingqing and came to live with her. I want my wife.

Ye Zhiguo was really nice to Xu Yali, and sent his old lady back to the countryside the next day, and then came to pick up Xu Yali. Since then, before Xu Yali's accident, the old lady never came to live in the city again.

After Xu Yali disappeared, the old lady came again, but this time she disliked Shen Yanhong's family. Ye Zhiguo still chose his wife and sent her back to the countryside.

But Ye Zhiguo is still very filial to his old mother. He sends back 100 yuan every month, and he will definitely go back to the countryside to accompany his old mother during the Chinese New Year, and he will not be left behind every year.

Because of this, Lin Shufang was worried about Ye Qingqing. Between his mother and his daughter, Ye Zhiguo might choose his mother.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, Lin Shufang sighed again, hoping that Mrs. Ye would only come to stay for a few days and return to the countryside in two days!

Mr. Lu has also seen the majesty of Mrs. Ye. When he thinks of that unruly and unreasonable old woman, the old man's tooth hurts. He would rather beat the little devil than deal with that old shrew.

But for Ye Qingqing, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll meet this old woman in two days and support Qingqing girl."

Although the girl Qingqing has lost her mother, she still has him as her grandfather, so no one wants to bully this girl.

Lu Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, that girl is so weird, how could she be at a disadvantage!

"The old lady was invited by Qingqing." Lu Mo explained.

Don't let his mother and grandpa destroy that girl's plan.

Lin Shufang didn't believe it, "Impossible, Qingqing annoys grandma the most, why would she invite her here?"

Old man Lu didn't believe it either. In the past, every time Ye Zhiguo took Ye Qingqing to the countryside to celebrate the New Year, the girl would run to him and refuse to go.

Lu Mo was too lazy to explain, "Don't worry about this, Qingqing has her own plans!"

Lin Shufang's heart moved, and she asked with a smile: "Did Qingqing say something to you?"

Recently, Qingqing girl and her son must have whispered a lot when they were together every day.

Lu Mo's face became hot, and he lowered his head to eat. After a long time, he said 'hmm', and then there was only the crackling sound of gnawing bones.

Rabbits let Tiedan grow fat and tender, and their fucking skills are also good and delicious.

Lin Shufang smiled happily, winked at Mr. Lu, and stopped asking.

The young couple has secrets, she is an open-minded adult, she will never ask.

Grandpa Lu is also smiling. His grandson is in good spirits recently, his appetite is better, and he is full of vigor every day. It is all thanks to Qingqing girl. Now the relationship between the young couple is getting better and better. When Qingqing girl finishes studying, he will hold a wedding for the young couple , Then change the great-grandson!

As the days go by, there is more and more momentum!

Hearing the suppressed laughter of the old man and Lin Shufang, Lu Mo's face became hotter, and he speeded up his gnawing.

Ye Qingqing rode a bicycle and rushed to the bus station. Mrs. Ye hadn't arrived yet. She waited at the exit with Ye Tong, and stretched her neck to look around.

(End of this chapter)

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