Chapter 156

Ye Qingqing didn't have time to come to Wushan Road these days, there was Mrs. Ye at home, and everyone's nerves were tense, especially Shen Yanhong's family of three. The old lady worked 24 hours a day, except for the eight hours of sleeping. Swearing the rest of the time.

Shen Yanhong scolded Ye Lan and Ye Hua when she was at work, and when Shen Yanhong went home, the three of them scolded together, sometimes she also scolded Ye Qingqing, but Ye Tong didn't scold at all.

Not only did he not scold, Ye Tong's quality of life improved significantly after the old lady came.

After the old lady came, she cooked three meals a day. Shen Yanhong was not even allowed to enter the kitchen door. The old lady's cooking skills were pretty good, comparable to Shen Yanhong's.

But... the old lady is a person who has experienced the disease, and she is more devout to food than to Bodhisattva.

The food on the table of the Ye family is still rich, with meat and vegetables, but... the amount is much less.

Ye Zhiguo looked at the countless pieces of meat on the plate. He didn't need to count carefully. He knew at a glance that there were ten pieces of meat in total, which were smaller than those cut by Shen Yanhong, and one piece of meat was not enough for him to take a bite.

Except for one plate of meat, the rest are vegetables, fried dried tofu with potherb mustard, garlic water spinach, loofah egg soup, a bowl of steamed stinky amaranth stalks, no more, no less five bowls.

"Mom, are you out of food?" Ye Zhiguo asked with a smile.

Mrs. Ye brought out a stack of bowls. Hearing this, she glared at her son, then gouged out fiercely at Shen Yanhong, and said in her native dialect, "Five bowls of vegetables are not enough? How much do you want to eat? In the old days... your piece of amaranth You have to eat a big bowl of rice, and now there are so many dishes, you are not satisfied..."

Ye Zhiguo's head was swollen and hurt, and he said helplessly, "Mom, I mean there is too little meat, and there are so many people in the family, it's not easy for everyone to eat a bite!"

"Two yuan for me, two yuan for you, two yuan for Qingqing, and four yuan for Xiaotong, which is just right." The old lady had already planned.

Ye Zhiguo looked stunned, and couldn't help but ask, "My wife and Xiaohua won't eat?"

"Your wife, if you feel bad, share with her. As for the two oil bottles, it's good to have food for them. Want to eat meat? If they can't eat them..."

Although the old lady and Ye Zhiguo spoke their hometown dialect, it was roughly the same as Pingjiang dialect. Shen Yanhong and Ye Lan could hear only half of it, and their faces were so ugly that they almost gritted their teeth.

It's okay to be scolded every day, but now that you don't even have to eat meat, what's the point of living like this?

Ye Qingqing was secretly happy, the old lady actually left her two yuan, the scolding these days was not in vain, and when she was in a better mood, Ye Qingqing didn't reject the stinky amaranth stalks on the table as much as before .

Ye Hua didn't understand, the injury on his back healed a bit, he went out to play around, he was already hungry, so he stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the meat.


The old lady stared with triangular eyes, slapped the rice spoon on Ye Hua's hand, and scolded fiercely: "You want to eat meat if you have no rules?"

Shen Yanhong's eyelids twitched one after another. She suppressed her anger and swallowed her anger and said, "Mom, Xiaohua is still growing, she needs to supplement her nutrition."

Dead old woman, she brought the meat back, so why not give it to her son!

The old lady laughed sinisterly, "It's good to feed your son. As long as we had enough to eat at that time, we would still be tall and big. It's not the same as Zhiguo's meat when he was a child. Big, mostly women like him!"

Ye Qingqing nodded in support, "Yes, I heard from Uncle Wang that there is an aunt in my father's factory, she really likes my father, she even knits knee pads for my father!"

(End of this chapter)

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