Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 157 The Popular Ye Zhiguo

Chapter 157 The Popular Ye Zhiguo

Ye Qingqing is not just talking nonsense. Although Ye Zhiguo is not well-educated, he is tall and handsome. He is now the chief of the security department, and he is also a cadre. He still rides a motorcycle to and from get off work every day. Riding a motorcycle at this time is worse than driving a Mercedes-Benz in later generations. scenery.

In addition, Ye Zhiguo lives in a high-end garden house. According to the standards of later generations, Ye Zhiguo is a middle-aged uncle with a car and a house and a successful career. He is most favored by beautiful girls.

Now Ye Zhiguo is also very popular in the factory, what Ye Qingqing said is true, Uncle Wang is also in the security department, has a good relationship with Ye Zhiguo, and often comes to Ye's house for dinner and drinks.

The matter of the knee pads was told by Uncle Wang in his previous life after drinking. It was a little widow in the warehouse of the factory who had a soft spot for Ye Zhiguo.

The old lady immediately became interested and asked Ye Qingqing what was going on.

"It's just a young aunt who likes Dad very much, younger and more beautiful than Aunt Shen." Ye Qingqing said with a smile, seeing Shen Yanhong's darker and darker face made her feel better.

If what she suspected about Ye Hua's background was true, it meant that Shen Yanhong and Ye Zhiguo had been unclear at least before Xu Yali became pregnant.

Whenever thinking of this possibility, Ye Qingqing's teeth itch with hatred, and she wished that Ye Zhiguo would now have an affair with other women, and let Shen Yanhong taste the heart-wrenching pain of being betrayed.

Ye Zhiguo glanced at Shen Yanhong's ugly face from the corner of his eyes, and scolded: "Don't listen to your uncle Wang's nonsense, where is the young aunt!"

In fact, he is very proud in his heart. A married man... can still be favored by women, which shows his own masculine charm, and Ye Zhiguo doesn't think it is troublesome.

On the contrary... He enjoyed this ambiguity very much.

Greatly satisfied his man's self-esteem.

And... his ambiguous partner is not the only one Ye Qingqing mentioned.

As the head of the security section of a large state-owned machinery factory, he has some power in his hands, his family background is good, he can get along well in front of the factory leaders, and he looks good... Ye Zhiguo is indeed very popular with a group of married women in the factory welcome.

There is even a lack of favor from some older young women.

Ye Zhiguo never refuses the olive branches thrown by the opposite sex.

But Ye Zhiguo is still clear-headed, he only enjoys ambiguity, and will not have any substantive relationship with these women. Shen Yanhong is no easier to deal with than Xu Yali, if Shen Yanhong is really pissed off, this woman will definitely risk everything and die together.

Both of them are not young anymore, it's better to live a stable life.

Although he is indeed a little tired of Shen Yanhong's body now, and he does less and less work at night every year.

Ye Qingqing snorted, "I'm not talking nonsense. Not only Uncle Wang said it, but Uncle Zhang also said it. There are many aunts in the factory who like Dad, and they are more popular than the unmarried Uncle Zhang!"

The corners of Ye Zhiguo's lips raised lightly, and he quickly pulled them down again, feeling extremely proud in his heart.

The old lady's eyes were piercing, and she could see through her son's true heart at a glance, and curled her lips, "Your father has a car and a house, is a cadre, and looks good. Even if he asks for a wife now, he can still marry a young girl."

Her son is definitely the best.

Although Xu Yali didn't like her, she was a city girl and a worker. She was good-looking and had money. She was hundreds of times better than Shen Yanhong, a coquettish widow. Dirty ass widow.

Shen Yanhong gritted her teeth, and suddenly sneered, "The house is green, and we all live here temporarily, Mom, don't you know?"

Do you really think that your son is number one in the world and everyone loves him?

If it weren't for the sake of these houses and property, she might not have married Ye Zhiguo back then!

(End of this chapter)

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