Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 179 Making Wedding Dresses for Others

Chapter 179 Making Wedding Dresses for Others

Ye Zhiguo looked at Mrs. Ye, and said helplessly, "Mom, I will cook more meat in the future. Laner and Xiaohua are my children now, and they are treated the same as Qingqing Xiaotong. Our family will not eat all the meat." Sorry."

Mrs. Ye snorted softly, and gouged out Ye Lan's sister and brother fiercely, but she didn't object anymore.

She is very good at judging the situation and knows that Ye Zhiguo is already angry. If the quarrel continues and his son is pissed off, maybe Ye Zhiguo will send her back to the countryside. Hmph... In the future, there will be opportunities to clean up the widow's family!

"You can't eat poorly and dress poorly. It's not worth it to be poor forever. How can life be so easy? In the past, the rich man Zhou in our village couldn't eat meat every day. He could only eat some meat on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year..."

Although the old lady compromised, she was still unwilling to reconcile in her heart, babbling on and on, and gouging Ye Lan's sister and brother from time to time.

Rich man Zhou is the biggest rich man in Ye Zhiguo's hometown, and he is also a character that often appears in the old lady's mouth, because the old lady always uses this rich man as an example when talking about living.

Why does rich man Zhou have to eat a piece of fermented bean curd for a week, and rich man Zhou only adds a plate of scrambled eggs with leeks for his birthday, and he has to work in the fields by himself at the age of 60. Even at that time, half of the land in the township belonged to rich man Zhou.

In short... In the mouth of the old lady, rich man Zhou is synonymous with self-made, hard-working, thrifty, and also the idol of the old lady for life.

For the three Ye Zhiguo brothers, the rich man Zhou has heard the most since they were young, and he is also the idol forced by the old lady, so that the three of them should learn from the rich man Zhou.

But Ye Zhiguo had obvious differences with the old lady on this point.

He thinks that rich man Zhou is so stupid, he earned so much money, but lives so poorly, he can’t even bear to eat some meat, and the last piece of land was not left to his children and grandchildren, and it was all distributed to the villagers. Sleeping in the bullpen, the children and grandchildren can't even marry a daughter-in-law.

So... Ye Zhiguo believes that money must be earned and enjoyment must be enjoyed.

"Mom, Mr. Zhou doesn't eat when he has money, but he can't eat when he wants to eat later. He can't even fill his stomach. His children and grandchildren haven't turned over until now. Do you think he is aggrieved or aggrieved?" Ye Zhiguo retorted with a smile.

The old lady was stunned for a while, unable to hold back her old face, she said angrily, "That was not at that time... Who knew there would be land reform."

"Who knows what will happen in the future? You said that if rich man Zhou ate meat every day and wore gold and silver, he would have been unlucky, at least he would have enjoyed it. What happened... the furniture he earned from eating vegetables and tofu every day , it all belonged to someone else, and my family was divided into two acres of land!"

The more Ye Zhiguo thought about it, the more ridiculous he was. He worked hard all his life, but ended up making wedding dresses for others. He would not do such a stupid thing!

The old lady choked half to death, and kept gouging out her triangular eyes. Fortunately, it was her son. If it was someone else, the old lady would definitely scold him so much that he would not dare to go out for three days.

After being adjusted by Ye Zhiguo, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. Shen Yanhong quickly fried a few dishes of meat and brought them out. The old lady gouged out her eyes again, her heart ached like a knife, but she still gritted her teeth and said nothing.

The son has opinions, and she has to bear it.

Although the old lady didn't say anything, she expressed her dissatisfaction in her actions. She kept putting shredded pork from the dish into Ye Tong and Ye Qingqing's bowls, and asked them to eat more quickly.

Shen Yanhong gritted her back molars, and winked at Ye Lan and her siblings. The siblings understood, and they also stretched out their chopsticks. They were faster than the old lady, and rushed to eat the meat.

After several days of being vegetarian, not to mention Ye Hua, a carnivore, even Ye Lan couldn't stand it anymore, and just wanted to eat more meat.

Tomorrow will continue, I still have to be cheeky and continue to ask for tickets to collect, click on the five-star praise and check in, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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