Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 158 A house cannot be used as a dowry

Chapter 158 A house cannot be used as a dowry

The old lady was stunned, and looked at Ye Zhiguo, "Isn't the house yours?"

Shen Yanhong felt a little happier, and deliberately said: "The house was left to Qingqing by Qingqing's mother, and the name on the real estate certificate is Qingqing. After Qingqing gets married, she will take the house with her, and we all have to move out."

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly smiled and said, "Mine belonged to my father and Xiaotong, and also to my grandma. Fortunately, my mother was smart at that time and didn't write my father's name, otherwise I don't know whose house it is now. It's over!"

She glanced at Shen Yanhong, and the old lady's thoughts were diverted again.

That's right... Fortunately, the former daughter-in-law was smart, and the widow Sao confused her son. If the real estate certificate was in the son's name and the widow Sao's name was added, wouldn't the Ye family's house be cheaper for outsiders!

"Mom Qingqing did the right thing, you can't be a shameless outsider." The old lady stared at Shen Yanhong and said, but she still felt wrong, and thought of a good way, "In the future, change the name to Xiaotong, and the house can't be used as a dowry !"

It is the most reliable to record it under the name of the grandson. Ye Qingqing is a loser, so the Lu family can't be cheap!

Ye Qingqing put four pieces of meat in Ye Tong's bowl, and another two pieces for herself and the old lady. There were only two lonely pieces of meat left on the plate. She smiled and said, "Grandma, wait for Xiaotong When I grow up, I will definitely change my name, but I can't change it now, maybe it will be cheaper for some outsider!"

Ye Zhiguo's eyes turned cold, but with a smile on his face, he said angrily: "You kid is talking nonsense again, we are all one family, why are you so clearly separated!"

"Xiaotong and I are a family, not with certain people." Ye Qingqing snorted, "Dad, if it weren't for your erratic stand and confused mind, how could I tell the difference so clearly? Luckily, grandma is clearer than you. .”

The old lady who was being flattered had a smug face, and Ye Qingqing was even more pleasing to the eye. She looked contemptuously at the gloomy Shen Yanhong family of three, and said to Ye Zhiguo: "Qingqing is clearer than you. Raising, raising a son for others, the older you get, the more confused you become!"

Shen Yanhong couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted, "Who says Xiao Hua is someone else..."

"Eat, Xiaohua, let's eat meat!"

Ye Zhiguo sternly drank Shen Yanhong, glared at Shen Yanhong fiercely, put the remaining two pieces of meat on the plate into Ye Hua's bowl, and turned his head to look at Shen Yanhong again. The cold eyes... made Shen Yanhong shudder.

She almost said it just now, if she really said it, how would Ye Zhihui treat her?

Will it be like what it did to Xu Yali?

Shen Yanhong shuddered shiveringly, not daring to look at Ye Zhiguo anymore, she lowered her head to eat, chewing the food in her mouth, but couldn't taste any taste.

The old lady gouged out Shen Yanhong's eyes, but she didn't curse anymore, but she was very dissatisfied with Ye Zhiguo's sharing all the meat with Ye Hua, so she took out another piece of meat from Ye Hua's bowl, and then picked up another piece of meat from Ye Qingqing's bowl. One piece of meat, Ye Zhiguo got two more pieces.

"Have a meal!"

The old lady drank majesticly, then bowed her head to eat, took a bite of meat, took a big mouthful of rice, and was not willing to finish a piece of meat in one bite, and the old lady was very satisfied just like this.

You can eat two pieces of meat for one meal, even the previous landlords did not have such a rich life!

How could the old lady have imagined that she could live a good life eating meat before she died!

Ye Zhiguo looked at the two pieces of meat in the bowl with mixed feelings in his heart. He really wanted to let the old lady know that the family conditions are good now, and he really doesn't have to live the life he used to pick and choose!

But the old lady will definitely not listen to it, she will scold him for having a good life, and forget the past hard days!

Tomorrow will continue, ask for a wave of tickets to collect, click on the five-star praise and check in, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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