Chapter 150

The old lady was cooking in the kitchen, even though she was old, she had sharp eyes and ears, she could hear what Shen Yanhong said in the yard, and of course Ye Qingqing heard it too, and sneered secretly.

The widow is giving her eye drops again.

She was too stupid before, she couldn't see Shen Yanhong's snake heart, she really thought she was sincere to her!

"I called, do you have an opinion?" the old lady asked.

She was slightly shorter than Shen Yanhong, one was shriveled and thin, the other was plump and strong, but the aura of the old lady crushed Shen Yanhong into scum.

Shen Yanhong smiled apologetically, "Mom, are you here? Did Lan'er make you angry?"

The dead old woman beat her daughter as soon as she came, it must be intentional, talk to Ye Zhiguo at night, let the dead old woman live for a week at most, and let the dead old woman go out after a week!

"Your half-life loser, secretly reading shameless books at home, cuddling, kissing and touching... If you want a man, marry her as soon as possible, don't stay at home and embarrass our Ye family..."

Ye Lan in the yard was filled with shame and anger, the dead old woman shouted louder than thunder, neighbors heard that she wanted a man, how would she see people in the future?

"Grandma, that's a romance novel, many people read's not shameless..." Ye Lan defended.

The old lady rushed out and shouted: "We're all hugging and kissing, isn't it shameless? The atmosphere is different now? Men and women can kiss casually... you shameless little slut... our Ye family It's a well-behaved family, and I can't afford you, a slut..."

Ye Qingqing accompanied Ye Tong in the living room to watch the Dinosaur Game, listened to the old lady's national scolding, and then licked a sweet and cold white sugar popsicle, ouch... so pleasant!

"Sister, what is a slut?" Ye Tong has a strong thirst for knowledge.

"It''s Ye Lan."

Ye Qingqing fooled around casually, snatched the half-licked popsicle from Ye Tong's hand, and threw it to Pippi who was waiting at the side.

The old lady outside kept scolding, slut, slut, lazy... and other nouns were scolded one after another, without even being out of breath, Ye Qingqing could be regarded as having seen the old lady's former demeanor.

Legend has it that the old lady scolded the entire production team for being invincible, fearing everyone, and worrying about ghosts.

"It's a coquettish and lazy thing, you take so much medicine every day, you can hear the noise when you throw the money in the water, and you can't even hear the noise when you throw it on you little bastard, and you're too lazy to die. Knowing how to wash... Raising you is not as good as raising a pig..."

The loud curse of the old lady attracted the neighbors nearby. Everyone leaned against the gate of the courtyard, listening to the charming curse of the old lady, and shook their heads in unison.

The old lady of the Ye family is here, there will be a good show in the future!

Ye Lan was so ashamed and angry that she covered her face and wept. Shen Yanhong's heart ached like a knife, but she didn't dare to contradict the old lady. If she did, the dead old woman would definitely run to the alley to howl for an hour, and she would never have to see her again. people.

"Mum, if you have something to say in the room, Lan'er has done something wrong, I will definitely teach her a lesson, let's talk in the room." Ye Zhiguo's head grew dizzy.

He had already thought about the wonderful life after his old lady came, but he didn't expect that as soon as his old lady entered the house, she would put on such a big drama for him!

"You fool, I'll scold you later...Hmph!"

The old lady was tired of scolding, and she had to save face for her eldest son, so she temporarily let Ye Lan go, glared at Shen Yanhong, and went back to the kitchen like a proud old hen.

The kitchen is the most important battlefield for a woman, as long as she comes, Shen Yanhong will have nothing to do in the kitchen.

And her son loves her cooking the most, Shen Yanhong is a fart, get the hell out of here!

Tomorrow will continue, ask for tickets to collect, click on the five-star praise to check in, dear friends, don't bother, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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