Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 178 My Child Is Not Wild

Chapter 178 My Child Is Not Wild

After cursing a few words, Mrs. Ye sat on a chair and wept loudly, with ups and downs, just like singing a dirge at a funeral, which is very interesting.

"Mom, what are you doing, don't cry...others want to see jokes..."

Ye Zhiguo's head grew three times, full of helplessness, and very dissatisfied with Shen Yanhong.

After all, it's his old lady, even if it's overdone, just talk about it, how can you shake your face!

"Look at the jokes... I can't live anymore, and I'm afraid that others will read the jokes. You have found a wonderful wife..."

Mrs. Ye beat her chest and stamped her feet, with a look of lovelessness and tears.

Shen Yanhong was frying eggs expressionlessly in the kitchen, her face was gloomy like water, but her hands were methodical, and she fried four eggs.

She, Ye Zhiguo, and Ye Lan's siblings happened to be one by one.

Shen Yanhong came out with a plate containing four golden poached eggs, still expressionless, and divided the four eggs, Mrs. Ye, Ye Qingqing and Ye Tong did not share.

"What are you doing? Why only fry four?" Ye Zhiguo's face darkened.

"I don't want to fry it anymore, anyone who wants to eat it can fry it by himself."

Shen Yanhong replied angrily, and lowered her head to eat. At this moment, she didn't want to pretend to be a good wife and mother. She just wanted to vent her anger and let this dead old woman and that dead girl see that she is not without temper.

"Grandma, look, she finally showed her true colors!" Ye Qingqing was secretly happy.

Let the storm come harder!

It's good to be so noisy!

Ye Zhiguo's face darkened, and he reprimanded: "Qingqing...don't make a fuss!"

"Where is Qingqing wrong? Isn't your wife just showing her fox tail... Xiaotong can't bear it, and now even an old woman like me can't bear it. Divorce, and mother will marry you another big girl!"

Old Mrs. Ye pointed at Shen Yanhong and yelled, this kind of woman who doesn't lay eggs should be driven out as soon as possible, together with those two annoying oil bottles!

Based on her son's good conditions, she will definitely be able to find a big girl with big breasts and round buttocks, and give her a grandson.

Shen Yanhong replied angrily: "I gave birth to a son and a daughter, why can't I lay eggs? If you didn't do too much, I would make trouble?"

The old lady looked at her contemptuously, "The eggs you laid are wild, and you haven't had any after marrying in so long, so you still have the face to make trouble?"

"Who said my child is family..." Shen Yanhong blurted out, but was interrupted by Ye Zhiguo, "Shut up, it's endless, let's make some meat dishes!"

Seeing Ye Zhiguo's gloomy eyes, Shen Yanhong's back felt chills, as if a basin of ice water had been poured over her, she immediately calmed down, feeling a burst of fear in her heart.

How could she not hold back?

If Ye Zhiguo is offended... Will she be the same as Xu Yali...

The cold sweat on Shen Yanhong's back became more intense, and she obediently went to the kitchen to cook. Ye Lan, who was looking forward to it, was extremely disappointed. It was like this every time, and her father always interrupted her mother at critical moments.

Why is father unwilling to admit her and Ye Hua's identities?

If grandma knew the truth, she would definitely not call them a moron again, nor would she treat her as harshly as she is now!

Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Zhiguo suspiciously. Hearing Shen Yanhong's tone just now, she seemed to want to say that her child was either wild, or that she was a relative. What the hell... Could it be that Ye Hua is really Ye Zhiguo's seed?

This matter must be clarified, the paternity test should be possible now, Ye Qingqing couldn't figure it out, so she decided to go to the hospital to ask, if the test can be done, she can pull out the hair of Ye Hua and Ye Zhiguo to test it.

(End of this chapter)

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