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Chapter 151 Secrets Can Only Be Secrets

Chapter 151 Secrets Can Only Be Secrets

Seeing the old lady put out the flames of war, Ye Zhiguo breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and saw Ye Lan who was still crying, and Shen Yanhong who was helping with the laundry, couldn't help frowning, and shouted: "Let Lan'er do the laundry by herself, mother is right , such a big girl can't even wash her clothes, what does she look like!"

No matter how poor Ye Lan's health was, the clothes could always be washed, but Shen Yanhong was afraid of tiring her daughter, so she didn't let Ye Lan do any work, except for washing a few dishes.

He didn't bother to take care of it before, but now that his old lady doesn't like it, he naturally has to take care of it.

Shen Yanhong felt bitter in her heart, and argued, "Lan'er's hands are like this..."

Seeing the bruises on Ye Lan's hands, Ye Zhiguo softened his heart and lowered his voice, "Lan'er hold on, don't make your grandma angry."

Ye Lan nodded, "Well, I'll do the laundry, parents, please come into the house!"

Ye Zhiguo's eyes showed relief, he was still the eldest daughter who was sensible.

Shen Yanhong felt sorry for her daughter, and complained in a low voice, "Your mother beat Lan'er as soon as she came, and she will definitely do so again in the future. Lan'er is also her granddaughter, why does she..."

"Shut up, what's wrong with my mother hitting my granddaughter a few times, you're the only one who talks too much!"

Ye Zhiguo drank Shen Yanhong's complaints, and there was a warning in her eyes. Shen Yanhong was depressed, every time she was like this, she couldn't even talk about it, how long would she and the child have to endure it?

Obviously her Lan'er and Xiaohua are the Ye family members, why should they be ignored by the dead old woman?

"Others don't talk about it, but why can't your mother say it? Your mother won't dislike Lan'er and Xiaohua..." Shen Yanhong became more and more wronged as she thought about it. Not reconciled!

Ye Zhiguo's eyes turned cold, "If you dare to reveal a word in front of my mother, don't blame me for being rude!"

Shen Yanhong's back shivered, thinking of this man's ruthless heart, she hurriedly shook her head, "Don't say it... I definitely won't say it."

She doesn't want to end up like Xu Yali.

She still wants to enjoy herself!

Ye Zhiguo snorted softly, very satisfied with Shen Yanhong's submissiveness, he just likes obedient women, women who are against him... no matter how beautiful he is, he will not tolerate it!

You must never tell the old lady about the life experiences of the Ye Lan siblings. Knowing your mother, Mo Ruozi, his old lady is very talkative, and will spread anything about it. He should be filial to my old lady, but secrets must never be shared.

He is doing well in the factory now, and he is a party member. If there is a problem with his life style, his future will definitely be gone.

So... this secret must be kept forever.

He, Ye Zhiguo, is always an upright and decent comrade outside.

When Shen Yanhong entered the house, seeing the old lady occupying her territory, she felt even more panicked. What annoyed her most was that someone used her kitchen. The seasonings and tools in the kitchen were all arranged according to her habits. When the old woman came, everything was messed up.

Besides, she couldn't get used to the food cooked by the dead old woman, she was reluctant to add oil and put too much salt, she couldn't eat a single bite, and Lan Er and Xiao Hua didn't like it either.

Shen Yanhong knew that she definitely couldn't beat the old lady, so she had to find a way to coax Ye Zhiguo.

Seeing upset from below, Shen Yanhong simply went upstairs to see her son, but seeing the scar on Ye Hua's hand, and hearing Ye Hua cry, Shen Yanhong became even more angry, almost biting her teeth.

Damn girl, this is someone who has been found to support her and the fool!

But she underestimated this dead girl.

Shen Yanhong sneered, she will never let this dead girl be proud, the dead old woman will have to leave in a week at most!

Thank you for the 1000 reward for appreciating Li Meimei, thank you jly69 for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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